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buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

Head of Department

Nurulloyev Firuz No'monjonovich

pedagogika fanlari bo'yicha falsafa doktori (PhD)

Har kuni 09:00 dan 17:00 gacha


Buxoro shahar M.Iqbol ko'chasi 11-uy


+99891 406-88-38

Department of Research, Innovation and Scientific Education


The main task of the head of the department of research, innovation and training of scientific teachers of the university
•Effective use of the scientific potential of the university in determining the solution of scientific, practical and scientific-technical problems of economic development of the Republic;
•Participates in the development of draft research plans and recommends it to the Academic Council of the University for discussion;
•Participates in drafting a contract with the customer and the head of the research topic;
•Participate in the organization and timeliness of scientific work;
•To study the development trends of the education system of advanced countries, to implement the tasks set out in the Law "On Education", the "National Training Program" and other laws on science and education  develop methods and tools for improvement and ensure their implementation;
•Development and effective implementation of research activities of the University;
•Supervise and ensure the implementation of the tasks of the scientific part of the personal plans of teachers;
•Coordinating the planning, organization and conduct of scientific and practical conferences and ensuring the participation of university professors and staff in scientific conferences held by other organizations and enterprises, promoting the formation of scientific schools at the university, any effective  to stimulate scientific activity;
•Use of international scientific and technical databases, preparation and publication of articles in international scientific journals, implementation of measures to increase their citation;
•Management of the process of preparation of winners of the state scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and named state scholarships;
•Establishment and effective functioning of Academic Councils awarding academic degrees at the University;
•Launch of fundamental practical innovation projects, as well as increase the efficiency of research in the creation of new techniques and technologies;
•Improving the quality of training by applying the results of research to the educational process and production enterprises;
•Strengthening the material and technical base for research;
•Integration of work on the creation of competitive scientific developments and technologies based on the development of scientific and technical cooperation;
•Training of scientific pedagogical staff and increase the efficiency of research work in cooperation with research institutions of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
•Participate in the implementation of scientific developments made at the University;
•Organization of students' research work;  Involvement of gifted youth and outstanding students in research work, organization and management of participation in exhibitions and competitions of student research at the university, regional and national levels;
•Ensuring the participation of university professors in the state grants (fundamental, practical, innovation) announced by the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
•Organization of inclusion of doctoral dissertation topics of doctoral students, basic doctoral students, independent researchers and researchers in the database of VAK topics;
•Provide access to Scopus and ScienceDirect international scientific and technical databases for university professors, doctoral students and students.  Creating a system of information and methodological support of the program "Science 2020" and ensuring its continued support;
•Ensuring the publication and citation of research papers of university professors, doctoral students and students in scientific journals with a high impact factor;
•Participate in the formation and approval of the theme and content of the research part of foreign grants in cooperation with the international department, implementation of all research, projects and grants, monitoring of scientific conferences, preparation of all necessary reports for higher organizations and  to present;
•Management of the process of preparation of state scholarship winners of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan among doctoral students;
•Control over the scientific and innovative activities of the faculties, departments, research centers of the University;
•Monitoring the compliance of doctoral students and independent researchers with the Charter and internal regulations of the University;
•Creation of the necessary material and technical base for the development of scientific activity at the University, management and coordination of the process of providing and distributing the appropriate scientific equipment;
•Write an annual report of the university and submit it to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan.