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Department of Uzbek linguistics and journalism

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  3. Department of Uzbek linguistics and journalism
buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

Kafedra mudir


Kafedra mudir_ (fan doktori va professor ilmiy unvonga ega)

O'zbek tilshunosligi va jurnalistika kafedrasi



Department of Uzbek linguistics and journalism


In 1930, a department of the Uzbek language and literature was established at the social faculty.
Until 1945, Abdurauf Fitrat, Miyonbuzruk Salikhov, Bakir Choponzoda, Kayum Karimov, Vahid Abdullaev, Murod Sharofiddinov, Marifat Kazizhonov and Pardaev taught at the department.
The department of the Uzbek language was founded in 1944. Initially, the department was headed by prof. Mustakim Mirzaev (1937-1977), later prof. Director Ergash Kilichev (1977-1982), and then Khamid Negmatov (1982-2004).
In the 2010-2011 academic year, the Department of Uzbek Literature and the Department of Uzbek Linguistics were merged and renamed the Department of Uzbek Philology. On January 11, 2017, the department of Uzbek philology began to work as a separate department of Uzbek linguistics and Uzbek literature.
The Department of Uzbek Linguistics employs about 30 doctors and 60 candidates of sciences. Currently there are 3 doctors, professors, 10 candidates of sciences, associate professors, 10 associate professors and 2 candidates of science.
Undergraduate Training
5120100 - Teaching of Philology and Languages (Uzbek)
Master training
5A120102 - Linguistics (Uzbek)
Research activities of the department
The department has a master's degree in 5A120102 - linguistics (Uzbek language) and 10.00.01 - Uzbek language.
Scientific directions of the department
a) scientific, comparative study of substrate morphology, interpretation of valence and syntactic devices;
b) the occurrence of linguistic phenomena is studied on a substationary basis (at the practical stage);
d) Improving onomastic networks.