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Mustaqim Mirzayevich Mirzayev


Mustaqim Mirzayevich Mirzayev (1912 - Bukhara - 1990.21.10) - linguist. Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan (1975). Filol. doctor of sciences (1965), professor (1966). Graduated from Bukhara Pedagogical Institute (1939). From that year he was a teacher of the Uzbek language department of the institute, head of the department (1944). M. dealt with modern Uzbek language and its teaching methods, lexicology, dialectology, comparative typology of Uzbek and Russian languages. He is the author of "Modern Uzbek Literary Language. Collection of Exercises" (1958, 1963, 1968), "Comparative Grammar of Uzbek and Russian Languages" (co-authored, 1965), "Uzbek Language" (co-authored, 1970).