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  3. University Press Secretary
buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

Head of Department

Jalolov Otabek


Every day 15.00-17.00 (except Monday)


Bukhara city, 11 M.Iqbol street, building 2, 2nd floor, r


+99897 306 44 41

University Press Secretary


The main tasks and functions of the Press Secretary:
Participate in the formulation and implementation of information policy set by the information service of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education and the university administration in accordance with modern requirements;
- Ensuring effective and practical cooperation with the information service of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education and the information services of state and public organizations in the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of information;
- Impartial, high-quality and timely information of the general public about the activities of the university, its regulations in the field;
- Cooperation with the media (hereinafter referred to as the media), the formation of a permanent circle of journalists, the dissemination of information, the organization of public events at the university;
- Prompt posting and timely updating of information on the official website of the university, the development of web resources on the Internet, including social and mobile networks;
Preparation of news, information materials, reviews and information-analytical materials for distribution in national and foreign media together with the information service of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education and the designated staff of the departments of the university;
to analyze the state of public opinion and the position of the media in relation to the activities of the university and to inform the rector of the university about them;
formation and maintenance of a database of text, photo, audio and video materials related to the field of activity of the university.
The Press Secretary shall perform the following functions in order to carry out the tasks assigned to him:
Publishes information in the media, including the Internet, as well as places and updates on their websites, in accessible rooms and places;
organizes and conducts events (meetings, gatherings, meetings, press conferences, briefings, seminars, roundtables, etc.) with the participation of university leaders;
Provides information to the media and journalists, both orally and in writing, including electronically, upon request;
Gathers and works closely with other departments of the university to provide the necessary information to the media;
Prepares printed materials on the activities of the university and organizes television and radio broadcasts;
Provides for the creation and maintenance of a university website.
The activities of the university provide archiving of illuminated materials for storage in the prescribed manner;
Prepares photo, audio and video materials on the activities of the university and cooperates with state and non-state media in their preparation;
The spokesperson will review applications and requests from national news agencies and the media to assist in the preparation of materials on the university's activities.