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Financial departments

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  3. Department of Finance, Economic Development Plann…
buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

Head of Department

Adizov Bobir Bakhtiyorovich

Doctor of Philosophy in Economics (PhD)

Every day from 09.00 to 17.00


Bukhara city, M.Iqbol street 11


99897- 307-77-97

Department of Finance, Economic Development Planning


Bukhara State University, Department of Planning and Finance, was established in 1998. The activities of the department are focused on the analysis of all financial processes at the university, scheduled reports, budget and extra-budgetary funds on the preparation of draft cost estimates, items in the cost estimates, which include:
- Collection and analysis of information necessary for the preparation of all financial estimates of the university;
- Analysis of budget and extra-budgetary funds by items in the cost estimates;
- To control the proper use of the budgeted funds for their intended purpose, to avoid unnecessary or excessive costs.
Address of the department: Bukhara, M.Iqbol street, 11
Phone: (0 365) 221-25-82
Fax: (0 365) 221-25-82