Buzrukova Makhin Mukhamadkhanovna 10.00.06 – The defense of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philology (DSc) on the topic "Linguocultural characteristics of tourist discourse and translation pragmatics (in English, Russian and Uzbek languages)" in the specialty of comparative literature, contemporary linguistics and translation studies will be held at the meeting of the Academic Council under the Bukhara State University, DSc.03/04.06.2021.Fil.72.03, which awards scientific degrees, on January 18, 2025 at 09:00.
Address: 200118, Bukhara city, M.Iqbol street, 11. Bukhara State University, Main building, small meeting room
Tel.: (99865) 221-29-14; fax: (99865) 221-57-27
e-mail: buxdu_rektor@buxdu.uz