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Regulations on the Academic Council awarding the degree of Doctor of Science


 Regulations on the Academic Council awarding the degree of Doctor of Science

 I. General Rules

 II. Establish a scientific council to award the degree of Doctor of Science

 III. Organizes the work of the Academic Council, which awards the degree of Doctor of Science to do

 IV. Admission of the dissertation for defense in the Council

 V. Holding a meeting of the Council for the defense of the dissertation

 VI. The work of the secret ballot and counting commission

 VII. Consider the dissertation submitted by the HAC for further conclusions hold a board meeting at the exit

 VIII. When considering deprivation of academic degrees hold a board meeting

 IX. Meeting of the Board for consideration of the appeal (complaint) transfer

 X. Closing Rule


 This Regulation is based on the Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" (Bulletin of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1997, No. 9, Article 225) and "On the National Training Program" (Bulletin of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1997, 11  -12, Article 295) and the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 24, 2012 No PF-4456 "On further improvement of the system of training and certification of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel" (Collection of Legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2012  y., No. 30, Article 346), as well as in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 421 of September 9, 1992 (Collection of Resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1992, No. 9, Article 28) determines the order of formation and organization of the work of the Academic Council, acceptance and defense of dissertations.


 I. General Rules


 1. The following abbreviations and basic concepts are used in the Regulations on the Academic Council awarding the degree of Doctor of Science:

 HAC - Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

 Applicant - a person conducting research for an academic degree;

 Attestation - the implementation of appropriate measures at the stages of the process of training highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, namely, acceptance of qualifying examinations in organizations, approbation of dissertations at scientific seminars, defense of dissertations at the Academic Council for the degree of Doctor of Science and examination of dissertations  assessment of scientific level and novelty and quality of dissertation results;

 Attestation case - a set of documents related to the attestation of the applicant;

 Dissertation work - a scientific work in the form of a manuscript prepared on the basis of the published scientific works of the applicant;

 Dissertation abstract - a manuscript describing the main idea and conclusions of the dissertation, the author's contribution to the research, the degree of novelty and practical significance of the research results and their application;

 Examination - an assessment of the accuracy and novelty of the scientific results of the dissertation, the importance of the dissertation for theory and practice, compliance with the criteria for evaluating dissertations and compliance with the requirements of the Regulations of the HAC;

 Preliminary review (preliminary examination) - pre-defense examination of the dissertation;

 Scientific council for awarding the degree of Doctor of Science - the council for the defense of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science;

 One-time scientific council awarding the degree of Doctor of Science - a council formed separately for the defense of each dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science;

 Scientific seminar under the Academic Council for the degree of Doctor of Science - a seminar for the final and perfect preliminary examination of the dissertation;

 Dissertation defense - a public discussion of the scientific novelty of research results, the accuracy and validity of conclusions and recommendations, the importance of the dissertation for theory and practice, the author's contribution to science;

 Collective review - an additional conclusion on the consideration of the dissertation submitted by the HAC to the Academic Council, which awards the degree of Doctor of Science;

 Appeal - a written appeal against the decision.


 2. The scientific council awarding the degree of Doctor of Science (hereinafter referred to as the council) is the main link in the system of attestation of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel.


 3. The Council is responsible for the quality and impartiality of the examination of dissertations, the validity of its decisions, as well as ensuring high standards and rigor in the certification of scientific personnel.


 4. The organization of the council shall be responsible for the preparation of documents and attestation work for the defense of dissertations of applicants, as well as the payment of costs associated with the consideration and defense of dissertations.  These costs are not allowed to be covered by applicants.




 5. The Council has achieved recognized achievements in the relevant fields of fundamental and applied sciences and a high level of implementation of scientific research results, sufficient scientific potential in the relevant areas (at least two doctors of sciences), high-quality scientific and teaching staff,  as well as state and international grants in relevant fields, participating in the development of research projects (research projects based on economic contracts, etc.), as well as applicants, including those who have published scientific work abroad, constantly working in relevant fields. Leading postgraduate education with experience in organizing and conducting scientific seminars, national and international conferences, seminars, roundtables and other events are organized by the request of the HAC.

     The application must state the need for the establishment of a council at higher education and research institutions and the expediency of its establishment, as well as the obligation to finance the activities of the council.

      The application shall be accompanied by information about the members of the Board, an objective reference and their written consent and a list of scientific works for the last three years.


 6. On the basis of petitions of ministries, departments, the Academy of Sciences, an inter-organizational council may be established in higher education and research institutions.  The leadership and composition of the Interagency Council shall be approved by the HAC, taking into account the relevant requests.


 7. The Council for the Defense of Dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Science includes only doctors of science.  As an exception, a candidate of science may be appointed to the scientific secretary of the council.


 8. The Council may accept dissertations for defense in a maximum of four specialties or disciplines.

 The quantitative composition of the members of the Council shall be at least eleven.


 9. In order to receive the degree of Doctor of Science, the dissertation defense council must consist of at least five doctors of science in the relevant field of each specialty on the board.

 The board may also include experts close to the issues of specializations assigned to the board.

 The Council includes specialists who have published at least five scientific works (scientific articles, monographs, patents) in the last three years.

 One specialist is included in the board only in one specialty of one field of science and can be a member of no more than two boards.

 Members of the Board of the HAC and the expert councils of the HAC are not included in the board.

 Board members perform their duties on a community basis.


 10. The Chairman of the Council is appointed by the leading specialist-scientist of the Council, Doctor of Science HAC.

      Leading scientists-scientists, doctors of sciences on specialties of the council are appointed as vice-chairmen of the council.  In the absence of the Chairman of the Board, his duties shall be performed by the Deputy Chairman.

    The Scientific Secretary of the Council shall be a specialist in the specialty of the Council working in the staff of the higher education or research institution where the Council is being established.


 11. The composition of the Council shall be subsequently approved for a period of three years, subject to the renewal of at least 15 per cent of the quantitative composition annually.  The total period of continuous work in the Council shall not exceed two terms.  The term of office of the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Scientific Secretary of the Board shall not exceed three years.


 12. At the request of ministries, departments, the Academy of Sciences, interdisciplinary scientific and technical complexes and interdisciplinary state associations, the HAC may change the list of specialties of the council and replace the chairman of the council on the recommendation of the expert council of the HAC.  At the request of the head of the established higher education or research institution or the chairman of the council, the HAC shall make other minor changes in the composition of the council.  The petition must clearly state all the proposed changes and justify their necessity.  The application shall be accompanied by information about the newly admitted specialists, an objective reference and their written consent and a list of scientific works for the last three years.


 13. In the absence of a council on the specialty (specialties) or specialization of the dissertation, a one-time council may be established in the organization where the dissertation is conducted, subject to the requirements set out in paragraphs 4 and 5 of this Regulation.

 In such cases, the organization that conducted the dissertation, after the initial examination of the dissertation in the prescribed manner, requests the establishment of a one-time council and applies to the appropriate or closest to the dissertation specialty or the HAC.

      The petition must provide a guarantee for the financing of expenses related to the activities of the one-time council.


 14. In case of application of the dissertation organization to the council, the council in the prescribed manner conducts a preliminary examination of the dissertation and applies to the HAC with a presentation based on the need for a one-time defense.  The proposal is accompanied by proposals for the inclusion of additional members in the board and the necessary information, objective reference and their written consent and a list of scientific papers for the last three years, a dissertation and an abstract for consideration in the HAC.

      In order to conduct a one-time defense of the dissertation, the board must include at least five doctors of science in the field (science) related to this specialty (close specialty) with the right to vote decisively in each of the specialties or disciplines that are not in it.


 15. In case of application to the HAC, the organization where the dissertation work was performed, submits the relevant documents, dissertation work and abstract to the HAC.


 16. On the basis of the application of the organization or council where the dissertation work is carried out, the HAC conducts the examination of the submitted documents and the dissertation in the prescribed manner.

 If the results of the examination are positive, the HAC on the basis of the requirements of paragraphs 7-10 of this Regulation establishes a one-time council of scientists and specialists in the specialty (specialties) of the dissertation and the scientific seminar under it, approves them.  The HAC can recommend a leading organization and official opponents for the dissertation.

      In cases when it is not possible to establish a one-time council in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 9 of this Regulation, its composition shall be composed of scientists and specialists close to the problems of the dissertation specialty.


 17. In case of a negative conclusion of the expert council of the HAC on the dissertation, the application for the establishment of a one-time council is rejected and the shortcomings identified by the expert council on the dissertation.  The organization that carried out the work may re-examine the work and re-apply to the HAC or the existing council for the establishment of a one-time council, after the applicant has completely eliminated the shortcomings in the dissertation.  A re-application for the establishment of the Council may be submitted six months after the date of the negative decision of the expert council of the HAC.


 18. The one-time council carries out preliminary consideration, acceptance, defense of the dissertation in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation.






 19. The Council shall act expeditiously in an atmosphere of impartiality, openness and transparency, and shall publish its activities on its (organization's) website.  The Council should help to create the most favorable conditions for the defense of the prepared dissertation.  The applicant should be given the opportunity to get acquainted with all the materials related to the defense of his dissertation in the council, to receive qualified assistance from the heads of the council on all issues related to the defense.


 20. Only one defense or collective review may be held in one meeting of the Council, and only two meetings may be held during the day.  The Council may hold hearings in the form of sessions only with the permission of the HAC.


 21. When planning the sequence of dissertation defense, the council should consider the acceptance of dissertations from applicants from other organizations, as well as the fact that the dissertations submitted by the HAC for additional conclusions must be considered in the first place.


 22. The Council shall work under the direction of the HAC and shall use the official letterhead of the organization in which it operates and the seal with the State Emblem.  The leaders of the organization are responsible for creating the necessary conditions for the work of the council.


 23. In case of non-compliance with the requirements of the HAC, low-level dissertations were defended, two dissertations defended during the activities of the HAC were rejected by the HAC, the order of protection was violated or the heads of organizations and institutions did not provide the necessary conditions for the Council.  can end.


 24. The management of the Council shall report on the activities of the Council to the HAC and the higher organization that requested the establishment of the Council.

 The Council reports to the HAC by December 31 of each year on the work done during the year.




 25. The order of preliminary consideration of the dissertation in the council and the order of the scientific seminar under the council are determined by the "Regulations on the procedure for awarding the degree of  Doctor of Science".


 26. After receiving a positive conclusion of the scientific seminar under the Council, an expert commission consisting of three specialists in the specialty of the dissertation is formed from among the members of the Council.  The Council's expert commission should review the dissertation and its compliance with the specialties on which the dissertation is based, the conclusion of the Council on the completeness of the dissertation materials published by the author, as well as the appointment of the leading organization, official opponents of the dissertation.  and, if necessary, to make proposals for the addition of additional members to the Board.  Board members who are members of the seminar may also be included in the expert commission.


 27. The Council accepts dissertations for defense on the basis of the conclusions of the organization, the scientific seminar under the Council and the expert commission of the Council.

     If the dissertation work is carried out by the council and its seminar, then the dissertation is defended on the basis of the conclusions of the relevant laboratory, department, department or interdepartmental, inter laboratory joint scientific seminar and the scientific seminar and expert commission of the council.


 28. The powers of the meeting of the Council are determined in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 35 of this Regulation.

 The decision of the Board to accept the dissertation for defense shall be deemed acceptable if it is supported by a majority of the members of the Board present at the meeting by open voting.


 29. If the Council decides to accept the dissertation for defense, the expert commission shall propose a draft conclusion of the dissertation council.

      Following the decision of the Council to accept the dissertation for defense, it approves the leading organization and official opponents and, in accordance with the established procedure, submits the relevant documents to the HAC for publication on the HAC website.


 30. The Chairman of the Board shall authorize the publication of the abstract in manuscript right after the announcement of the defense on the website of the HAC and set a date for the defense.  Then, the full text of the abstract will be posted in PDF format on the website of the Council and the information resource portal ZiyoNET, and its electronic version will be sent to major information and resource institutions and research organizations in developed countries.

    The announcement will also be published in the HAC Bulletin.

 The protection must be carried out within three months after the announcement of the protection on the website of the HAC.  The Board of the HAC decides on the issue of allowing the defense to be carried out without ensuring compliance with this requirement by the Council.


 31. The address, date and time of the defense shall be announced at least one month before the defense by distributing the abstract on the list approved by the HAC, an additional list approved by the council, as well as in one of the republican newspapers and on the council's website.

      The abstract is submitted to the members of the council and the scientific secretary of the council in person by the scientific secretary of the council, along with a letter of observation to the official opponents and the leading organization.  The abstract approved by the HAC is sent to the organizations subject to distribution, as well as to other recipients on the list approved by the Board by post (post).

      Board members must get acquainted in detail with the abstract and the dissertation stored in the library of the organization in which the council operates.  Members of the Dissertation Council may submit a review of the dissertation on the abstract.


 32. The dissertation is not accepted for defense if the main results of the dissertation are not published in full or the requirements of the "Regulations on the procedure for awarding the degree of Doctor of Science" are not met.  In such cases, the applicant is returned an extract from the minutes of the meeting, indicating the reasons for rejection of the dissertation, and all the materials submitted by him to the board.

      In case of negative reviews and conclusions on the dissertation, the council may consider the issue of acceptance of the dissertation for defense, taking into account the degree to which their impartiality is justified.




 33. In the defense of the dissertation, the meeting of the Board is chaired by the Chairman, and in his absence, chaired by the Deputy Chairman.

      The Chairman of the Board (Deputy Chairman), whose scientific secretary is a consultant, may not act as chairman, scientific secretary at the meeting of the Board, where the dissertation of the applicant is considered.  If the chairman of the board and his deputy cannot chair the meeting, a member of the board shall be appointed as the chairman of the board for that meeting.  His appointment is formalized by the order of the head of the higher education or research institution.

      In the absence of the Academic Secretary of the Council or for any other reason, his duties shall be entrusted to one of the members of the Council by the order of the head of the higher education or research institution, indicating the deadlines (not to exceed two months).

     A board meeting shall not be held without the chairman, deputy chairman and scientific secretary at the same time.


 34. Prior to the opening of the meeting of the Council, the draft conclusions of the previously formed expert commission in accordance with the procedure established by Chapter IV of this Regulation shall be distributed to the members of the Council.


 35. A meeting of the Council is valid only if at least two thirds of the members of the Council participate in its work, if at least three doctors of sciences in each specialty of the defended dissertation.

      The direct participation of the members of the Council in the meeting (indicating their specialization and academic degree in the Council) should be noted in the transcript of the meeting.


 36. After the opening of the meeting of the Council, the chairman announces the defense of the dissertation, announces the topic of the dissertation, the names of official opponents and the name of the leading organization.  The floor is then given to the Academic Secretary, who provides information on the main content of the documents submitted by the applicant and their compliance with the established requirements.


 37. The applicant describes the essence and main points of the dissertation, answers oral and written questions.  The floor is then given to the consultant, followed by the results of the dissertation work and the applicant's affiliation to the higher education or research institution and the scientific seminar under the council, the review of the leading organization, the dissertation and other reviews submitted to the council.

 If there are many positive reviews of the dissertation and abstract, the academic secretary, with the consent of the members of the board, will briefly state the views expressed instead of reading them.  Negative reviews will be read out in full.

      After the reviews are read, the candidate is given the floor to respond to them.


 38. The official opponents then speak, answering the oral and written questions given to them.  After the speech of each of them, the candidate takes the floor to answer.

      All members of the Board and those present at the meeting have the right to participate in the scientific discussion of the dissertation.

      At the end of the discussion, the candidate will be given the final word.


 39. After the closing speech of the applicant, the Council shall proceed to a secret ballot on the issue of awarding a degree in accordance with the procedure established by Chapter VI of this Regulation.  Voting is by ballot.  If at least two-thirds of the members of the Council present at the meeting and having a decisive vote in favor, the Council shall make a positive decision on the award of an academic degree.


 40. After approval of the minutes of the Accounts Commission, the draft conclusion of the Board is discussed.  In the event of a positive decision on the award of a degree, the council will make a decision on the dissertation.  The draft summary reflects the most important scientific results achieved by the applicant, their accuracy and novelty, the importance of the dissertation for theory and practice, recommendations for the use of dissertation research results and the requirements of paragraph 13 of the Regulations on the procedure for awarding the degree which one is shown.  In the event of a negative decision on the award of a degree, the conclusion will not be accepted.

      The text of the conclusion shall be adopted by a majority vote of the members of the Board present at the meeting by open voting.


 41. Recommendations developed by the candidate for a degree are discussed and approved on the basis of documents confirming the application of the results of the dissertation in practice (science, technology, health, social and humanitarian and other sectors of the economy).

 This concludes the council meeting.




 42. The Counting Commission (at least three persons) shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting of the Board and having a decisive vote on the basis of open voting before the secret ballot.

 In a secret ballot, only those members of the council who have a decisive vote shall be present at the meeting, to whom the counting commission shall issue the ballots prepared after the closing speech of the candidate on the basis of the minutes.

       Board members who are late for the defense of the dissertation or leave before the end of the defense will not be taken into account in determining the quorum and will not participate in a secret ballot.

      An applicant defending a dissertation on the board of which he is a member shall not take part in the voting on the results of his defense and shall not be included in the list of members of the board at this meeting.

 The voter deletes the words he or she deems unnecessary in the “Voting Results” column and throws the ballot in a sealed box.


 43. At the end of voting, the members of the counting commission open the ballot box, count the ballots and draw up a protocol on the results of voting.

      Undistributed ballot papers shall be marked before the secret ballot, left in the counting commission and recorded in the minutes.  Ballot papers that do not allow to determine the opinion of the members of the council who took part in the voting shall be considered invalid and this shall be recorded in the minutes of the commission.

      After drawing up the protocol on the results of voting, the counting commission shall seal all ballot papers and attach them to its protocol.

 44. The Council shall approve the minutes of the Accounts Commission on the basis of open voting by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Council who took part in the secret ballot.

      If the minutes of the Accounts Commission are not approved, the discussion of the dissertation will be continued or postponed to another day.

      The Accounts Commission prepares new ballots and the board again conducts a secret ballot.

      The issue of non-approval of the minutes of the Accounts Commission can be considered by the Board only in case of defense of the dissertation or violation of the procedure of the Accounts Commission.




 45. After receiving the dissertation submitted by the HAC for additional conclusions, it is considered by the Board within two months.  Before considering the dissertation, the Council instructs a commission consisting of three members to review the candidate's dissertation and, if necessary, the critical views expressed in the previous stages of the examination, and to submit to the council a draft conclusion on the dissertation.

      The candidate shall be invited to the meeting of the Council, who must be informed in advance of the conclusion of the commission.  The meeting may be attended by former opponents of the candidate, representatives of the leading organization and, if necessary, other persons invited by the council.  The presence of the members of the Council (indicating their specialties) should be reflected in the transcript of the meeting.


 46. ​​At the opening of the meeting of the Council, the chairman on the basis of the record sheet informs the members of the Council on the powers of the meeting (paragraph 35 of this Regulation).

      After opening the meeting, the chairman announces the consideration of the candidate's dissertation submitted for additional conclusion, indicating the topic of the dissertation, the council where the dissertation was defended, the names of official opponents and the leading organization.

      The Academic Secretary will then be given the floor, informing the applicant about the critical views expressed in the earlier stages of the dissertation examination.

      The applicant describes the essence and main points of the dissertation.  The applicant can then be asked oral or written questions.

      The discussion begins with a speech by one of the members of the commission, who was instructed to get acquainted with the critical views expressed in the earlier stages of the dissertation and examination.  Everyone present at the meeting of the Council has the right to speak in the discussion.  At the end of the discussion, the candidate will be given the final word.


 47. Upon completion of the discussion, the Council shall hold a secret ballot on the issue of compliance of the dissertation with the requirements of paragraph 13 of the "Regulations on the procedure for awarding the degree of Doctor of Science" in accordance with Chapter VI of this Regulation.  Voting is by ballot.  The decision of the Board shall be considered positive if at least two-thirds of the members present at the meeting of the Board voted in favor.


 48. After approval of the minutes of the Accounts Commission, the Board by open ballot adopts the text of the additional conclusion by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Board, which meets or meets the requirements of paragraph 13 of the Regulations on  is displayed.

      The text of the additional conclusion will be notified to the applicant after approval.  This concludes the council meeting.


 49. The transcript and the text of the additional conclusion, indicating the results of the secret ballot and signed by the Chairman and Scientific Secretary of the Board, together with the candidate's dissertation, shall be sent to the HAC within three weeks.




 50. In accordance with the Regulations on the Procedure for Awarding a Doctor of Science, the Council shall instruct a commission of at least five members consisting of its members to verify their validity.  If necessary, appropriate inquiries are sent through the administration of the higher education or research institution where the council operates.

 The Commission shall issue a conclusion on the results of the inspection and submit it to the Board for consideration.

      The council must review the materials prepared by the commission within a month.


 51. Meetings of the Council are usually held in the presence of the person deprived of the academic degree, and he is notified at least ten working days before the meeting.

      If the summoned person does not come to the meeting without good reason, refuses to attend the meeting or it is impossible to convene the meeting, the council shall decide to hold the meeting without his participation.  If the person notifies in advance that he / she is unable to attend the meeting due to valid reasons, the meeting of the council shall be postponed to another day (another time).


 52. At the opening of the meeting, the Chairman of the Council shall inform the members of the Council about the powers of the meeting (paragraph 35 of this Regulation) and announce the consideration of the issue of deprivation of academic degrees.  After that, a member of the commission of the council will make a report.  At the end of the lecture, the floor is given to the person deprived of the academic degree, after which all those present at the board meeting have the right to speak.


 53. After the discussion, the Council shall hold a secret ballot on the issue of deprivation of an academic degree in accordance with the procedure established by Chapter VI of this Regulation.  Voting is by ballot.  The decision of the Council to deprive a student of his / her academic degree shall be deemed adopted if at least two-thirds of the members of the Council present at the meeting vote in favor.


 54. After approval of the minutes of the Accounts Commission, the Council shall adopt the text of the decision based on the results of the secret ballot by a simple majority of votes of the members present at the meeting.  there must be a conclusion as to whether or not there is.

 The results of the secret ballot and the text of the decision of the council shall be communicated to the person on whom the issue of deprivation of the academic degree is raised.


 55. If the council decides to deprive a person of the academic degree, the transcript of the meeting signed by the chairman and scientific secretary of the council and the text of the decision indicating the results of secret ballot shall be sent to the HAC within three weeks.  These materials are also sent to the HAC in cases where the HAC has instructed the council to consider the issue of deprivation of a degree.




 56. Upon receipt of an appeal (complaint) against the decision of the Council, the Chairman of the Council instructs at least five members of the commission to review the necessary materials and prepare a draft decision of the Council on the appeal.  If the appeal is filed against the positive decision of the Board on the issue of awarding a degree, the Chairman of the Board shall notify the HAC within a week.

      The appeal should be considered by the council within a month, and if necessary, an extraordinary meeting should be held.


 57. The author (authors) of the appeal, the applicant and other persons directly involved in the nature of the issues raised, in the opinion of the Board, shall be notified at least five working days before the meeting and invited to the meeting.  If the author of the appeal fails to appear for a valid reason, the board meeting shall be rescheduled.  In the event that the author of the appeal does not appear at the meeting of the council without a valid reason, the meeting may be held without his participation.


 58. At the opening of the meeting, the Chairman of the Council shall inform the members of the Council of the powers of the meeting (paragraph 35 of this Regulation).

 The presence of the members of the Council (as specified in their specialties) at the meeting should be reflected in the transcript of the meeting.

 The Chairman of the Board shall announce the consideration of the appeal received after the opening of the meeting and give the floor to the Scientific Secretary to read it.  The member of the commission will then read out the results of his work and the draft conclusion of the council on appeals.

 After that, all those present at the council meeting have the right to speak.


 59. Upon completion of the discussion, the Board shall adopt an opinion on the appeal by a majority of at least two-thirds of the members of the Board present and voting by secret ballot.

 The transcript signed by the Chairman and Scientific Secretary of the Council and the text of the conclusion on the results of voting on the appeal, together with the appeal, shall be sent to the HAC within ten working days after the meeting.




 60. All explanations on this Regulation are provided in the manner prescribed by the Board of the HAC.