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Department of English Literature and Translation Studies

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Department of English Literature and Translation Studies


About the Department of English Literature:
At the 1st meeting of the Council of Bukhara State University on August 29, 2020 in accordance with the order 472-01-U 03.10.2020 "On changes in the structure of faculties and departments of the University" "English Literature"  was separated from the department, and was renamed the Department of "English Literature".
Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor OM Fayzulloyev was appointed head of the department (October 10, 2021).
Bachelor's degree: 5111400-Foreign language and literature (English)
Preparatory master's specialties: 5A120101-Literary Studies (English).
Research activity of the department: Head of the department O. M. Fayzulloyev.
On October 3, 2020, the Department of English Literature was established within the Faculty of Foreign Languages.  Currently, the department has 4 associate professors, 2 senior lecturers and 12 teachers.
At the initiative of the department in 2020, cooperation agreements were signed with the following foreign universities "Istanbul" and "Istanbul Commerce" in Turkey.
In 2021, at the initiative of the department, cooperation agreements were signed with Mc Gill University of Canada, Kutaya Dumli Pinar University of Turkey, Delhi University of India.
On December 7, 2021, associate professors O. Fayzulloyev and L. J. Jalilova took part in short-term training courses under the cooperation agreement signed with Kazan Federal University (Kazan Federal University).  In particular, according to the agreement between Bukhara State University and South Ural Humanitarian-Pedagogical University, the head of the department, associate professor O.M. Fayzulloyev, professor, associate professor L.J. Jalilova will give a 20-hour lecture on "English" at the Faculty of English Linguistics.  organized master classes on their skills.
Training of scientific and pedagogical staff on the basis of independent research.
Independent researcher of the department Ochilov Ulugbek Sayfullayevich A. Rector of Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after A. Navoi, Professor, Doctor of Philology Shukhrat Samaraddinovich Sirojiddinov  Linguistics and Literary Studies ”is a research project for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philology.  Niyazova Mohichehra Hayatovna is also conducting research on 10.00.06 - "Comparative Literature, Comparative Linguistics and Literary Studies" under the guidance of Professor D. Urayeva of Bukhara State University.
Working with gifted students:
Throughout the 2021 academic year, gifted students studying in the field of English literature education have been attached to their supervisors.  A list of gifted students majoring in English literature has been compiled and the number of students has reached 20.  Their supervisors and research direction have been identified.  The following competitions are open to students.
2nd year student Musaeva Aminabonu Republican scientific-practical conference "Issues of foreign philology, literature and translation studies."  Jizzax.  In the February 23, 2021 issue of Oliver Twist, the impact of social status on the lives of orphans and the 3rd Global Congress on Contemporary Sciences and Advancements USA.  In the April 2021 issue, she participated with an article entitled “Orphanhood in David Copperfield by Charles Dickens”.  SHe also received an IELTS certificate.
3rd year student Muhammadova Umida Akmal kizi. She is an active participant and delegate at the Creative Modern Youth and The Intelligent Youth Forums, and has published an article entitled Owners of Future.
3rd year student Khamidava Iroda Olimovna published 8 theses at the national level, 4 theses at the international level, articles in 8 journals under the auspices of the HAC.  Proceedings of the Republican online scientific-practical conference "The role of the heritage of Alisher Navoi in the spiritual development of mankind and the education of youth", Bukhara, February 5, 2021.  - B.  305-309.  “Spirituality” in Uzbek and English languages, International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies ISSN 2509-0119 Vol.  25. 2 march 2021, - P. 242-246 The role of metaphor in the formation of a linguistic picture of the world in Russian and English linguocultures, “Innovative cluster of primary education and digital education: need,  Proceedings of the Republican Scientific-Practical Conference "Necessity, Result", Bukhara, March 10, 2021.  - B. 94-96 Problems of translation of “spirituality” units in Uzbek and English dictionaries, Collection of materials of the international scientific-practical conference “International scientific forum of language, translation, literary criticism: modern approaches and prospects”.  Bukhara, March 26-27, 2021.  - B.  42-45.  Common and different aspects in a set of commentaries in dictionaries and semantic tags, a collection of national scientific-practical conferences on "Thinking and Interpretation".  Bukhara, May 27, 2021.  - B. 1453-1457 sonida Various definitions to the concept “spirituality”, International Journal on integrated education.  Volume4, Issue 6, June 2021. - P. 71-74 issue Synonym series, lexical-semantic group, lexical-semantic field terms: interpretations and comments, “Science and Society” scientific-methodical journal.  Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz, №2 2021.
Nabiyeva Nigora Ravshan qizi was born on August 6, 2001 in the city of Bukhara, Bukhara region.  He is currently a 2nd year student of Bukhara State University majoring in foreign languages ​​and literature.  In addition, Nigora, who has been active since her youth, improved her knowledge and skills as a volunteer at the Kamalak children's organization.  During her first year of study, Nigora was admitted to 5 higher education institutions and received an English Language Proficiency Certificate (IELETS 6).  He also took part in the competition "Na blago rodine" in the Russian Federation, took first place and traveled to the Russian Federation.  However, Nigora's achievements in sports are not limited to science.  For 7 years he was engaged in "Uzbek martial arts" and won the two-time "Champion of Uzbekistan" and became a black belt.  Now the Republican club "Kizlar ovozi" acts as the President of Bukhara region.
2nd year student Yahshiyeva Orzigul Proceedings of the International Scientific-Practical Conference "International Scientific Forum of Language, Translation, Literary Criticism: Modern Approaches and Prospects".  Bukhara, March 26-27, 2021.  - P. 42-45.  published an article entitled "Analysis of the translation of Hamlet's tragedy."
2nd year student Oromova Mehrangiz this year under the guidance of associate professor of English literature, candidate of philological sciences Niyazova Mohichehra Hayatovna, "Comparative analysis of Uzbek and English prayer poems", "English and Uzbek works of art for children  The main purpose of writing these articles is to study the similarities, differences and differences between English and Uzbek literature, to study it and to present the final conclusions to the public with open minds.  .
Scientific directions of the department: Professors of the department work on the basis of the teacher-student system in the following relevant areas of pedagogy:
1.The main directions of comparative literature
2.Problems of comparative literature.
Subjects taught at the department
Bachelor's degree

Local lore
Language Skills Integration (ITK)
Language Skills Integration (ONA)
Reading and Writing Practice (Reading)
Reading and Writing Practice (Written Speech)
Practice of language aspects (Communicative vocabulary)
Practice of language aspects (Discourse analysis)
Reading and Writing Practice (Reading)
Reading and Writing Practice (Written Speech)
Country studies
Methods of teaching special subjects
Methods of artistic analysis
Theory and practice of translation of fiction
The practice of working with literary sources