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When was Bukhara State University founded?


The article is based on the history of Bukhara State University's archives.

There is no future without historical memory.

I. A. Karimov

Key words: Archive documents, People's Commissariat of Education, Central State Archives of the Republic of Uzbekistan, list, personal fund, storage unit.

Bukhara State University, which has made its invaluable contribution to the spiritual and educational life of ancient Bukhara Sharif, turned 85 years old. It is both debt and fard for us to learn the fate and history of those who have laid the foundation of the college, thinking about its future and making it famous all over the world. We need to use lessons learned from the way of life to this age, and to educate the younger generation.

In 1981, the celebration marks the 50th anniversary of the university and its 60th anniversary in 1990. When analyzing archival documents, jubilee articles, and collections, one can be sure that the BDPI history has not found its true value due to the political and ideological views of the Soviet regime.

From the first days of our independence, we have begun to reestablish the historical truth. For example, on February 28, 1992, the Presidential Decree "On the opening of Bukhara State Drug on the basis of F.Khodjaev State Pedagogical Institute on March 15, 1992" was welcomed.

To answer the question of when the Bukhara State University was formed, we are going to address a number of documentary materials.

According to the information given by the Head of Bukhara Okrug Education (Zavokrono) branch K. Vakhabov to the People's Commissariat of Maori (Narkompros) of the Uzbek

The article is based on the history of Bukhara State University's archives.
There is no future without historical memory.
I. A. Karimov
Key words: Archive documents, People's Commissariat of Education, Central State Archives of the Republic of Uzbekistan, list, personal fund, storage unit.
Bukhara State University, which has made its invaluable contribution to the spiritual and educational life of ancient Bukhara Sharif, turned 85 years old. It is both debt and fard for us to learn the fate and history of those who have laid the foundation of the college, thinking about its future and making it famous all over the world. We need to use lessons learned from the way of life to this age, and to educate the younger generation.
In 1981, the celebration marks the 50th anniversary of the university and its 60th anniversary in 1990. When analyzing archival documents, jubilee articles, and collections, one can be sure that the BDPI history has not found its true value due to the political and ideological views of the Soviet regime.
From the first days of our independence, we have begun to reestablish the historical truth. For example, on February 28, 1992, the Presidential Decree "On the opening of Bukhara State Drug on the basis of F.Khodjaev State Pedagogical Institute on March 15, 1992" was welcomed.
To answer the question of when the Bukhara State University was formed, we are going to address a number of documentary materials.
According to the information given by the Head of Bukhara Okrug Education (Zavokrono) branch K. Vakhabov to the People's Commissariat of Maori (Narkompros) of the Uzbek SSR, on April 14, 1930, at the meeting of the College of Culture and Education (Cultrpros) it was decided at the expense of the state budget to open the Higher Pedagogical Institute in Bukhara Region and 6 technical schools: textile, silkworm, medics, Tajik pedagogical technics, zootechnics and cotton technical school [3, 145]. In May 1930 in Bukhara will be the 3rd party conference. It addresses the issue of training and retraining of teachers in Bukhara [4, 199].
Documents from the Bukhara regional archive confirm that the 1930s are preparing for the new academic year. In particular, on April 4, 1930, Bukhara Okrono (district public education) has been calling for a building for the Higher Pedagogical Institute, which will be opened in the city council [5, 425].
In contrast, the Bukomstaris Nodir Devanbegi madrassa provides information that it can be used as a hostel for the Pedagogical Institute from September 1, 1930 [6, 173]. These documents testify to the start of preparation for the opening of a new pedagogue in the Bukhara district.
The 94-nd Foundation of Uzbekistan, Narkompros (Uzbek Academy of Sciences). Basically, the documents for higher and secondary education are preserved in this fund. Documents of 1930 found a number of data related to the opening of a pedagogical institute in Bukhara.
For example, in the 1930-1931 academic year, the Finance and Economy Sector of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan has received an admission plan to Samarkand, Ferghana and Bukhara higher pedagogical institutes in Uzbekistan [7, 9]. According to him, 70 students were enrolled in Bukhara Pedagogical Institute in autumn 1930 instead of plan 105. By the end of 1931, the number of students decreased by 55.
Also, Maorif XKS learned that in 1929-1930 academic year in Uzbekistan, from 1929-1930, 1930-1931, there was no university in Bukhara, and 160 students were expected to be accepted in 1930-1931 will be.
The meeting of the Collegium of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Uzbek SSR on 2 June 1930 stresses that special attention is paid to those who are recommended in higher education institutions, including the Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute [8, 98].
Here are some more government documents on the establishment of Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute in 1930.
At the 17th of July, 1930, the Uzbek National Academy of Sciences held a lecture on the outcomes of the academic year 1929-1930 and the preparatory work for the 1930-1931 academic year. According to him, in the new 1930-1931 academic year, it was reported that four universities, including Bukhara Pedagogical College, were opened [9, 69-70].
The Central Asia Regional Project section, August 4, 1930, lists a list of higher education institutions in Central Asia [10, 25]. According to the list, it is planned to open a higher pedagogical institute for 160 people in Bukhara.
From the list of teachers and technicians who gave the Gosplan of UzSSR of the Uzbek SSR for the 1930-31 academic year, it is possible to find out that the Bukhara higher pedagogical institute was re-opened [11, 59]. This document tells us about the preparation of school teachers from Bukhara University and its socio-literary and biological departments.
The question arises as to which body made an important decision about the opening of the Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute. Resolutions of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the period of 1927-1933, which are in the UzSSR, have been fully studied. On the basis of the written application, the Deputy Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies O. Hasanova in November 2, 2015 opened the Bukhara Pedagogical Institute named after F.Khodjaev among the documents of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan for 1927-1933 said that it had not received any information on its decision [12].
Over 100 collective volumes of Ma'orif ​​XKS of the USSR were examined. We did not come to the exact date established in the commands and protocols (protocols) of the 94th MDA of Uzbekistan. A number of documents confirm that the Bukhara Pedagogical Institute was founded on September 9, 1930 on the basis of the Order 146 of the Uzbek SSR. That is, in Bukhara Pedagogical Institute, director of Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute, in the "Initiative Bulletin", confirming the establishment of the college, according to the Order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan from September 9, 1930, 146 of the Bukhara Pedagogical Institute mentioned [13].
On September 9, 1930, the order of the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute (now Bukhara State University) was issued by the Commissariat of Higher Education of the Uzbek SSR. 146, the repressions of the 1930s and the Second World War It has been dropped from the history because of the splinters of the war years. It is one of the treasures that 85 years have been sought by historians and nobody can find.
Opening ceremony of the Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute.
1st director of the institute K.Vahobov (1 row from right to fifth). November 7, 1930

If you are watching the picture, you can get valuable information about the organizer, the first director of the institute, the name of the institute and the initial teachers, and the first building.

In some sources, the BAPI, which was misinterpreted as the Bukhara agrarian pedagogical institute, is Bukhara's higher pedagogical institute (the term "Supreme"  used in the form of "Ali" in accordance with the spells of 1930) This picture also clarifies the question of how.

In the photo, Karimjon Vakhabov, who worked as the head of the department of education in Bukhara district, worked in the organization of the university, and in 1930 was appointed as the first director of the educational institution (the first row was fifth to the right). In the first years of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Uzbek SSR, the admission to the Bukhara Pedagogical Institute was twice – in autumn and spring, and 64 students were enrolled in the fall of 1930, including 49 young men and 15 women. In the autumn of 1930 due to the failure to accept the plan of action, it was forced to take spring action measures.

The announcement of December 22, 1930, in the Bukhara Proletariat newspaper, which is kept in the funds of the Abu Ali Ibn Sina Library, confirms our view. According to the announcement, the admission to the Bukhara Pedagogical Institute was planned for February 1931 and the duration of study lasted three and a half years, graduating from the seventh grade of the secondary school, namely the age of 17-35, are expected to be accepted.

From the information presented above, it can be said that Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute was the first student were accepted since November 1930.

At the University's small meeting hall, photographs of university rectors are arranged sequentially. The question of who was the first rector of the Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute was based on the archive document [20, 13], which can be said as 29-year-old Karimjon Vakhobov was the first director of the university.

The archive documents provide information on his social background and job titles. The announcement of the newspaper "Bukhara proletariat" of December 20, 1930, was about the first director, Karimjon Vakhabov.

The opening of the Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute began with organizational work. In November 1930, teachers from Moscow were invited to Bukhara. Biologist Professor A. Kamenko and historian Professor I. Kozhin and several doctors were among them.

Students were hired because of lack of Russian language skills. In the same year evening courses of the institute were established in Bukhara and Kagan [4, 200].

In Bukhara, courses for preparing university students were also organized. For example, one year preparation course for slate and workers, several short preparatory courses, and two year old pedagogues.

To upgrade the scientific potential of the Institute, the BDPI Qualification Commission requested to provide a degree [22, 75-77]. This document also provides full information about the first professors of the institute.

On March 27, 1931, in the 69th issue of the newspaper "Uzbekistan Pravda" was published a critical article titled: "In Bukhara staff program is not well-planned". The deficiencies in the 7-month activity of the Institute have been criticized.

The director and assistants of the Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute were dismissed for their economic damage. Instead of K. Vakhabov, Gani Usmanov replaced Dmitry Fradkin as Deputy Director for Educational Affairs. Both managers worked at Narkompros. At the time of the directorship of Gani Usmanov, the institute was reorganized. From the article by director of the Institute G'.Usmanov's "Pedagogical- instead of Agro-pedagogical. Teacher training – instead of military training" [23, 142-143] to the end of 1932 we can learn about the planning of new departments in Bukhara higher pedagogical institute: 7 departments: Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Mathematics, History, Economy, Literature. Also, on December 7, 1932, the Directorate of Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute decided to terminate the Agroped Department [24, 152-153].

The Khorezm Pedagogical Training Institute has been operating for two years at the Bukhara Pedagogical Institute, as its filial and Karakalpak students were also enrolled in it [25, 105].

The BVDA showed that the number of students enrolled in the Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute in 1930-33 increased from 56 in 1930 to 180 in 1931, 246 in 1932, and 211 in 1933 [26, 62].

In 1933 35 people graduated from Bukhara Pedagogical Institute  [27, 138]. The first graduates have sent letters to government officials and Narkompros - Jurgenev and asked them to attend the celebration. At the museum of Bukhara State University there were found photographs of the first graduates of Bukhara Pedagogical Institute.

Some other important government documents were found from the foundations of the Fund. The following document can be learned from the fact that the director of the institute G.Usmanov and his assistant for academic affairs, Amirkhanov, were dismissed and found guilty of a criminal offense. Prior to this government decision, a number of critical materials were published in periodicals. Among them  there is the "Communist ideological enlightenment" (July 25, 1933) [28, 279].

Narkompros is appointed as the next director by H. Valiev. It should be noted that as a result of our research, the first (2 and 3) directors of the Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute were renamed.

There is no information about the second and third directors among the rectors, who were photographed in the small meeting hall of Bukhara. The first director K. Vahobov's years of office were based on the documents, not 1930-1935, but 1930-1931. Another historical fact has been restored. That is, the second director, Ganijon Usmanov headed in 1931-1934, and the third director, H.Valiev, was director in 1934-1935.

One of the important documents is F.Khodjaev's signature, which is the decision of the HKS to transfer to the Bukhara Pedagogical Institute of the former Uzbekkorakol building on March 29, 1935. Thus, the pedinstitude will also have its own building [29, 290].

Let's also talk about the names of the university. Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute was founded in 1930, and from 1931 Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute named after Fayzulla Khodjaev; Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute named after Fayzulla Khodjayev in 1933; In 1937 it was named after S.Ordjonikidze Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute. From 1938 to 1954, Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute and the combined institute of teachers named after S. Ordjonikidze [30, 17] was mentioned [1, 25].

Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute named after S. Ordjonikidze with "Orden of Honor" from 1981; Since 1990, Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute named after Fayzulla Khodjaev has been called Bukhara State University (University) since March 15, 1992 [2, 29].

There is the film shot by the Uzbek television company in 1981 dedicated to the life of Professor Mahdi Aripovich Abdullayev in the Central State Archives. It is noteworthy that the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute has been established in Bukhara Regional State Archives.

In the list of  532th fund there are documents of 774 volumes on the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute’s activity from 1933-1934 to 1977. Also, in the Archives of Bukhara town's archive of personal documents documents of personality of professor-teachers of the university are included in the first list. There are 1082 storage units in the list.

Research on the history of the University and its professors and teachers who have reached the age of 85 should be studied based on these documents.

The article was published in the 1st issue of the Scientific Journal of the Uzbek Academy of Science in 2016.

Hamroyev Azalshoh Hazratovich

Senior lecturer at the History Department at the Bukhara State University, Associate Professor at the International Academy of Ancient History

Rahmonova Mavluda Abdusamadovna

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Social Sciences of the Bukhara State Medical Academy


Sergo Ordjonikidze, the director of Buarsky gosudarstvennypedagogicheskiy institute. Kratkiy Istoricheskiy ocherk (1930-1980) - T.: Teacher, 1981.
Material nauchno technicheskoy konferensii posvyaennoy 60-letiya Бухарского государственного педагогического института. - Bukhara, 1990.
BVDA F 43, O 1, D 230, -145b.
Nauchne rabot i soobeniya: Kniga III. - T., 1961. - 199 p.
BVDA F 43, O 1, D 173, - 425 b.
6.BVDA F 43, O 1, D 230, - 173 b.

7.Order MDA F.r-94. O 5, D 769, - 9 sec.

OMR MDA F.r-94. O 5, D 417, - 98 s.
MDA F.r-94 of the Republic of Uzbekistan. O 5, D 217, pp. 69-70.
10.MEDIA MDA F.r-9. O 1, D 685, - 25 s.

11.SATH MDA F.r-94.O 5, D 773, - 59 h.

This letter was received in response to A. Khamroyev's written inquiry on 2 November 2015 - 07-10 / X-432.
Initiative Bulletin of the BVDA Director, No.165 / 01-13, 2016.
The MDA F.r-94 of the Republic of Uzbekistan. O 5, D 5799, - pp. 18-25.
Uzbekistan MDA F.r-94. O 5, D 930, - 19 sec. ; F.r-.94. O 5, D 933, - 3 sec.
MDA F.r-94. O 5, D 772, - 122 p.
EXAMPLE MDA F r-94, O 933, - 92 p.
18.SOF MDA F r-94, o 5, D 772, - 4 h.

19.Send MDA F.r-94. O 5, D 933, - 13 sec.

20. MDA F.r-94 of the Republic of Uzbekistan. O 5, D 930, pp. 75-7

SSR, on April 14, 1930, at the meeting of the College of Culture and Education (Cultrpros) it was decided at the expense of the state budget to open the Higher Pedagogical Institute in Bukhara Region and 6 technical schools: textile, silkworm, medics, Tajik pedagogical technics, zootechnics and cotton technical school [3, 145]. In May 1930 in Bukhara will be the 3rd party conference. It addresses the issue of training and retraining of teachers in Bukhara [4, 199].

Documents from the Bukhara regional archive confirm that the 1930s are preparing for the new academic year. In particular, on April 4, 1930, Bukhara Okrono (district public education) has been calling for a building for the Higher Pedagogical Institute, which will be opened in the city council [5, 425].

In contrast, the Bukomstaris Nodir Devanbegi madrassa provides information that it can be used as a hostel for the Pedagogical Institute from September 1, 1930 [6, 173]. These documents testify to the start of preparation for the opening of a new pedagogue in the Bukhara district.

The 94-nd Foundation of Uzbekistan, Narkompros (Uzbek Academy of Sciences). Basically, the documents for higher and secondary education are preserved in this fund. Documents of 1930 found a number of data related to the opening of a pedagogical institute in Bukhara.

For example, in the 1930-1931 academic year, the Finance and Economy Sector of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan has received an admission plan to Samarkand, Ferghana and Bukhara higher pedagogical institutes in Uzbekistan [7, 9]. According to him, 70 students were enrolled in Bukhara Pedagogical Institute in autumn 1930 instead of plan 105. By the end of 1931, the number of students decreased by 55.

Also, Maorif XKS learned that in 1929-1930 academic year in Uzbekistan, from 1929-1930, 1930-1931, there was no university in Bukhara, and 160 students were expected to be accepted in 1930-1931 will be.

The meeting of the Collegium of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Uzbek SSR on 2 June 1930 stresses that special attention is paid to those who are recommended in higher education institutions, including the Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute [8, 98].

Here are some more government documents on the establishment of Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute in 1930.

At the 17th of July, 1930, the Uzbek National Academy of Sciences held a lecture on the outcomes of the academic year 1929-1930 and the preparatory work for the 1930-1931 academic year. According to him, in the new 1930-1931 academic year, it was reported that four universities, including Bukhara Pedagogical College, were opened [9, 69-70].

The Central Asia Regional Project section, August 4, 1930, lists a list of higher education institutions in Central Asia [10, 25]. According to the list, it is planned to open a higher pedagogical institute for 160 people in Bukhara.

From the list of teachers and technicians who gave the Gosplan of UzSSR of the Uzbek SSR for the 1930-31 academic year, it is possible to find out that the Bukhara higher pedagogical institute was re-opened [11, 59]. This document tells us about the preparation of school teachers from Bukhara University and its socio-literary and biological departments.

The question arises as to which body made an important decision about the opening of the Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute. Resolutions of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the period of 1927-1933, which are in the UzSSR, have been fully studied. On the basis of the written application, the Deputy Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies O. Hasanova in November 2, 2015 opened the Bukhara Pedagogical Institute named after F.Khodjaev among the documents of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan for 1927-1933 said that it had not received any information on its decision [12].

Over 100 collective volumes of Ma'orif ​​XKS of the USSR were examined. We did not come to the exact date established in the commands and protocols (protocols) of the 94th MDA of Uzbekistan. A number of documents confirm that the Bukhara Pedagogical Institute was founded on September 9, 1930 on the basis of the Order 146 of the Uzbek SSR. That is, in Bukhara Pedagogical Institute, director of Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute, in the "Initiative Bulletin", confirming the establishment of the college, according to the Order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan from September 9, 1930, 146 of the Bukhara Pedagogical Institute mentioned [13].

On September 9, 1930, the order of the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute (now Bukhara State University) was issued by the Commissariat of Higher Education of the Uzbek SSR. 146, the repressions of the 1930s and the Second World War It has been dropped from the history because of the splinters of the war years. It is one of the treasures that 85 years have been sought by historians and nobody can find.

BDU-Buxoro davlat universiteti 

Opening ceremony of the Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute.

1st director of the institute K.Vahobov (1 row from right to fifth). November 7, 1930

If you are watching the picture, you can get valuable information about the organizer, the first director of the institute, the name of the institute and the initial teachers, and the first building.

In some sources, the BAPI, which was misinterpreted as the Bukhara agrarian pedagogical institute, is Bukhara's higher pedagogical institute (the term "Supreme"  used in the form of "Ali" in accordance with the spells of 1930) This picture also clarifies the question of how.

In the photo, Karimjon Vakhabov, who worked as the head of the department of education in Bukhara district, worked in the organization of the university, and in 1930 was appointed as the first director of the educational institution (the first row was fifth to the right). In the first years of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Uzbek SSR, the admission to the Bukhara Pedagogical Institute was twice – in autumn and spring, and 64 students were enrolled in the fall of 1930, including 49 young men and 15 women. In the autumn of 1930 due to the failure to accept the plan of action, it was forced to take spring action measures.

The announcement of December 22, 1930, in the Bukhara Proletariat newspaper, which is kept in the funds of the Abu Ali Ibn Sina Library, confirms our view. According to the announcement, the admission to the Bukhara Pedagogical Institute was planned for February 1931 and the duration of study lasted three and a half years, graduating from the seventh grade of the secondary school, namely the age of 17-35, are expected to be accepted.

From the information presented above, it can be said that Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute was the first student were accepted since November 1930.

At the University's small meeting hall, photographs of university rectors are arranged sequentially. The question of who was the first rector of the Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute was based on the archive document [20, 13], which can be said as 29-year-old Karimjon Vakhobov was the first director of the university.

The archive documents provide information on his social background and job titles. The announcement of the newspaper "Bukhara proletariat" of December 20, 1930, was about the first director, Karimjon Vakhabov.

The opening of the Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute began with organizational work. In November 1930, teachers from Moscow were invited to Bukhara. Biologist Professor A. Kamenko and historian Professor I. Kozhin and several doctors were among them.

Students were hired because of lack of Russian language skills. In the same year evening courses of the institute were established in Bukhara and Kagan [4, 200].

In Bukhara, courses for preparing university students were also organized. For example, one year preparation course for slate and workers, several short preparatory courses, and two year old pedagogues.

To upgrade the scientific potential of the Institute, the BDPI Qualification Commission requested to provide a degree [22, 75-77]. This document also provides full information about the first professors of the institute.

On March 27, 1931, in the 69th issue of the newspaper "Uzbekistan Pravda" was published a critical article titled: "In Bukhara staff program is not well-planned". The deficiencies in the 7-month activity of the Institute have been criticized.

The director and assistants of the Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute were dismissed for their economic damage. Instead of K. Vakhabov, Gani Usmanov replaced Dmitry Fradkin as Deputy Director for Educational Affairs. Both managers worked at Narkompros. At the time of the directorship of Gani Usmanov, the institute was reorganized. From the article by director of the Institute G'.Usmanov's "Pedagogical- instead of Agro-pedagogical. Teacher training – instead of military training" [23, 142-143] to the end of 1932 we can learn about the planning of new departments in Bukhara higher pedagogical institute: 7 departments: Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Mathematics, History, Economy, Literature. Also, on December 7, 1932, the Directorate of Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute decided to terminate the Agroped Department [24, 152-153].

The Khorezm Pedagogical Training Institute has been operating for two years at the Bukhara Pedagogical Institute, as its filial and Karakalpak students were also enrolled in it [25, 105].

The BVDA showed that the number of students enrolled in the Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute in 1930-33 increased from 56 in 1930 to 180 in 1931, 246 in 1932, and 211 in 1933 [26, 62].

In 1933 35 people graduated from Bukhara Pedagogical Institute  [27, 138]. The first graduates have sent letters to government officials and Narkompros - Jurgenev and asked them to attend the celebration. At the museum of Bukhara State University there were found photographs of the first graduates of Bukhara Pedagogical Institute.

Some other important government documents were found from the foundations of the Fund. The following document can be learned from the fact that the director of the institute G.Usmanov and his assistant for academic affairs, Amirkhanov, were dismissed and found guilty of a criminal offense. Prior to this government decision, a number of critical materials were published in periodicals. Among them  there is the "Communist ideological enlightenment" (July 25, 1933) [28, 279].

Narkompros is appointed as the next director by H. Valiev. It should be noted that as a result of our research, the first (2 and 3) directors of the Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute were renamed.

There is no information about the second and third directors among the rectors, who were photographed in the small meeting hall of Bukhara. The first director K. Vahobov's years of office were based on the documents, not 1930-1935, but 1930-1931. Another historical fact has been restored. That is, the second director, Ganijon Usmanov headed in 1931-1934, and the third director, H.Valiev, was director in 1934-1935.

One of the important documents is F.Khodjaev's signature, which is the decision of the HKS to transfer to the Bukhara Pedagogical Institute of the former Uzbekkorakol building on March 29, 1935. Thus, the pedinstitude will also have its own building [29, 290].

Let's also talk about the names of the university. Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute was founded in 1930, and from 1931 Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute named after Fayzulla Khodjaev; Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute named after Fayzulla Khodjayev in 1933; In 1937 it was named after S.Ordjonikidze Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute. From 1938 to 1954, Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute and the combined institute of teachers named after S. Ordjonikidze [30, 17] was mentioned [1, 25].

Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute named after S. Ordjonikidze with "Orden of Honor" from 1981; Since 1990, Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute named after Fayzulla Khodjaev has been called Bukhara State University (University) since March 15, 1992 [2, 29].

There is the film shot by the Uzbek television company in 1981 dedicated to the life of Professor Mahdi Aripovich Abdullayev in the Central State Archives. It is noteworthy that the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute has been established in Bukhara Regional State Archives.

In the list of  532th fund there are documents of 774 volumes on the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute’s activity from 1933-1934 to 1977. Also, in the Archives of Bukhara town's archive of personal documents documents of personality of professor-teachers of the university are included in the first list. There are 1082 storage units in the list.

Research on the history of the University and its professors and teachers who have reached the age of 85 should be studied based on these documents.

The article was published in the 1st issue of the Scientific Journal of the Uzbek Academy of Science in 2016.

Hamroyev Azalshoh Hazratovich

Senior lecturer at the History Department at the Bukhara State University, Associate Professor at the International Academy of Ancient History

Rahmonova Mavluda Abdusamadovna

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Social Sciences of the Bukhara State Medical Academy


  1. Sergo Ordjonikidze, the director of Buarsky gosudarstvennypedagogicheskiy institute. Kratkiy Istoricheskiy ocherk (1930-1980) - T.: Teacher, 1981.
  2. Material nauchno technicheskoy konferensii posvyaennoy 60-letiya Бухарского государственного педагогического института. - Bukhara, 1990.
  3. BVDA F 43, O 1, D 230, -145b.
  4. Nauchne rabot i soobeniya: Kniga III. - T., 1961. - 199 p.
  5. BVDA F 43, O 1, D 173, - 425 b.

6.BVDA F 43, O 1, D 230, - 173 b.

7.Order MDA F.r-94. O 5, D 769, - 9 sec.

  1. OMR MDA F.r-94. O 5, D 417, - 98 s.
  2. MDA F.r-94 of the Republic of Uzbekistan. O 5, D 217, pp. 69-70.

10.MEDIA MDA F.r-9. O 1, D 685, - 25 s.

11.SATH MDA F.r-94.O 5, D 773, - 59 h.

  1. This letter was received in response to A. Khamroyev's written inquiry on 2 November 2015 - 07-10 / X-432.
  2. Initiative Bulletin of the BVDA Director, No.165 / 01-13, 2016.
  3. The MDA F.r-94 of the Republic of Uzbekistan. O 5, D 5799, - pp. 18-25.
  4. Uzbekistan MDA F.r-94. O 5, D 930, - 19 sec. ; F.r-.94. O 5, D 933, - 3 sec.
  5. MDA F.r-94. O 5, D 772, - 122 p.
  6. EXAMPLE MDA F r-94, O 933, - 92 p.

18.SOF MDA F r-94, o 5, D 772, - 4 h.

19.Send MDA F.r-94. O 5, D 933, - 13 sec.

20. MDA F.r-94 of the Republic of Uzbekistan. O 5, D 930, pp. 75-7