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Department of Sport Theory and Methodology

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buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

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Sport nazariyasi va metodikasi kafedrasi



Department of Sport Theory and Methodology


Information about the department of theory and methodology of sports.
In 1964, the department "Fundamentals of Physical Education and Gymnastics" was created at the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute, where A.K. Ataev, G.G. Krishovlikov, G.A. .Y.Yusupov, R.A. Khokhlova, H.R. Radjabov. In 1964-1983, the head of the department was Professor A.K. Ataev. In 1976-1984, the department "Fundamentals of Physical Education and Wrestling" was headed by Ph.D., Associate Professor I.I. Burnashev. From 1984 to 2008, under the guidance of the head of the department A.K. Ataev, the following professors-teachers worked: B. Bozorov, Sh.R. Vafoev, L.P.Shuliko, I.I.Ashurov, B.Ya.Fozilov, F.F.Kurbanov, Q.P.Arslonov, G.M.Salimov, I.T.Khamraev, R.K.Kadyrov, K.K.Kurbanov, Sh.D.Abdullaev, J.R.Juraev. In 2008-2012, the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education was headed by Ph.D., Associate Professor G.M. Salimov. In 2012-2019, the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture was headed by Associate Professor Arslanov K.P. In 2019 and to the present, the head of the department "Theory and Methods of Physical Culture" is Professor Shukurov R.S. 38 professors - teachers work at the department  K.P.Arslonov, G.M.Salimov, R.Kh.Kadirov, Sh.D.Abdullaev, J.R.Joraev, I.I.Saidov, Kh.N. Khakimov, A.Sh.Inoyatov, M.M.Turaev, F.B.Muzaffarova, A.T.Toshev, Z.Sh.Yusupova, L.A.Azimov, E.I.Slomov, N.M.Mukhitdinova, A.A.Afraimov, N.A.Munirov, G.M.Kramova, G.K.Kobilzhonov, S.T.Nematov, Yu.R.Abitova, E. and A.A.Mamanazarov, S.A.Saliev, T.A.Salikhov, D.Z.Safarov, S.B.Urokova, Yu.R.Yarashev, A.R.Nurullaev, N.E.Nazarova, D .H. Sadriddinova, S.S. Samadov, N. Sultanova, Sh. Namozov, M. Ibragimov.
In the period from 2019 to 2021, the following professors-teachers successfully defended doctoral (PhD and DSc) dissertations:
1.I.I. Saidov on April 16, 2019, specialty 13.00.04 - Theory and methods of physical education and sports.
2.A.Sh. Inoyatov January 18, 2020, specialty 13.00.04 - Theory and methods of physical education and sports.
3.H.N. Khakimov January 23, 2020 in the specialty "History of Pedagogical Education" (PhD), 13.00.01. Theory of Pedagogy.
4.F.B. Muzafarova September 2, 2021, specialty 13.00.01 Theory of Pedagogy Successfully defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the specialty (History of Pedagogical Teachings)...
In the period from 2019 to 2021, those who received the titles:
1.R.S. Shukurov in the specialty 13.00.04 - "Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sports" in 2021 received a professor.
2.Sh.D.Abdullaev. in specialty 13.00.04 - in 2021 when he received the title of associate professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sports.
3.G.M. Salimov. in specialty 13.00.04 - in 2020, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sports.
4.R.Kh.Kadyrov. in specialty 13.00.04 - in 2020, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sports.
In 2020-2021, 37 articles were published in scientific journals recognized by the Higher Attestation Commission, and 51 articles in foreign journals.
In 2019-2021, textbooks, teaching aids, teaching aids and monographs published by professors-teachers
Published textbooks:
1. R.Kh.Kadyrov. Scientific research of physical culture and sports activities "Bukhara publishing house" 2019.-272 p.
2.Shukurov R.S. Types of wrestling and methods of its training (wrestling Turan). Bukhara Durdona Publishing House 2020.
3.G'.M. Salimov. Theory of physical education and sports. Publishing house Bukhara. Durdona 2021. 276 p.
4.Inoyatov A.Sh. Theory and methods of physical education. Bukhara publishing house "Durdona" 2021 380 p.
5.Arslanov K.P. Theory and methodology of freestyle wrestling. Bukhara publishing house "Durdona" 2022 290 p.
6.Turaev M.M. Theory and methods of physical education. Bukhara publishing house "Kamolot" 2022. 276 p.
Published study guides:
1.Z.Sh. Yusupov. Types of struggle and methods of training. Bukhara Publishing House Durdon, 2019. 200 p.
2.N.I.Davronov. Organization and refereeing of sports competitions Bukhara, Durdona 2020. 240 p.
3.K.P. Arslonov. Types of wrestling and methods of its training (freestyle wrestling). Bukhara, Durdona 2020. 244 p.
4.M.M. Turaev Theory and methods of physical culture. Bukhara publishing house "Bukhoro - nashr" 2021, 220 pages.
5.Yu.R. Abitova, Ya.Z. Fayziev Theory and methods of swimming. Bukhara Sadriddin Salim Bukhari "Durdona" 2021, 208 pages
6.S.T. Nematov. Gymnastics and teaching methods. Publisher. Durdona 2021, 185 pages
7.L.A.Azimov. Types of wrestling and methods of its training (judo) 2020 Bukhara Durdona Publishing House 2021, 160 p.
8.Kurbanov Y.I. Theory and methodology of physical culture. Bukhara-Durdona Publishing House 2021, 168 p.
9. Shukurov R.S. Types of struggle and methods of training. Bukhara. Durdon Publishing 169 pp.
1.I.I. Saidov. Methods of improving the health of primary school students in physical education. Scientific and technical information press -2020 117 p.
2.Sh.Sh.Olimov., Kh.N.Khakimov. Integration of physical and spiritual and moral education Bukhara. Durdona Publishing House 2020,144 p.
3.Sh.J. Abdullaev. Pedagogical and psychological foundations for educating adolescents with difficult upbringing Bukhara Publishing house "Durdona" -2020, 184 p.
4.Inoyatov A.Sh. Methodology for creating individual health programs for the elderly Bukhara Durdona Publishing House 2020, 130 p.
Methodological aids:
1.A. Toshev, A. Makhmudov, M. Toshev. To determine the ability of schoolchildren to play chess. Innovative leadership. Bukhara-2021, 44 p.
2.Kravchuk V.I., Mamurov B.B., Kobilzhonov K.K. "Physical education and sport". 2020