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Department of Foreign Languages in Natural Sciences

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buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

Head of the Department

Xodjayeva Dilafro‘z Izatilloyevna

Filologiya fanlari bo‘yicha falsafa doktori (PhD)

Dushanba,Chorshanba,Juma 15.00-17.00

(0 365) 221-29-11

Buxoro shahar, M.Iqbol ko`chasi 11 uy


(+99890) 298-94-62

Department of Foreign Languages ​​in Natural Sciences


Department of Foreign Languages in Natural Sciences:
The department of interfaculty foreign languages is divided into two. The head of the department of foreign languages in natural sciences is the teacher of the department of English linguistics, PhD, D.I. Khodjaeva.
In the natural sciences, the Department of Foreign Languages teaches the following six faculties of the university in the bachelor's degree programs in Foreign Languages (English, German and French), Applied English and Applied Foreign Languages:
1. Faculty of Physics and Mathematics;
2. Faculty of Information Technology;
3. Faculty of Natural Sciences;
4. Faculty of Pedagogy;
5. Faculty of Physical Culture;
6. Faculty of Agronomy and Biotechnology.
In the 2021-2022 academic year, the Department of Foreign Languages has a total of 22 professors and teachers, 1 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in philology, 2 basic doctoral students, 3 independent researchers and 3  is a freelance researcher.  Members of the department conduct practical training in foreign languages (English, German, French) for bachelors, masters, part-time and second-year students of non-philological faculties of the university.