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Today's BuxDU


Bukhara Sharif, called "the peer of Rome" and "the Paris of the East" in historical records, has been famous in the world as one of the centers of secular and religious sciences. In September 1930, the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute was established on this ground. In the early years of independence, more precisely, it was granted the status of a university based on the Decree of the President No. PF-356 of February 28, 1992 and the Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 125 of March 11, 1992. Today, this higher educational institution is celebrating its 85th anniversary.
Bukhara State University is one of the first higher educational institutions in our republic. Initially, 17 pedagogues-employees worked in it, and now the number of pedagogues-employees is 489. Until the years of independence, this educational institution, which was developed only by teachers as a pedagogical institute, received the status of a university in 1992, and its possibilities expanded even more. In 1990-91, there were only 16 educational areas under his supervision, but now the number of educational areas has reached 35.
Until the establishment of the present Urganch (1934), Karshi (1955), Termiz (1956) state universities, Bukhara University took the lead in training qualified pedagogical staff in these regions. Later, the university became the basis for the creation of the Bukhara branch of the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute and the Tashkent Irrigation and Reclamation Institute.
The university has created scientific schools in the fields of philosophy, Uzbek language and literature, folklore studies, history of Uzbekistan, physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics and informatics, psychology, pedagogy, economics. During the years of independence, 26 doctoral theses and 201 candidate's theses were successfully defended by the professors and teachers of the university. Currently, the activities of these scientific schools, which have been formed in the university for many years, are being effectively continued by the local personnel who graduated from these schools.
Currently, there are 6 faculties and 26 departments at Bukhara State University, where 6246 students are studying in 35 fields of study, 129 masters in 14 specialties. At the same time, 22 senior research fellows are conducting their research at the Institute of Senior Research Fellows in 21 specialties.
19 professors and teachers of the university, who have been serving selflessly in the way of educating scientific, scientific-technical and scientific-pedagogical personnel who have professional qualities, are competitive, deeply feel responsibility for the fate of the country and people, and have developed a sense of patriotism in their minds. one has a Doctor of Science degree and 128 have a Doctor of Science degree.
In our country, great attention and care is paid to youth education under the leadership of our honorable President. This sign of attention and care is also observed in the example of the increasing amount of funds directed to strengthening the material and technical base of higher educational institutions. In particular, on the basis of the Decision No. 1533 of the Honorable President Islam Abdug'anievich Karimov dated May 20, 2011 "On measures to strengthen the material and technical base of higher education institutions and fundamentally improve the quality of training of highly qualified specialists", Bukhara State University several buildings and structures were included in the capital repair program. On the basis of this decision, in 2013-2015, construction and repair works worth 45,551,000.0 (forty-five billion five hundred and fifty-one million) soums were carried out at the university. Modern furniture worth 1,540,340.0 (one billion five hundred and forty million three hundred and forty thousand) soums, laboratory equipment worth 93,574.0 (ninety three million five hundred and seventy four thousand) soums and 48,321 0.0 (forty eight million three hundred and twenty one thousand) soums worth of sports equipment was purchased. As a result, 2 educational buildings and 6 student accommodation buildings are now in a condition that meets modern requirements.
Auditoriums in educational buildings were equipped with modern computer equipment, video projectors and electronic boards. The university's internal local network system was further improved and connected to the high-speed Internet network.
In the following years, university departments will be filled with promising young pedagogical staff, innovations in the field of science will be introduced into the educational process, "science-education-production" continuity will be ensured, traditional scientific schools will be restored, new scientific schools will be established. bold steps are being taken in the field of creating schools, educating a spiritually mature, perfect person, and introducing achievements in the field of information technology into the educational process. A strategic conceptual program for 2015-2025 aimed at modernizing the activities of Bukhara State University has been developed for these great goals.
Taking into account that the development of science is one of the main criteria determining the development of the country, and in order to strengthen the moral immunity of the young generation, to support and widely promote the achievements of talented and creative students engaged in science, their international One of the main directions in the strategic development of the university is to support the development of new developments that can reach the level.
The team of Bukhara State University has been actively participating in project competitions within the framework of state scientific and technical programs. Bukhara State University maintains scientific relations with more than 20 scientific and educational centers and universities in foreign countries and foreign organizations regarding international cooperation. Obtaining foreign grants related to international programs and funds has always been one of the important tasks of the university. In Bukhara State University, work is being carried out within the framework of 6 projects of the "Tempus" foundation aimed at the development of higher education, as well as foreign grants. 4 more projects were won in the 2015 contests.
Prospective areas of science at the university are increasing year by year. It includes the use of alternative energy sources, problems of optics, heliotechnics, soil science and earth corrosion, creation of compositional materials, problems of philology (linguistics, literary studies and folkloristics), historiography and source studies of the history of Uzbekistan, current problems of the history of Eastern philosophy, attracting women to sports. problems, creation of new varieties of agricultural crops, creation of national programs on information and communication technologies, use of microscopic and high water plants to increase fish productivity and wastewater treatment by biotechnological methods, algebra, geometry, ornithology, pedagogy, psychology , a number of scientific directions, such as economics and tourism service, are achieving high achievements, paving the way for the scientific opportunities in the educational institution to be replenished and strengthened every year.
Applying the effectiveness and results of scientific and research work carried out at the university in various sectors of the national economy, establishing an effective mechanism of innovative corporate (mutually beneficial) cooperation between science and production, training highly qualified personnel and providing them with jobs. To strengthen the role of production in the process of provisioning, to further increase the effectiveness of the research carried out in the university system, to ensure the corporate cooperation of the scientific and technological developments created as a result of the research activities carried out by professors and specialists-scientists in the relevant fields. scientific laboratories such as "Problems of Biotechnology", "Gelophysics and Solar Energy Use", "Geleopolygon", "Problems of the Desert Ecosystem" and "Ecological Center", "Center for Psychological Services", "Center for Sociological Research" and "Innovation" Center of Science and Education Technologies" are operating effectively.
In 2015, more than forty developments included in the "Catalogue" of the scientific research works created at the university were distributed to production enterprises, organizations, farmers and 200 mln. at the republican and regional innovation fairs. more than ten contracts worth more than soums were signed. 
The university has sufficient conditions to raise the mentor-apprentice system to a higher level, to increase the importance of educating young scientists and talented students, in particular, to achieve the growth of young people's love and motivation for science.
Automated electronic systems of educational process and document execution control were created at the university with the participation of professors and teachers and young students, and they are currently being perfected. In order to speed up scientific work in this regard, a software engineering laboratory was established under this department. Information system that supports educational and informational processes within its main scientific directions - BUIS; a software system that supports the preparation of educational programs and educational materials based on the modular principle - LMS Moddle; The software system for supporting and monitoring the document flow information process in the university - CuteFlow, etc., was implemented to expand its functionality and improve its usability.
In 2015, 22 different collections of medium-fiber cotton were established in the agricultural area of the university in cooperation with the breeding scientists of PSUEAITI Bukhara ITS in order to create fertile, high-quality, quick-ripening, resistant to all adverse conditions of nature, which can fully meet the requirements of the world market. in order to achieve the future plan, 10 varieties were selected from among them and first-generation hybrid combinations were established by cross-breeding. Such experimental studies will be expanded again taking into account the varieties of cotton "Bukhara - 6-10", "Jondor Kudrati", "Porloq".
All environmental problems in the Bukhara region, i.e. climate change, especially increased desertification, changes in the amount and duration of precipitation, fresh water problems, changes in soil composition, natural for flora and fauna Many problems, such as the decline of some of their species as a result of the deterioration of living conditions, are now gaining great scientific relevance for the region.
So, in this historical 85-year-old educational institution, the establishment of innovative cooperative (mutually beneficial) cooperation between science, education and production, innovative ideas, developments and technologies at Republican fairs to ensure the active participation of professors and teachers, to establish the activity of an innovative group consisting of mature professors and teachers working in university departments, senior researchers-researchers, independent researchers, students and representatives of the production enterprise at the level of demand , in which to continue the tradition of existing experienced scientific schools, to effectively use the potential of scientists with many years of scientific, pedagogical and professional experience, to widely involve talented students in scientific and research work, and to train promising scientific and pedagogical personnel a system for setting up targeted works has been developed. Also, in order to ensure the employment of graduates of special vocational colleges, the university is paying serious attention to the creation of opportunities to increase admission quotas.
Ensuring the integration of science with education and production (introduction of the obtained results into production), increasing the scope and efficiency of scientific research works based on economic contracts in the interest of production enterprises has become one of the directions of permanent development of the university.