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Aminov Nemat


Aminov Nemat (born July 17, 1937 in Romitan district of Bukhara region) is a comic writer. People's Writer of Uzbekistan (1992). He graduated from the Bukhara Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of History and Philology (1959). Editor and Editor-in-Chief of the Regional Radio Broadcasting Committee (1961-73), Executive Secretary and Editor-in-Chief of Mushtum Magazine. (1973-1995), Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Shark Yudduzi (1989-1991), Head of the Republican Public Center for Spirituality and Enlightenment (1995-1999).

The first collection of comics, Double Paid, was published in 1966. Then he wrote "Forty, the third pochcha" (1970), "Labikhovuz khandalari" (1973), "Song of plane trees" (1984), "Shoulderless wrestler" (1986), "Thief kitten" ( 1987), "Laughter" (1987), "Yallama-yorim" (1988), "Tales of Cholbola" (1990) and comics. From 1976 to 1983, he wrote the comic book "From the Life of Bashirjon Zaynishev, a False Angel or Elvizak Verb and Water Client" based on the short stories "Elvizak" and "Suvarak". Aminov's humorous work is distinguished by its richness of national colors. His populism is reflected in The Story of a Century (1996). Based on a series of stories and proverbs he heard from his father, Aminov created a wonderful image of a wise Orientalist. Aminov's works have been translated into several foreign languages. He was awarded the Order of Labor Glory (1999).

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