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Department of Uzbek Literature

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buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

Kafedra mudir


Kafedra mudir_ (fan doktori va professor ilmiy unvonga ega)

O'zbek tili va adabiyoti kafedrasi


Department of uzbek literature


Department of Uzbek language and literature.  
It has been eighty-five years since the Department of Uzbek Literature was established at the University.  Although the Pedagogical Institute has been training Uzbek language and literature teachers for rural schools since the 1930s, Uzbek literature was initially part of the same department as the social sciences and humanities.  In 1933, due to the need for quality teaching of Uzbek language and literature at the Faculty of Social Sciences, it became necessary to create a separate department, which continued its activities until 1945, when the war ended.  In September 1945, two independent departments - Uzbek language and Uzbek literature - were established on the basis of this department.  Since then, during its 85-year history (1930-2015), the department has been recognized as a true scientific center throughout the country.  can be another shining example of recognition.
 In 2005 N.Afokova, D.Uraeva, in 2012 Sh.Ahmedova successfully defended their doctoral dissertations and received the degree of Doctor of Science.  They made a worthy contribution to the further development of the scientific potential of the department as a worthy follower of teachers.  Eshankulov and Sh. Hayitov successfully defended their doctoral dissertations, and now N. Bekova, M. Rajabova, Z. Amonova are on the verge of defending their doctoral dissertations.  In addition, N. Urakova, R. Rajabova received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, N. Kadyrova, H. Latipov, Z. Sohibova, S. Nurillaeva also received the degree of Doctor of Philology. submitted their work to the boards of defense to obtain the degree.  In the following years the department was headed by Sh.Davronova, N.Urakova, R.Rajabova, N.Kadirova, H.Latipov, G.Hojieva (may God bless them), N.Umurova, U.Turaeva, T.Rajabov, M Qudratova, L.Turaeva, R.Kadirova, Z.Saylieva work as worthy followers of teachers.
In 2016-2021, a number of tutorial, monographs and textbooks were created by professors and teachers of the department. 1.Tutorial.M.Juraev, D.Uraeva Textbook “Uzbek mythology” (2019).
2.Textbook: Akhmedova Sh.  “History of Uzbek Literary Criticism” (2018), D. Uraeva, (co-author D. Quvvatova) “Explanatory Dictionary of Terms of World Literature” (2019), “Happiness in Public Service” (co-author D. Quvvatova  ) (2017), “The use of folklore in the professional orientation of youth” (co-author O. Kadyrov) (2018), Rajabova MB, Amonova ZQ  “Navoi studies” (2021), D. Quvvatova, N. Rahimjanov, N. Urakova “Modern epic chrestomathy” (2021).
3.Monograph: Murodov G`.  "Man of Light" (2016), "Singer of Wonder and Sincerity" (2016), "My heart is the most charming book in the world" (2016), "Songs of the poet's heart" (2017).  Axmedova Sh.  “The Happiness of True Scholarship” (2016), “Letters and Literary Criticism” (2019), “Phenomenon Criticism” (2019), “Abdullah Qadiri’s World and Power Studies” (2020), “Said Ahmad’s Humorous Skills” (2020), d.  Uraeva Bukhara State University: a step to the centenary (co-author A.Tulaganov) (2016), “Semurg on the head of a wealthy statesman” (2017), “The world is bright for science” (2017), “Uzbek people  Parallelism in songs ”(2019),“ Uzbek Funerari traditions.  Classification and character of folklore of Uzbek lament traditions (2020).  ), “Comparative analysis of Masnaviyi ma'navi” translations ”(2020),“ Sources and world of themes of Boborahim Mashrab “Mabdai nur” (2020), D.Z.Rajabov “Structure of Uzbek folk songs: composition and imagery” monograph  (2018), Amonova Z “Literacy and artistic creation” (2017), “Literacy and Uzbek classical literature” (2019), N.Bekova “The wonder of understanding Navoi” (2017), Abdurahmon Tamkin Bukhari (2021), Sharipova  L. “Sharia and folklore” (2019), Akhmedova Sh.  “The Happiness of True Science” (2016), “Letters and Literary Criticism” (2019), “Phenomenon Criticism” (2019), “Abdullah Qadiri's World and Power Studies” (2020), “Said Ahmad’s Humorous Skills” (2020), Davronova Sh.  .  “Uzbek novels and Oriental literature of the independence period” (2020), Hayitov Sh.  Works such as “Echo of history in the manuscript” (2017), Urokova N. “Creative style and individuality in modern epics” (2021), G.Khojieva “Uzbek poetic drama” (2020) were published.
 Since 2009, the departments of Uzbek linguistics and Uzbek literature have merged, and in 2015-2020, the department was headed by Doctor of Philology, Professor Sh.N. Ahmedova.  From 2020, the department of Uzbek language and literature is headed by Doctor of Philology, H. Eshonkulov.