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Regulations on the procedure for conducting qualifying examinations


Regulations on the procedure for conducting qualifying examinations.

      This Regulation is in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 24, 2012 No PD-4456 "On further improvement of the system of training and certification of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel" (Collection of Legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2012, No 30, 346- article) and in accordance with the "Regulations on the procedure for awarding the degree of Doctor of Science" determines the content and procedure for conducting qualifying examinations, which must be submitted by candidates for the degree of Doctor of Science.
1. Qualification examinations are an important part of attestation of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel.  Applicants for the degree of  Doctor of Science must pass the relevant qualifying examinations.
 2. Qualification examinations for citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan shall be conducted in accordance with the topic "Modern history of Uzbekistan", "Foreign language" and dissertation on the specialty, as well as on the disciplines specified in paragraphs 4-7 of this Regulation.  These exams are passed on the basis of programs developed by leading higher education and research institutions and approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter - the HAC RK).
    For applicants in the field of exact and natural sciences, the qualifying examination program on the subject "Recent History of Uzbekistan" includes a block of questions on the subject "Economic, socio-political, spiritual foundations and scientific foundations of the ideology of independence and building a democratic society.
   Applicants for a doctoral degree with a certificate of foreign language proficiency (IELTS score of 5.0, TOEFL score of 67 or equivalent) are exempt from taking the foreign language exam.
3. Qualification examinations for foreign citizens are conducted in accordance with the topic of the dissertation.
4. Candidates for academic degrees in the field of social sciences and humanities must also pass a special exam on "Economic, socio-political, spiritual foundations and scientific foundations of the ideology of independence and building a democratic society."
    This special exam is held in accordance with a special procedure approved by the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
5. Candidates for scientific degrees in the field of exact and natural sciences, as well as medical, economic and pedagogical sciences must also pass a qualifying examination in the subject "Fundamentals of Mathematical Modeling and Mathematical Statistics".
6. Applicants for the degree of Doctor of Economics must also pass a qualifying examination in economic theory.
    To obtain the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, applicants must pass a qualifying exam in the subject "General Pedagogy, Pedagogy and History of Education."
7. An exam in English, French or German may be taken as a foreign language.  In cases where knowledge of another foreign language is required to complete the dissertation, the qualifying examination may be taken in that language in agreement with the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
   To obtain the degree of Doctor of Philology in the field of foreign languages, applicants must pass a qualifying examination in the second foreign language.
8. If the field of higher education or candidate's dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science does not correspond to the direction of the field of the dissertation, an additional qualifying examination in the general science applied to the field, namely, the subject that covers the main content and general methodological and theoretical problems  (or exams).  The exams to be taken are determined by the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
9. In cases where the field of higher education of the applicant is radically different from the field of the dissertation, the qualifying examinations for the specialty are determined by the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
    Examinations in additional general subjects are passed on the basis of programs approved by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the leading higher education institution specializing in a particular field of science.|
10. The right to take qualifying examinations is granted to higher education and research institutions that have scientific and organizational structures (departments, divisions, laboratories) in the relevant fields and have sufficient scientific and scientific-pedagogical potential, as well as the appropriate material and technical base is given by HA
      Higher education and research institutions that have the right to take the qualifying exams must also take these exams from applicants from other organizations that do not have the right to take the exam.
11. Qualification examinations in the specialty are accepted by the commissions for the qualification examinations at the organizations where the councils for the defense of dissertations operate.
      The examination in the specialty determines the level of theoretical and professional training of the applicant, the history of its formation and development, general concepts and methodological issues, sources, the main theoretical and practical problems of this field of knowledge, the degree of knowledge of the available material, including its scientific literature, for instance, foreign periodicals as well as modern methods of scientific research.
 12. The exam on the specialty is passed in two parts: the standard program-minimum approved by the HAC RK and the additional program approved by the Academic Council of the higher education institution (faculty), research institution, developed by the relevant department (department, laboratory).
      The additional program should include new sections of the field of science, as well as sections related to the direction of the applicant's research, as well as take into account the achievements in this field of science and the latest literature.  In this part of the examination program in the specialty, the applicant must indicate the current state, problems and prospects of development of the relevant field of science, the role, novelty and importance of their research.
 13. Qualification examination commissions are formed by the head of the higher education or research institution in each subject for a period of one year in agreement with the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan.  The commission consists of five to seven members, including qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff with an academic degree, including a chairman with a doctoral degree in the same field.  In addition to the chairman of the commission, at least two members of the commission must have a doctorate.
 14. The commission for the admission of qualifying examinations in a foreign language consists of five to seven members, including teachers of foreign language departments (at least two of whom must have an academic degree), including a candidate with a doctoral degree in the specialty and fluent in the relevant foreign language for a period of one year in agreement with the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
 15. Qualification examination commissions have the right to take the examination if at least four of its members, including a doctor of sciences, are present.
 16. The list of candidates shall be formalized by an order and announced to the public.  The order must clearly indicate the place and time of the qualifying examination.
17. Qualifying examinations are held in the form of sessions three times a year: in February, May and November according to the established plan
       During one session, an applicant is allowed to take a maximum of two qualifying exams.
      The issue of passing the qualifying exams externally during the session is decided by the institution that hosts the qualifying exam.
 18. Five days before the qualifying exam, the institution taking the exam must send a list of candidates, information about the time, place and composition of the exam, along with a letter of observation to the CEC of the Republic of Uzbekistan
      It is prohibited to take qualifying exams without notifying the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
 19. Qualification examinations may be attended by members of the relevant council of the institution where the examination is conducted, the director of the institution (rector, head), deputy director (vice-rector, deputy head) representatives of the ministry or agency subordinate to the institution.
 20. The HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan may send its representatives to participate in and supervise the qualifying examinations.  In case of improper conduct of qualifying examinations, the HAC of the Republic of  Uzbekistan cancels the exam results.
 21. Qualifying examinations may be conducted in written and oral forms on the ticket.  The applicant uses exam sheets to prepare the answer.  Exam sheets are kept for one year after the exam.
     The applicant will answer the questions on the ticket in front of the members of the examination commission.  The members of the examination commission have the right to ask the applicant additional questions on the subject on which the examination is taken.  Based on the results of the examination, each member of the commission shall inform the chairman of the commission of his assessment.  The chairman of the commission calculates the total score arithmetically.
 22. The level of knowledge of the applicant is evaluated in whole numbers on a 100-point scale.  In this case, the evaluation will be in the form of "excellent" (86 - 100), "good" (71 - 85), "satisfactory" (55 - 70) and "unsatisfactory" (0 - 54)
     When taking a qualifying exam in a specialty, a positive assessment is given only if the applicant demonstrates strong, in-depth knowledge within the program-minimum.
 23. Qualification examination protocol is completed for each applicant, which contains the examination questions given to the applicant.
      The minutes of the qualifying examination shall be signed by the members of the commission who took part in the examination, indicating their academic level, academic title and specialization in accordance with the list of specialties of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel.
      The protocol of the qualifying examination is approved by the head of the institution and stored in the place where the qualifying examinations are held.
 24. A certificate of passing each qualifying exam is issued.
        The certificate of passing the qualifying examination shall not lose its validity for five years.  The defense of the candidate's dissertation must be held within the validity period of the certificate of passing the qualifying examinations.
 25. If the applicant does not come to the exam for a valid reason, with the permission of the head of the institution may be allowed to take the exam during the current session, notifying the HAC RK in the prescribed manner
      It is not allowed to retake the qualifying exam during one session.
 The applicant has the right to appeal against the decision of the qualifying examination commission to the head of the institution during the current session.  The decision of the head of the institution is final.
 26. Rectors of higher education institutions, heads of research institutions and their deputies (vice-rectors) are not allowed to take qualifying exams at their main workplaces.
 27. The head of the institution conducting the examination and the chairman of the examination commission are responsible for compliance with the requirements for the qualifying examinations.
 28. The work of the Qualification Examination Commission is supervised by the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the management of the institution conducting the examination.
 29. Institutions authorized to take the qualifying examinations must report the results of the examinations to the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan once a year in December.