Yusufzoda Shabnami Yunus 13.00.02 – Defense of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in pedagogical sciences on the topic “Methodology of improving students' graphic skills in Uzbek language lessons” at the Bukhara State University, which grants scientific degrees DSc.03/04.06.2021.Fil.72.09. The digital one-time meeting of the Scientific Council will be held on January 6, 2025 at 2:00 p.m.
Address: 200118, Bukhara city, M.Iqbol street, 11. Bukhara State University, Small Assembly Hall.
Tel.: (99865) 221-29-14; fax: (99865) 221-57-27
e-mail: buxdu_rektor@buxdu.uz