Kafedra mudiri_ (fan nomzodi yoki ilmiy unvonga ega)
Buxgalteriya hisobi va statistika kafedrasi
About the department
The Department of Accounting and Statistics was established on the basis of the decision of the 1st Educational and Methodological Council of the Bukhara State University dated August 30, 2022.
Since September 5, 2022, Sunnatov Yusuf Usmonovich has been working as the head of the department based on the results of the competition.
In total, 22 professors and teachers work at the Department of Accounting and Statistics. 10 of them work in the main state, 12 work in the deputy. 4 full-time professors (40.0%) hold a degree, and 6 (60.0%) are staff members without a degree.
Directions and specializations taught by professors and teachers of the department (at the undergraduate level)
60410100 - Accounting and auditing (by branches and branches)
60410800 - Statistics (by branches and branches)
60410500 - Banking and audit (by branches and branches)
Scientific works defended by professors-teachers of the department:
Yu.U.Sunnatov - 08.00.08-Accounting, economic analysis and audit - Improving the analysis of the financial situation of economic entities.
S.O.Khomidov - 08.00.06 - Modeling trends in the development of industry (on the example of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
B. S. Isomov - 08.00.01 - Economic theory
Kuliev N.Kh. - 08.00.05 - Planning of economic processes
Scientific works performed by professors-teachers of the department:
AA Kadyrov - 08.00.17 - Organizational and economic aspects of the development of ecological tourism.
International cooperation of the department.
Bukhara State University has established international cooperation with Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov of the Russian Federation. Works S. O. Khomidov of the Department of Accounting and Statistics.
Achievements of students of the department.
Student Aminova Niginabonu Bahriddinovna is the winner of the Republican Olympiad in the specialty "Banking" 08/09/2021.
Student Shodiev Shohrukhan Shomurot - winner of the Republican Olympiad in "Accounting and Audit" 08/09/2021
Address of the department: Bukhara, M. Iqbal street, house 11, building 2, 3rd floor. Room 309