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Composition of an innovative group for the development of tourism and international relations


1.Ibragimov Nutfillo Salimovich - i.f.n., docent, group leader.
2. Khamroyev Halim Roziqovich - Head of the Department of Tourism, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Member.
3. Roziev Sobir Samatovich - Ph.D., docent, member.
4.Tojiyeva Sayyora - i.f.n., docent, member.
5. Azimov Otabek - teacher, member.
6. Khurramov Ortiq - teacher, member.
7. Djafarova Nigina - master's student, member.
8. Kurbanova Mohinur - a student of the master's degree, member.

The purpose of the innovation group for the development of tourism and international relations:

- Establishment of contacts with foreign electronic resources and translation of research results of young scientists into foreign languages, editing and review, assistance in publishing scientific articles in foreign electronic journals.

- Cooperation with organizations operating in the field of tourism, conducting marketing research on a bespoke basis, providing consulting services;

- Establishment of the use of tour operator services in the organization of national and international conferences: meeting participants, accommodation in hotels, provision of transport services, organization of cultural events (excursions, concerts, etc.);

- Preparation of innovative excursions on various topics and involvement of students in order to widely promote the rich ancient history of our city and to strengthen the sense of national pride and pride of university students;

- Assistance in organizing trips of university staff and students in cooperation with trade unions and tour operators.

Work plan of the innovative group for the development of tourism and international relations for the 2015-2016 academic year


Subject Date of completion


Establishing contacts with foreign electronic resources and assisting young scientists in publishing research results in foreign electronic journals.


During the academic year


Preparation of innovative excursions with students on various topics September, October, November 2015


Involvement of gifted students in innovative excursions February, March 2016


Assistance in organizing trips of university staff and students April, May 2016


Carrying out marketing research, delivery of consulting services on the order of organizations operating in the field of tourism.


During the academic year


Cooperation with tour operators in the organization of national conferences, providing participants with accommodation, meals and excursions.


During the academic year


Cooperation with tour operators in organizing international conferences


During the academic year


Group leader: N.S.Ibragimov