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Mualliflar uchun eslatma:Chet el hammuallifligidagi nashr uchun topshiriladigan maqolalar navbatdan tashqarida qabul qilinadi.Ilmiy maqolalarni qabul qilish va nashr ettirish:Maqolalar tahririyatga bevosita murojaat etish, Telegram (90/9942712) ijtimoiy tarmoqi orqali yuborish yo‘li bilan qabul qilinadi.Maqolalar ingliz tilida qabul qilinadi.Shartnomaga ko‘ra muallif tahririyatga maqolaning bosilgan nusxasini hamda elektron manziliga maqolaning “WORD” variantini taqdim etadi.Qabul qilingan materiallarni chop etish muddatlari:jurnalimizning davriy xarakter kasb etishini e’tiborga olgan holda o‘rtacha 3-5 oy davomida chop etiladi.Tahririyatga topshiriladigan materiallarga belgilangan talablar:Ilmiy maqolaning tuzilishiga nisbatan ilgari suriladigan talablar: Quyida keltirilgan misolga e’tibor bering:UDK raqamiMaqolaning nomiMaqola muallif(lar)i ismi-sharifi; ilmiy unvoni, darajasi, oliy ta’lim muassassiAnnotatsiya – Abstract qismi(Background) (Methods) (Results) (Discussion) (Conclusion) kabi ajratilgan alohida bo‘limlaridan iborat bo‘lib kamida 300-350 ta so‘zdan iborat bo‘lishi kerak.КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА (Keywords).ВВЕДЕНИЕ (Introduction) (4000-5000 та сўз)МЕТОДЫ (Methods)РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ (Results)ОБСУЖДЕНИЕ (Discussion)ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ (Conclusion)СПИСОК ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ (References):1. Фамилия И.О. Название книги. Город: Издательство. (2016).2. Фамилия И.О., Фамилия И.О. Название статьи. Название журнала, 15(1), (2017). 24-32 с.3. Фамилия И.О. Название статьи. (2017). Retrieved from http://lkds;j UDC: 81.374.822 LEXICOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION OF THE ENGLISH ANDUZBEK LANGUAGES OF TOURISM Sobirova Zarnigorintern-researcher, Bukhara State University, UzbekistanThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Abstract:Introduction. Theoretical lexicography studies the history of lexicography, types of dictionaries, requirements for dictionaries, critical analysis of existing dictionaries, practical lexicography deals with the study, compilation, improvement and consumption of a certain type of vocabulary. Practical lexicography involves the application of general theoretical principles and rules of lexicography in the process of creating a dictionary.Research methods. The ambiguity of terms, the meaning of terms, the essence of the concept, the excessive length, complex phrases are inconvenient, with an excessive number of foreign terms. The creation of a glossary of terminology in various fields in response to the above problems is an urgent task of modern lexicographyResults and discussions. It is very important for a lexicographer to work with a specialist in the field from the beginning to the end of the terminology system development process. There are good reasons for this. When developing a dictionary of common words, the lexicographer herself can easily provide accurate and detailed explanations of words, as well as develop examples of authorship. To explain specific terms and understand the situations in which they are used, the lexicographer must have not only linguistic knowledge, but also an understanding of this specific area.Bilingual dictionaries are more practical than textual content. This, of course, requires a lot of volumes. For this reason, it is not for nothing that monolingual dictionaries cover more terms than translation dictionaries. For dictionaries of practical translation, the functional value of the term is important, that is, the user must be able to use the dictionary in order to understand a certain word in the correct context, understand it from a communicative point of view and understand it herself.Conclusion. Bidirectional dictionaries do not mean they are bicultural. The lexicographic interpretation of the tourism terms in active and passive translation dictionaries differs: in passive dictionaries an explanation of a foreign word in the native language is given, in active dictionaries foreign equivalents are found by means of a word in the native language.Keywords: lexicography, tourism terms, bilingual dictionary, monolingual dictionary, lexicographer, equivalent. Introduction. Consensus on the essence of the term lexicography and its recognition as a science is also a relatively recent phenomenon in linguistics. Lexicography consists of theoretical and practical sections that coexist and function in harmony with each other. …….Materials and methods. Achievements of science and technology, as well as the development of the socio-political and economic life of countries require a constant expansion of the vocabulary of languages, the addition of new lexical units and obsolescence of obsolete ones. Sometimes new units enter the dictionary under the new name of an existing concept. ……..Results. The microcomposition problems of a special dictionary are associated with the choice of lexicographic details of the actual dictionary entry. A comparative study of terminological dictionaries in the tourism sector showed that the lexicographic details used in these dictionaries can be divided into several groups. …….Discussions. Bilingual special dictionaries can be one-way or two-way. There are translated equivalents of the list of terms given in one-way dictionaries as a result of only one-way transformation (either from English to Uzbek, or from Uzbek to English). Most modern terminology dictionaries are one-way. …..Conclusion. The nature of the dictionary is determined by how the elements of the microstructure of the dictionary are presented. This requires the lexicographer to put herself in the shoes of a potential dictionary user, get a feel for the intricacies of the application, and act accordingly. ….. REFERENCES TAHRIR KENGASHI RAISI:Xamidov O.X.iqtisod fanlari doktori, dotsentBOSH MUHARRIR:Qahhorov O.S.iqtisodiyot fanlari boʻyicha falsafa doktori (PhD), dotsentINTERNATIONAL EDITORIAL BOARD:Kuzmichev N.D. (Russia)Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, ProfessorDanova M. (Bulgaria)Doctor of Philology, ProfessorMargianti SE.(Indonesia)Doctor of Economics, ProfessorWṻnsch Th. (Germany)History of E.Europe Dr. of phil. habil, ProfessorMinin V.V. (Russia)Doctor of Chemical SciencesTashkaraev R.A. (Kazakhstan)Doctor of Technical SciencesMuminov M.E. (Malaysia)Candidate of Physics and MathematicsSrivastava P.K. (India)American and English Literature PhD in EnglishTAHRIR HAY’ATI: Adizov B.R.pedagogika fanlari doktori, professor (bosh muharrir oʻrinbosari)Abuzalova M.Q.filologiya fanlari doktoriAmonov M.R. texnika fanlari doktori, professorBarotov Sh.R. psixologiya fanlari doktori, professorBaqoyeva M.Q. filologiya fanlari doktoriDjurayev D.R. fiz.-mat. fanlari doktori, professorDurdiyev D.Q.fiz.-mat. fanlari doktori, professorOlimov Sh.Sh.pedagogika fanlari doktoriQahhorov S.Q.pedagogika fanlari doktori, professorUmarov B.B.kimyo fanlari doktori, professorOʻrayeva D.S. filologiya fanlari doktori, professorBOSH MUHARRIR O‘RINBOSARLARI:Navroʻz-zoda B.N. iqtisod fanlari doktori, professorToʻrayev H.H. tarix fanlari doktori, professor
