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Forgotten history (or About Karimjon Vakhabov, the organizer of the establishment)


The biography of the organizer and first director of the Bukhara State University, Karimjon Vakhabov, was published on the basis of archival documents.

The article describes the biography of Karimjon Vahobov, the organizer and first director of Bukhara State University based on archival documents.

Key words: archive documents, the National Commissariat of Education, Central State archives of the Republic of Uzbekistan, list, personal fund, storage unit, inventory

Historical memories help the nation to survive the hardest trials of life and preserve its identity. The head of our state said in his works, "There is no future without historical memories": "A person with a historical memory is a capable person. History teaches people to be vigilant. Self-awareness begins with knowing history. "So, without the knowledge of history, high spirituality can not be achieved. However, it is also important to properly interpret, evaluate, and appreciate it. First, respect history. Historians need to be guided by the spirit of that period in order to assess the historical events. Only then history will reveal the hidden minerals.

In research works on BSU, aging 85 years, there were a number of questions to investigate. The first question is who was the first director (rector) of BSU. In the small meeting hall of the University it is possible to find out that the first rector of the BSU was K. Vahobov (1930 - 1935). However, other information is not mentioned in any of the literature on the history of the university [1].

The rector A.A. Tulyaganov has set similar tasks to the working groups, set up to celebrate the 85th anniversary of Bukhara State University. For this purpose personal archives of the Central State Archives of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara regional state archive and Bukhara city, Bukhara Museum of Fine Arts and other departmental archives under Bukhara State Museum of Fine Arts Architecture research have yielded the results.

From Foundation of the Central State Archives of the Republic of Uzbekistan we found the first document confirming the fact that, 29 year old Karimjon Vakhobov was the first director of the BSU. The archive document contains information on his social background, career status, and details.

Our research works in the city archive of Bukhara City has led us to find the family of the first director of BSU. Today, using the family archive of Ulugbek Vahobov, 68 year old son of Karimjon Vakhabov, currently living Tashkent, presented valuable information and photos about the first director.

At the initiative of Ulugbek Vahobov, the documents belonging to Karimjon Vakhobov in the family archive were handed to the Bukhara Museum of Fine Arts. M. Pulatova, the head of the Museum of Art, recycled these documents into “K.Vahabov's personal fund” in 1982. This fund contains over 100 photographs and more than 100 documents [3].  We have prepared biographical information about the life of the first director of the university, Karimjon Vakhabov, on the basis of his personal fund documents.

Karimjon Vakhabov  was born in Namangan in 1901 (in some books in 1902). The Central State Archive of the Republic of Uzbekistan has published biography of Karimjon Vakhobov from 12 yrs. From 1913 to 1918 he was an assistant to shoemaker, in 1918-1919 served as a guardian in the Namangan School No. 1, served in the Red Army from 1919 to 1921, in 1921-1923 he worked as a shoemaker, and in 1924 he studied at Party school in Bukhara. From 1924 to 1925, he worked as deputy head of the Department of Political Science, from 1928 to 1929, head of Primary education department of Gijduvan District, and from 1928 to 1929 he served as the head of Primary education department of Bukhara City.

This valuable document, created in the 30s of the last century, is exhibited at the Bukhara Museum of Fine Arts in Vakhabov's personal fortune collection data.

Under the inventory N.1705 / II (15), in 1922 there was a certificate confirming that he was the head of military and civilian training department of Trade and Industry of Bukhara region, the People's Republic of Soviet Union. Under the inventory of 17058 / II (5b), K. Vahobov has been certified to be the head of the Department of Public Education under the Order No. 30 of November 30, 1924. Karimjon Vakhobov also made a great contribution to the eradication of chaos in the People's Commissariat of Education of the USSR in 1924. Also, by the Decree of the Executive Committee of the Zarafshan district No 16 of December 1, 1924, the head of the Zarafshan district political and administrative department, 30 december 1924. He was vice Director of Public Education , as well as proving that he was employed as head of the regional press and publishing department in 17057 / II (2).

In April 1926, by the decree of the plenum of the Executive Committee of the Gijduvan Executive Power, he was appointed as a head of the Gijduvon Region People's Commissariat.

In 1927 he was a student of the Retraining course at the Uzbek Pedagogical Institute named after Nizami.

In addition, in 1930, two important documents of the Commissariat for Public Education of the USSR confirmed that Karimjon Vakhobov was appointed as the first director of the university. The order of the commissariat of the People 's Commerce of the USSR on 9 September 146 and the meeting of the board of the commodity committee of the Uzbek SSR on October 1, 1930 transfer from the last protocol num. 91.

The first document is a valuable source about the opening of the Bukhara Pedagogical Institute and its director Karimjon Vakhobov had been appointed as the head of the university, who was responsible for the opening of the institude until November 7.

By the order 146 of the Commissariat of People's Education of the USSR also imposed more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) rubles on the preparation of a new building for Karimjon Vakhabov and the adoption of 105 admission quotas . Karimjan Vakhobov was appointed as the director of the Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute. [5].

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Karimjon Vahobov. 1930 The exponent num. 17058/12 (28) in museum of the Museum of Fine Arts in Bukhara.

There is an inscription "When I was a director of the State Pedagogical Institute" behind this photo, stored in the museum of Bukhara Museum of Fine Arts, number 17058/12 (28).

This was the timely accomplishment of the task of the Commissariat of Public Education with Karimjon Vakhobov, one of the exhibits of Bukhara Museum of Fine Arts, Bukhara State Artistic Architecture Museum - Reserve, on November 7, 1930, and the photo taken on the opening day of the Pedagogical Institute [6].

If you are watching the picture, you can get valuable information about the organizer, the first director of the institute, the name of the institute and the initial teachers, and the first building. In some sources, the Bukhara agrarian pedagogical institute has been misinterpreted as the BHPI, the Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute.

Karimjon Vakhabov, who worked as the head of department of education of Bukhara district in the photo, who worked in the organization of the university, was appointed as the first director of the university in 1930 (the first row is the fourth from the right). Also at the Bukhara Museum of Fine Arts there is a certificate of leadership issued by the People's Education Commissariat to K. Vahobov [7].

The fact that Karimjon Vakhobov's power of attorney confirming the directorship of the Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute was valid until May 1931 helped to restore the truth. In the upper room of the University, we found out that the first rector of the BSU was K. Vahobov (1930 - 1935). The documents allowed us to clarify the chronology of K. Vahobov's leadership in the 1930s and 1931s. Karimjon Vakhobov was director of the 1930s -  from October 1, 1931 until the end of March 1931. [8]

17057 / II (22) exponent museum of Bukhara Museum of Fine Arts.

This document, stored at the Museum of Fine Arts in Bukhara, under the number 17057 / II (20), indicates that Karimjon Vakhobov was sent from April 1, 1931 to Moscow for study at the Krupskaya Academy in Moscow.

So now there is a question: from 1931 to 1935 the new problem of who was the director of the Bukhara Higher Pedagogical Institute?

1931 On March 27, in the "Uzbekistanskaya Pravda" No. 69 published a critical article titled "In Bukhara staff program isn`t well-planned”. The deficiencies in the 7-month activity of the Institute have been criticized. Usmanov Gani was replaced by K. Vakhabov, and Fradkin was replaced by Dmitriev. Another historical fact has been restored. That is, the second director Usmanov Ganijon headed BSU in 1931 - 1934, the third director X. X. Valiev headed in 1934-1935. There were also photographs.

  1. Vahobov successfully graduated from the Communist Agricultural University of Leningrad in 1933-1936. At the Museum of Fine Arts of Bukhara, number 17058/12 (22), the graduates of this university are kept.

While studying K.Vahobov's biography, we can also see that he worked as Secretary of the Tashkent Regional Party Committee from 1939 to 1940. [9].

Among the exhibits of the Bukhara Museum of Fine Arts, there is evidence that K. Vahobov has just started a new job [10]. According to him, on September 3, 1940 he was appointed to the post of the director of the Central Museum of the History of the USSR, by order of the Commissariat of Public Education of the USSR № 1712.

During World War II, K. Vahobov was among the first to go to fight with volunteers. K. Vahobov, who served as Captain's rank, was awarded with several medals and ordens. Among them are the medal "For military service" and the Orden of the Red Star.

In 1944 a letter of thanks from the head of the Government of Uzbekistan U. Yusupov was received on behalf of Major General Garasin. The complete text of the letter is stored at Bukhara Museum of Fine Arts with the Numeral 11285 / II.

The essence of the letter is that K. Vahobov invented the field furnace in time of war to provide the army with bread. As a result of this invention, the food supply of the soldiers has been improved.

The Novo-Kramatorsk machine-building plant, Russia, has reportedly manufactured ovens based on the K.Vahobov project [12].

In the letter addressed to the head of the Uzbek government, Usmon Yusupov, the Commander-in-Chief of the Military Army expressed his gratitude to the whole Uzbek people who raised K.Vahobov.

In post-war years, K. Vahobov (since 1946) was the head of department of education in Bukhara. There is also a document confirming that in 1950 he was the head of the department of national education of the Moscow district of Tashkent[13].

In the documents sent from Vahobov's family archives there is an ariticle published on December 29, 1959 in one of the periodical press [14]. There is information on K. Vahobov`s death and it can be found in this last post. K. Vahabov was the deputy head of Bukhara Region's agricultural department in his last years. From this source, K. Vahobov was awarded the Orden of Honor for his services.

Historical development of humanity shows that self-awareness is the first and foremost essence of human existence through the spiritual reality - honor, dignity, prestige, and honor. Understanding the meaning and purpose of life begins with self-awareness.

Head of State I.A. Karimov says: "Understanding of self-consciousness I understand that it is necessary to restore a historical memory, to understand who we are, and to build our own society."

During the preparation of this article, we got acquainted with the children of Karimjon Vakhabov, the first director of BSU, and gathered information about them. Today, Karimjon Vakhobov's three children are working in various fields of society.

In summary, there have been twenty-one rectors at the university till today. All of them have contributed to science, art, and organizational activities for the university. We hope this article will be a great way for future generations to learn about them.


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        K. Vahobov. 1944 year.

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Hamroyev Azalshoh Hazratovich

Senior Lecturer at the History Department of Bukhara State University,

Associate Professor at the International Academy of Ancient History


Rahmonova Mavluda Abdusamadovna

Senior teacher of the Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute


Used literature:

  1. Sergo Ordjonikidze, a graduate of the Buharsky Gosudarstvenny pedagogical institute. The Kratkiy Istorichesky Open. (1930-1980) Tashkent - "Teacher" - 1981; Material nauchno technicheskoy konferensii, posvyaenne 60 - letiya Buarskogo Gosudarstvennogo institute. Bukhara - 1990.
  2. MDA F.r-94 of the Republic of Uzbekistan. O 5, D 930, pp. 75-77.
  3. Pulatova M. Yarkaya zvezda. Sovetskaya Bukhara. July 1982, July 30.
  4. The MDA F.r-94 of the Republic of Uzbekistan. O 5, D 933, - 13 sec.

Bukhara Museum of Fine Arts inventory 17057 / II (5) Bukhara State Museum of Artistic Architecture.

Bukhara Museum of Fine Arts inventory 17058/12 (24), managed by the Bukhara State Museum of Artistic Architecture.

Bukhara Museum of Fine Arts inventory 17058 / II (2) Bukhara State Museum of Artistic Architecture.

Bukhara Museum of Fine Arts inventory 17057 / II (20), Bukhara State Artistic Architecture Museum Reserve.

Bukhara Museum of Fine Arts inventory under Bukhara State Museum of Fine Arts Architecture inventory 17057/12 (82); 17057 / II (13).

Bukhara Museum of Fine Arts inventory under Bukhara State Museum of Artistic Architecture inventory 17057/12 (82); 17057 / (4).

  1. The 11279 / (8) digital museum of Bukhara Museum of Fine Arts.

Bukhara Museum of Fine Arts inventory under Bukhara State Museum of Artistic Architecture inventory 17057/12 (82); 17057 / II (35).

Bukhara Museum of Fine Arts in Bukhara State Museum of Artistic Architecture inventory 17057/12 (82); 17057 / II (7).

  1. Nectologist. Sovetskaya Bukhara. 1959, December 29.