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  2. Maqolalar  
  3. Q4 kategoriyadagi jurnallar ro'yxati

Q4 kategoriyadagi jurnallar ro'yxati


  1. Synapse
  2. International Journal of Cell Biology
  3. International Journal of Stem Cells
  4. Molecular and Cellular Probes
  5. Future Virology
  6. Cell Regeneration
  7. Medizinische Genetik
  8. Human Heredity
  9. Journal of Biomolecular Techniques
  10. Zygote
  11. AJOB Neuroscience
  12. Mitochondrial DNA Part A: DNA Mapping, Sequencing, and Analysis
  13. Chemosensory Perception
  14. Toxicon: X
  15. Toxin Reviews
  16. Journal of Molecular Recognition
  17. Acta Parasitologica
  18. Archives of Rheumatology
  19. Clinical and Experimental Hepatology
  20. Microbiology Resource Announcements
  21. Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience
  22. Invertebrate Neuroscience
  23. Biomolecular NMR Assignments
  24. Egyptian Rheumatologist
  25. Journal of Parasitic Diseases
  26. Genetics Research International
  27. Open Rheumatology Journal
  28. HLA
  29. Journal of Genetics
  30. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education
  31. Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique
  32. Proteomics Insights
  33. Molecular Biology Research Communications
  34. Zeitschrift fur Rheumatologie
  35. Magnesium Research
  36. Genome Integrity
  37. Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry
  38. Hamostaseologie
  39. Iranian Journal of Catalysis
  40. Synthetic Communications
  41. Carbonates and Evaporites
  42. Monoclonal Antibodies in Immunodiagnosis and Immunotherapy
  43. Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen
  44. Equine Veterinary Education
  45. Reports on Mathematical Physics
  46. Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds
  47. Atomic Spectroscopy
  48. Medical Journal of Cell Biology
  49. Reumatismo
  50. Journal of the Iranian Statistical Society
  51. Lipid Insights
  52. Current Organic Synthesis
  53. Allergo Journal
  54. Entomologica Americana
  55. Fibonacci Quarterly
  56. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry
  57. Current Analytical Chemistry
  58. International Journal of Gerontology
  59. Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry
  60. Complex Manifolds
  61. International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology
  62. Experimental Oncology
  63. Organic Preparations and Procedures International
  64. Radiochemistry
  65. Advances in Biomembranes and Lipid Self-Assembly
  66. International Journal of Jungian Studies
  67. Inland Water Biology
  68. European Mineralogical Union Notes in Mineralogy
  69. Organic Syntheses
  70. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound
  71. Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences
  72. Reumatologia Clinica
  73. Tropical Biomedicine
  74. Cancer Forum
  75. Northeastern Naturalist
  76. Operator Theory: Advances and Applications
  77. Advances in Nonlinear Variational Inequalities
  78. Advances in Physical Chemistry
  79. Drug Discovery Today: Disease Models
  80. International Electronic Journal of Algebra
  81. Journal of Receptor and Signal Transduction Research
  82. Southeastern Naturalist
  83. Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences
  84. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B
  85. Heterocyclic Communications
  86. Catalysis in Industry
  87. Educational and Child Psychology
  88. Hepatitis Monthly
  89. Journal of Planar Chromatography - Modern TLC
  90. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie
  91. Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology
  92. Asian Journal of Transfusion Science
  93. High Energy Chemistry
  94. Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources
  95. Cancer Reports
  96. Idojaras
  97. Indian Journal of Nuclear Medicine
  98. Analytical and Bioanalytical Electrochemistry
  99. Bulgarian Astronomical Journal
  100. Revista Iberoamericana de Psicologia del Ejercicio y el Deporte
  101. Trends in Evolutionary Biology
  102. Polish Journal of Entomology
  103. AIMS Neuroscience
  104. Journal of Osseointegration
  105. ImmunoTargets and Therapy
  106. Journal of Spectral Imaging
  107. Revista Colombiana de Estadistica
  108. Seminars in Roentgenology
  109. International Journal of Radiation Research
  110. Russian Journal of Marine Biology
  111. Journal of the Entomological Research Society
  112. Radiatsionnaya Gygiena
  113. Translational Cancer Research
  114. Tropical Doctor
  115. Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics
  116. Revista Espanola de Medicina Nuclear e Imagen Molecular
  117. Biological Rhythm Research
  118. Journal Francais d'Ophtalmologie
  119. Nano Biomedicine and Engineering
  120. Open Neuroimaging Journal
  121. Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta
  122. World Scientific Series on Asia-Pacific Weather and Climate
  123. Journal of Eye Movement Research
  124. Physics of Atomic Nuclei
  125. Turkiye Entomoloji Dergisi
  126. Acta Endocrinologica
  127. International Journal of Tourism Policy
  128. Revista de Psicologia Social
  129. Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology
  130. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
  131. Open Stem Cell Journal
  132. Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis
  133. Monographs in human genetics
  134. Acta Arachnologica
  135. Folia Medica
  136. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences
  137. Multiple Sclerosis and Demyelinating Disorders
  138. Breast Disease
  139. Current Optics and Photonics
  140. Macroheterocycles
  141. Postepy biochemii
  142. Archivos de la Sociedad Espanola de Oftalmologia
  143. BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin
  144. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi
  145. Reviews in Medical Microbiology
  146. Astrophysics
  147. Clinical Pathology
  148. Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University
  149. Journal of Medical Devices, Transactions of the ASME
  150. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association
  151. Physics of Particles and Nuclei
  152. Applied Mathematics E - Notes
  153. Iranian Journal of Medical Physics
  154. Journal of Analytical Chemistry
  155. Meditsina truda i promyshlennaia ekologiia
  156. Oriental Insects
  157. Serangga
  158. Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health and Behavior
  159. International Journal of Modern Physics B
  160. Keio Journal of Medicine
  161. Soins Psychiatrie
  162. Acta medica (Hradec Kralove)
  163. Aviation
  164. Hematology Reports
  165. International Journal of Peptides
  166. Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences
  167. Spinal cord series and cases
  168. Environmental Health and Toxicology
  169. Farmacia Hospitalaria
  170. Ferroelectrics
  171. International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion
  172. Journal of Nutrition and Health
  173. Organic Communications
  174. Applications of Mathematics
  175. Comparative Parasitology
  176. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology
  177. Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health
  178. Note di Matematica
  179. Transactions of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute
  180. Vestnik St. Petersburg University: Mathematics
  181. Gene Reports
  182. Journal of Binocular Vision and Ocular Motility
  183. Mikrobiyoloji Bulteni
  184. Neurosciences
  185. Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences
  186. Publicacion Electronica de la Asociacion Paleontologica Argentina
  187. Survey Methodology
  188. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling
  189. Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry
  190. Journal of Applied Analysis
  191. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde
  192. Markov Processes and Related Fields
  193. Pakistan Journal of Statistics
  194. Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine
  195. A&A practice
  196. Acta Theriologica Sinica
  197. Botanicheskii Zhurnal
  198. European Journal of Psychiatry
  199. International Journal of Health Science
  200. NeuroRegulation
  201. Western Birds
  202. Archivos de Zootecnia
  203. Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica
  204. Current Issues in Personality Psychology
  205. Journal of the Belgian Society of Radiology
  206. Nucleus (India)
  207. Sante Publique
  208. BMJ Case Reports
  209. Ferroelectrics, Letters Section
  210. International Journal on Algae
  211. MSMR
  212. Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems
  213. Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements
  214. Somnologie
  215. Spectroscopy Letters
  216. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A: Bridging Education and Research
  217. Contributions to Discrete Mathematics
  218. Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry
  219. Journal of Applied Optics
  220. Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons--Pakistan : JCPSP
  221. Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii
  222. Real Analysis Exchange
  223. Senior care pharmacist, The
  224. South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management
  225. Abstract and Applied Analysis
  226. Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso
  227. Portugaliae Mathematica
  228. Radiation and Risk
  229. Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry
  230. Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology
  231. Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics
  232. Geology and Mineral Resources of Siberia
  233. International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education
  234. Journal of special operations medicine : a peer reviewed journal for SOF medical professionals
  235. Middle East Journal of Cancer
  236. Zeitschrift fur Allgemeinmedizin
  237. Addictive Disorders and their Treatment
  238. Computational Mathematics and Modeling
  239. Current Computer-Aided Drug Design
  240. Innovations in Incidence Geometry
  241. Proyecciones
  242. Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases
  243. International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics
  244. Metron
  245. Psychology and Neuroscience
  246. Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
  247. Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences
  248. Communications on Stochastic Analysis
  249. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences
  250. Respiratory Medicine: X
  251. Acta Physiologica Sinica
  252. Advances in Quantum Chemistry
  253. Ars Combinatoria
  254. Digital journal of ophthalmology : DJO
  255. Earthquake Science
  256. Educational and Developmental Psychologist
  257. Romanian Journal of Internal Medicine
  258. Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics
  259. Balkan Journal of Geometry and its Applications
  260. British Journal of Community Nursing
  261. International Journal of Care Coordination
  262. Prikladnaya Diskretnaya Matematika
  263. Revista Chilena de Infectologia
  264. Techniques in Orthopaedics
  265. ANZIAM Journal
  266. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering
  267. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics
  268. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series
  269. Gene: X
  270. International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications
  271. Journal of Computational Geometry
  272. Journal of healthcare risk management : the journal of the American Society for Healthcare Risk Management
  273. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
  274. Journal of Object Technology
  275. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
  276. Marine Biological Journal
  277. Microbiology Australia
  278. Network: Computation in Neural Systems
  279. Nonlinear Studies
  280. Przeglad Geologiczny
  281. Radiology Case Reports
  282. Telopea
  283. Volumina Jurassica
  284. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research
  285. Iran Occupational Health
  286. Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies
  287. Minerva Psichiatrica
  288. Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society
  289. Radiologia
  290. Techniques in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
  291. Wisconsin Medical Journal
  292. European Journal of Inflammation
  293. International Journal of Plant Biology
  294. Journal of Applied Biotechnology Reports
  295. RoFo Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Rontgenstrahlen und der Bildgebenden Verfahren
  296. Vestnik Zoologii
  297. Acta Medica Iranica
  298. Cahiers de Biologie Marine
  299. International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction
  300. Journal of Algebraic Systems
  301. Journal of Human Growth and Development
  302. Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification
  303. Logica Universalis
  304. Organization Development Journal
  305. Revista Espanola de Salud Publica
  306. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A
  307. Science and Sports
  308. Turk Psikiyatri Dergisi
  309. Acta Physica Polonica A
  310. Current Organocatalysis
  311. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries
  312. Indian Journal of Finance
  313. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology
  314. Journal of Camel Practice and Research
  315. Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps
  316. Modeling, Identification and Control
  317. Molecular Biology
  318. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine
  319. Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry
  320. Cognition, Brain, Behavior. An Interdisciplinary Journal
  321. EPJ Applied Physics
  322. Indian Journal of Fisheries
  323. International Journal of Computer Mathematics: Computer Systems Theory
  324. Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
  325. Journal of Structured Finance
  326. Medicine, Conflict and Survival
  327. Nuclear Medicine Review
  328. Progress In Electromagnetics Research M
  329. Quasigroups and Related Systems
  330. Revista Medica de Chile
  331. Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry
  332. Thalassas
  333. Chinese Medical Sciences Journal
  334. Ciencias Marinas
  335. Inzynieria Mineralna
  336. Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
  337. Journal of the Korean Physical Society
  338. Medycyna wieku rozwojowego
  339. Annali di Botanica
  340. Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l'Environnement
  341. Biomedical and Biotechnology Research Journal
  342. Clinical Microbiology Newsletter
  343. Gradevinar
  344. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science
  345. Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada
  346. Medical Journal Armed Forces India
  347. NeuroQuantology
  348. Psychology and Developing Societies
  349. Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal
  350. Ruan Jian Xue Bao/Journal of Software
  351. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
  352. World Earthquake Engineering
  353. Bodenkultur
  354. Current Proteomics
  355. Indian Journal of Hematology and Blood Transfusion
  356. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering
  357. International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies
  358. Journal of Cellular Biotechnology
  359. Journal of Clinical Ethics
  360. Journal of dental hygiene : JDH / American Dental Hygienists' Association
  361. Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences
  362. RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications
  363. Ukrainian Journal of Physics
  364. Acta Neuropsychologica
  365. Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing
  366. Odonatologica
  367. Open Physics
  368. Boletin Geologico y Minero
  369. Confluentes Mathematici
  370. Foundations of Management
  371. Helia
  372. Iheringia - Serie Botanica
  373. Journal of Neutron Research
  374. Journal of the Geothermal Research Society of Japan
  375. Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
  376. WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics
  377. Arkivoc
  378. Canadian Field-Naturalist
  379. Clinical Case Reports
  380. Geotechnical Engineering
  381. Guangzi Xuebao/Acta Photonica Sinica
  382. Hippokratia
  383. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management
  384. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
  385. JAVA - Journal of the Association for Vascular Access
  386. Journal of Intelligent Systems
  387. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
  388. Lymphology
  389. Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics
  390. Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare
  391. Psychiatrikē = Psychiatriki
  392. Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law
  393. Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis
  394. EuroMediterranean Biomedical Journal
  395. Folia Medica Cracoviensia
  396. Journal of Optics (India)
  397. Listy Cukrovarnicke a Reparske
  398. Transactions of Famena
  399. Acta Neurologica Taiwanica
  400. Archives of Civil Engineering
  401. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease
  402. International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research
  403. Iranian Journal of Toxicology
  404. Journal of Breast Imaging
  405. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering
  406. Mathematical Reports
  407. Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings
  408. Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science
  409. Research on Biomedical Engineering
  410. Russian Journal of Genetics
  411. Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering
  412. Adansonia
  413. Annals of the University of Craiova, Physics
  414. Arboricultural Journal
  415. Botanikai Kozlemenyek
  416. Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy
  417. Case Reports in Neurology
  418. Categories and General Algebraic Structures with Applications
  419. Doklady Physical Chemistry
  420. Jisuan Wuli/Chinese Journal of Computational Physics
  421. Journal of Central European Agriculture
  422. Psychiatric Annals
  423. Rendiconti dell'Istituto di Matematica dell'Universita di Trieste
  424. Turkiye parazitolojii dergisi
  425. Applied Magnetic Resonance
  426. Beijing Hangkong Hangtian Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  427. Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplement Series A: Membrane and Cell Biology
  428. Castanea
  429. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research
  430. Hongwai Yu Haomibo Xuebao/Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves
  431. IfCoLoG Journal of Logics and their Applications
  432. IWMI Research Report
  433. Journal of Behavioral Science
  434. Journal of Hospitality Financial Management
  435. Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment
  436. Revista Espanola de Geriatria y Gerontologia
  437. Scientia Agraria
  438. Zhidkie Kristally i Ikh Prakticheskoe Ispol'zovanie
  439. Applied Physics
  440. Bulletin of Computational Applied Mathematics
  441. Concussion
  442. Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering
  443. Der Radiologe
  444. Dusunen Adam
  445. Evidence-Based Dentistry
  446. Family Medicine and Primary Care Review
  447. Lean Construction Journal
  448. Mechanika
  449. Neurophysiology
  450. Problemy Radiatsiinoi Medytsyny ta Radiobiolohii
  451. Stapp car crash journal
  452. Translational Oncogenomics
  453. Transplant Research and Risk Management
  454. China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology
  455. Gefahrstoffe Reinhaltung der Luft
  456. Indian journal of medical ethics
  457. Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics
  458. Journal of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences University
  459. Klinicka Onkologie
  460. MEDICC Review
  461. Medicine
  462. Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism
  463. Optica Applicata
  464. Papers on Social Representations
  465. Ranshao Kexue Yu Jishu/Journal of Combustion Science and Technology
  466. Aquaculture Science
  467. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club
  468. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Series III: Mathematics, Informatics, Physics
  469. FP essentials
  470. Geotechnik
  471. Great Lakes Entomologist
  472. Health Risk Analysis
  473. International Review of Mechanical Engineering
  474. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution
  475. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy
  476. Journal of Ceramic Processing Research
  477. Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
  478. Korean journal of gastroenterology = Taehan Sohwagi Hakhoe chi, The
  479. Nutricion Clinica y Dietetica Hospitalaria
  480. Open Agriculture Journal
  481. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences
  482. Composites: Mechanics, Computations, Applications
  483. Flora Montiberica
  484. Geoscience Research Reports
  485. Gesundheitsokonomie und Qualitatsmanagement
  486. Hospital Topics
  487. Informatsionno-Upravliaiushchie Sistemy
  488. Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery: Advanced Techniques and Case Management
  489. London Journal of Primary Care
  490. Phyton
  491. Rethinking Ecology
  492. Russian Journal of Biomechanics
  493. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica
  494. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi
  495. Chirurg
  496. Enlightening Tourism
  497. Journal of Fisheries of China
  498. Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy
  499. LC-GC North America
  500. Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences
  501. Molekulyarnaya Biologiya
  502. Revista Escola de Minas
  503. Revue d'Ecologie (La Terre et la Vie)
  504. Seminars in Arthroplasty
  505. Tanzania Journal of Health Research
  506. Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal
  507. Acta Seismologica Sinica
  508. Biomedical Human Kinetics
  509. Case Reports in Medicine
  510. High Temperatures - High Pressures
  511. Iraqi Geological Journal
  512. Journal of Biorheology
  513. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Bulgaria)
  514. Khimiya Rastitel'nogo Syr'ya
  515. Motriz. Revista de Educacao Fisica
  516. National Medical Journal of India
  517. Phlebologie
  518. Pravention und Gesundheitsforderung
  519. Psicologia e Sociedade
  520. Tribology and Lubrication Technology
  521. Turk Kardiyoloji Dernegi Arsivi
  522. Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie
  523. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica
  524. Educacion Quimica
  525. Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi/Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis
  526. Horticultural Reviews
  527. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education
  528. Journal of clinical orthodontics : JCO
  529. Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology
  530. Journal of the Korean Medical Association
  531. Journal of Translational Autoimmunity
  532. Lazaroa
  533. Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace
  534. Meta Gene
  535. New Physics: Sae Mulli
  536. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research
  537. Polish Journal of Medical Physics and Engineering
  538. Psychological Thought
  539. Psychotherapeut
  540. Public Administration Issues
  541. Revista Brasileira de Politicas Publicas
  542. Ringing and Migration
  543. Strategies
  544. Therapeutic Communities
  545. Tunisie Medicale
  546. Wuli Xuebao/Acta Physica Sinica
  547. Asian Journal of University Education
  548. Biophysics (Russian Federation)
  549. Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologie Exotique
  550. Chinese Rare Earths
  551. Confinia Cephalalgica
  552. Fenmo Yejin Jishu/Powder Metallurgy Technology
  553. Himalayan Geology
  554. International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems
  555. International Medical Case Reports Journal
  556. Iranian Journal of Plant Physiology
  557. Journal of Fluid Science and Technology
  558. Journal of Imagery Research in Sport and Physical Activity
  559. Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology
  560. Neuropsychological Trends
  561. Physikalische Medizin Rehabilitationsmedizin Kurortmedizin
  562. Pteridines
  563. American journal of disaster medicine
  564. Current Immunology Reviews
  565. Current Issues in Education
  566. Fuss und Sprunggelenk
  567. International Journal of Financial Studies
  568. International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research
  569. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research
  570. Journal of Cardiology Cases
  571. Kodai Mathematical Journal
  572. Nano Biomedicine
  573. Pan-Pacific Entomologist
  574. Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano
  575. Revue de Medecine Interne
  576. Sabrao Journal of Breeding and Genetics
  577. British journal of hospital medicine (London, England : 2005)
  578. Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics
  579. Cirugia Plastica Ibero-Latinoamericana
  580. Current Chemistry Letters
  581. International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies
  582. Journal of Banking Regulation
  583. Journal of Health Research
  584. Journal of UOEH
  585. Mechatronic Systems and Control
  586. Medicina dello Sport
  587. Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease
  588. New Zealand Entomologist
  589. Polish Psychological Bulletin
  590. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments
  591. Psychodynamic Practice
  592. Revista Colombiana de Entomologia
  593. Revue des Maladies Respiratoires
  594. Serbian Astronomical Journal
  595. Series on Biomechanics
  596. USDA Forest Service - General Technical Report RMRS-GTR
  597. Alauda
  598. Australasian Orthodontic Journal
  599. Entomological Review
  600. International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation
  601. Interventional Medicine and Applied Science
  602. Journal of Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad : JAMC
  603. Journal of Mathematics in Industry
  604. Journal of Metals, Materials and Minerals
  605. Journal of Textile Engineering
  606. Nordic Studies in Education
  607. Ornis Norvegica
  608. Revista de Metalurgia
  609. Revista de Salud Publica
  610. Shiraz E Medical Journal
  611. Sodobna Pedagogika
  612. Surgery
  613. Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi
  614. Techniques in Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
  615. Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting and Finance
  616. Bridge Structures
  617. Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology
  618. Clinical Archives of Communication Disorders
  619. Current Orthopaedic Practice
  620. Entomological News
  621. International Journal of Cardiology: Hypertension
  622. International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Legal Medicine
  623. Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics
  624. JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
  625. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems
  626. Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety
  627. New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy
  628. Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi
  629. Orthopaedics and Trauma
  630. Prakticky Lekar
  631. Psico-USF
  632. Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations
  633. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geologicas
  634. Sleep Medicine Research
  635. Yiyong Shengwu Lixue/Journal of Medical Biomechanics
  636. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal
  637. Australasian Journal of Gifted Education
  638. Gaoya Wuli Xuebao/Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics
  639. International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization
  640. International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning
  641. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation
  642. Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering
  643. Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet
  644. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology
  645. Medical Journal of Malaysia
  646. Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design
  647. Open Medicine
  648. Revista Catalana d'Ornitologia
  649. Ribarstvo, Croatian Journal of Fisheries
  650. Acta medica academica
  651. Advances in Cell Biology
  652. Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
  653. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya
  654. Cell and Tissue Biology
  655. Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment
  656. Emergency medicine practice
  657. International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics
  658. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management
  659. Journal of Mammalian Ova Research
  660. Landtechnik
  661. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition
  662. Materials Science Forum
  663. New Directions for Teaching and Learning
  664. Oftalmologicheskii Zhurnal
  665. Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo
  666. Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie
  667. Acta Didactica Norge
  668. Annals of Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Fascicle XII, Welding Equipment and Technology"
  669. Archivos de Alergia e Inmunologia Clinica
  670. Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal
  671. Bonplandia
  672. British Actuarial Journal
  673. Contributii Botanice
  674. Corrosion Science and Technology
  675. Forum der Psychoanalyse
  676. JBJS Case Connector
  677. Journal of Military Medicine
  678. Journal of Youth Development
  679. Medicinski Glasnik
  680. Meta: Avaliacao
  681. Mineralia Slovaca
  682. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal
  683. Revista Brasileira de Saude e Producao Animal
  684. Zhen ci yan jiu = Acupuncture research / [Zhongguo yi xue ke xue yuan Yi xue qing bao yan jiu suo bian ji]
  685. Acta Horticulturae Sinica
  686. Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications
  687. Botanica Serbica
  688. Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
  689. Immunohematology
  690. International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance
  691. International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements
  692. International Journal of Environment, Workplace and Employment
  693. International Journal of Probiotics and Prebiotics
  694. International Journal of Stochastic Analysis
  695. International journal of yoga therapy
  696. Korean Journal of Neurotrauma
  697. L' Orthodontie française
  698. Metall
  699. Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry
  700. Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal
  701. Reports in Medical Imaging
  702. Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology
  703. Trends in Mathematics
  704. VacciMonitor
  705. Voprosy Pitaniia
  706. Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid
  707. British Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease
  708. Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
  709. Communications in Mathematical Biology and Neuroscience
  710. Dandao Xuebao/Journal of Ballistics
  711. Economia Chilena
  712. Environmental Protection Engineering
  713. Global Business and Economics Review
  714. International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering
  715. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
  716. Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics
  717. Journal of Chemical Research
  718. Journal of World's Poultry Research
  719. Libri Oncologici
  720. Lipid Technology
  721. Mediterranean Botany
  722. New directions for student leadership
  723. Parallel Processing Letters
  724. Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology
  725. Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine
  726. Problemy Analiza
  727. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen
  728. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia
  729. Acta Colombiana de Psicologia
  730. Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy
  731. Electronic Journal of General Medicine
  732. Geology Today
  733. Giornale di Chirurgia
  734. Journal of Amino Acids
  735. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior
  736. Journal of Hard Tissue Biology
  737. Journal of Index Investing
  738. Minerals, Metals and Materials Series
  739. Mocaxue Xuebao/Tribology
  740. Russian Journal of Nematology
  741. Statistics and Risk Modeling
  742. Tecnologia y Ciencias del Agua
  743. WT Werkstattstechnik
  744. Acta Bioethica
  745. Asian Journal of Business and Accounting
  746. Clinical Medicine Insights: Case Reports
  747. Geologija
  748. Icelandic Agricultural Sciences
  749. Indian Phytopathology
  750. Innovative Surgical Sciences
  751. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research
  752. International Journal of Surgery Open
  753. Irish Medical Journal
  754. Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science
  755. Laryngo- Rhino- Otologie
  756. Network Modeling and Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics
  757. Pesquisas em Geociencias
  758. Psihoterapija
  759. Reneng Dongli Gongcheng/Journal of Engineering for Thermal Energy and Power
  760. Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar
  761. SUT Journal of Mathematics
  762. African Vision and Eye Health
  763. Azerbaijan Medical Journal
  764. Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer
  765. Cytology and Genetics
  766. Educacion Matematica
  767. Forktail
  768. Gefasschirurgie
  769. Hacettepe Egitim Dergisi
  770. History of Psychiatry
  771. International Journal of Web Information Systems
  772. Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences
  773. Journal of the Society of Powder Technology, Japan
  774. Korean Journal of Physical, Multiple and Health Disabilities
  775. Mecosan
  776. Pegem Egitim ve Ogretim Dergisi
  777. Phuket Marine Biological Center Research Bulletin
  778. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering and Computational Mechanics
  779. Recent Results in Cancer Research
  780. Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research
  781. Science of Synthesis
  782. Trends in Psychology
  783. Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica
  784. Annals of Economics and Finance
  785. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching
  786. Asia-Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education
  787. Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplement Series B: Biomedical Chemistry
  788. Folia Forestalia Polonica, Series A
  789. Genetics of Aquatic Organisms
  790. Hacienda Publica Espanola
  791. International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications
  792. Journal of Entomological Research
  793. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments
  794. Jurnal Infektologii
  795. Nursing older people
  796. Pachyderm
  797. Radioelectronics and Communications Systems
  798. Revista Internacional de Contaminacion Ambiental
  799. Studies in Computational Intelligence
  800. Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications
  801. Yadian Yu Shengguang/Piezoelectrics and Acoustooptics
  802. Advances in Research on Teaching
  803. Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews
  804. Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering
  805. Financial Markets and Portfolio Management
  806. Functional Materials
  807. Geodeziya i Kartografiya
  808. Hearing, Balance and Communication
  809. International Journal of Education and Practice
  810. International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation
  811. Journal of Biopesticides
  812. Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
  813. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
  814. New Disease Reports
  815. Open Biomarkers Journal
  816. Photonics Letters of Poland
  817. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics
  818. Primenjena Psihologija
  819. Revista de la Educacion Superior
  820. Romanian Astronomical Journal
  821. Theory of Stochastic Processes
  822. Tire Science and Technology
  823. Acta Physica Polonica B, Proceedings Supplement
  824. Biuletyn - Panstwowego Instytutu Geologicznego
  825. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management
  826. Geopersia
  827. Hangkong Cailiao Xuebao/Journal of Aeronautical Materials
  828. Heart International
  829. Indian Journal of Surgery
  830. International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing
  831. International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics
  832. International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector
  833. International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems
  834. International Medical Journal
  835. Iranian Journal of Ageing
  836. Iranian Rehabilitation Journal
  837. Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering
  838. Journal of Crop Protection
  839. Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan
  840. Scientia Sinica: Physica, Mechanica et Astronomica
  841. Alter
  842. Applied Mathematics
  843. Biocell
  844. Bulletin of the International Association for Paleodontology
  845. Chemical Modelling
  846. Clinical advances in periodontics
  847. Ecosistemas
  848. FinanzArchiv
  849. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
  850. Giornale Italiano di Cardiologia
  851. Hrvatska Revija Za Rehabilitacijska Istrazivanja
  852. IEICE Transactions on Electronics
  853. IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing
  854. Information Bulletin on Variable Stars
  855. Information Display
  856. International Journal of Management Practice
  857. International Journal of Vehicular Technology
  858. Iranian Journal of Epidemiology
  859. Journal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin
  860. Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management
  861. Journal of Tehran University Heart Center
  862. Journal of the American Pomological Society
  863. Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying Geodesy Photogrammetry and Cartography
  864. Neiranji Gongcheng/Chinese Internal Combustion Engine Engineering
  865. Physics and Chemistry of Glasses: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part B
  866. Progress in Nutrition
  867. Revista Chilena de Nutricion
  868. Revista de Psicologia (Peru)
  869. Sensing and Imaging
  870. Taiyangneng Xuebao/Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica
  871. Tongxin Xuebao/Journal on Communications
  872. Xi Tong Gong Cheng Yu Dian Zi Ji Shu/Systems Engineering and Electronics
  873. Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures
  874. Zhongguo Kexue Jishu Kexue/Scientia Sinica Technologica
  875. Acta Horticulturae
  876. Analise Psicologica
  877. Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists: Series on Mathematics and its Applications
  878. Artificial Satellites
  879. Earth Sciences Research Journal
  880. Ekonomia i Srodowisko
  881. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods
  882. Gaceta Medica de Mexico
  883. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology
  884. Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial
  885. Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management
  886. KEDI Journal of Educational Policy
  887. Progress on Chemistry and Application of Chitin and its Derivatives
  888. Rad Hrvatske Akademije Znanosti i Umjetnosti, Matematicke Znanosti
  889. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Trabalho
  890. Revista Mexicana de Fisica
  891. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems
  892. Scientia Geologica Sinica
  893. Terapevticheskii Arkhiv
  894. AATCC Journal of Research
  895. B-ENT
  896. Cailiao Gongcheng/Journal of Materials Engineering
  897. Emerging Materials Research
  898. Geogaceta
  899. Hidrobiologica
  900. International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing
  901. International Journal of System of Systems Engineering
  902. Journal of Food Quality and Hazards Control
  903. Journal of Lymphoedema
  904. Journal of pastoral care & counseling : JPCC, The
  905. Journal of Physical Education (Maringa)
  906. Letters in Organic Chemistry
  907. Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences
  908. Operating Systems Review (ACM)
  909. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy
  910. South African Journal of Radiology
  911. Trimestre Economico
  912. Zeitschrift fur Sportpsychologie
  913. Advances in Medical Sociology
  914. Agrokemia es Talajtan
  915. Australian Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology
  916. Beijing Linye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Beijing Forestry University
  917. Bulgarian Chemical Communications
  918. Current Medical Imaging Reviews
  919. Gerontechnology
  920. Information Visualization
  921. International Forum of Psychoanalysis
  922. International Journal of Business
  923. International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses
  924. International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics
  925. Journal of Bacteriology and Virology
  926. Journal of Classroom Interaction
  927. Journal of Health Management
  928. Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society, Section A: Chemistry
  929. Optoelectronics Letters
  930. Respiratory Medicine and Research
  931. Romanian Journal of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases
  932. Sahand Communications in Mathematical Analysis
  933. South African Journal of Business Management
  934. Acta IMEKO
  935. Advances in Decision Sciences
  936. Anti-Infective Agents
  937. Asian Biomedicine
  938. Biosystems Diversity
  939. Cailiao Rechuli Xuebao/Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment
  940. Ceska a Slovenska Oftalmologie
  941. European Transport - Trasporti Europei
  942. IEICE Electronics Express
  943. International Journal Bioautomation
  944. International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining
  945. Journal of Biotech Research
  946. Journal of Economic Development
  947. Journal of Hand Surgery Global Online
  948. Journal of the Association of Physicians of India, The
  949. Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies
  950. Medecine et sante tropicales
  951. Medwave
  952. Model Assisted Statistics and Applications
  953. Rassegna di Psicologia
  954. Revista Mexicana de Fisica E
  955. Boletin de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras
  956. Cahiers de Nutrition et de Dietetique
  957. Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control
  958. Cor et Vasa
  959. Ecletica Quimica
  960. Farmakoekonomika
  961. Gayana
  962. IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines
  963. International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases
  964. International Journal of Software Innovation
  965. Journal of Grey System
  966. Journal of insurance medicine (New York, N.Y.)
  967. Journal of International Oral Health
  968. Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance
  969. Medicina
  970. Network Security
  971. Physiologist
  972. Receptors
  973. Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials
  974. Revue Des Sciences De L'Eau
  975. Zhonghua gan zang bing za zhi = Zhonghua ganzangbing zazhi = Chinese journal of hepatology
  976. Acoustical Science and Technology
  977. Brazilian Business Review
  978. Cailiao Yanjiu Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Materials Research
  979. Croatian Operational Research Review
  980. Groups, Complexity, Cryptology
  981. HIV Infection and Immunosuppressive Disorders
  982. International Journal of Education Economics and Development
  983. Journal of Chinese Mass Spectrometry Society
  984. Journal of Cosmetic Science
  985. Journal of Medical Sciences (Taiwan)
  986. Journal of the Nepal Medical Association
  987. Koomesh
  988. Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Virology
  989. Orvosi Hetilap
  990. Paideia
  991. Revista Colombiana de Matematicas
  992. Turk Geriatri Dergisi
  993. Zentralblatt fur Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz und Ergonomie
  994. Zuchtungskunde
  995. Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra
  996. Asian Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics
  997. Asia-Pacific Financial Markets
  998. Higher Education Forum
  999. Hrvatski Meteoroloski Casopis/Croatian Meteorological Journal
  1000. Indian Journal of Mathematics
  1001. ITE Journal (Institute of Transportation Engineers)
  1002. Jaen Journal on Approximation
  1003. Japanese Journal of Health Physics
  1004. Journal of Hematopathology
  1005. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and Pathology
  1006. Key Engineering Materials
  1007. Korean journal of medical education
  1008. Materiaux et Techniques
  1009. Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica
  1010. Polarforschung
  1011. Psicoterapia Cognitiva e Comportamentale
  1012. Scientia Sinica Chimica
  1013. Shiyan Liuti Lixue/Journal of Experiments in Fluid Mechanics
  1014. Adultspan Journal
  1015. African Journal of Urology
  1016. Agrarforschung Schweiz
  1017. California Fish and Game
  1018. Ciencia Animal Brasileira
  1019. Creative nursing
  1020. Der Pathologe
  1021. European Research in Telemedicine
  1022. Fa yi xue za zhi
  1023. Human Physiology
  1024. Indian Journal of Otology
  1025. International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications
  1026. International Journal of Environment and Waste Management
  1027. International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications
  1028. Internetworking Indonesia Journal
  1029. Journal of Central South University (Medical Sciences)
  1030. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy
  1031. Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics
  1032. Monographs in clinical cytology
  1033. Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology
  1034. Tokai Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine
  1035. Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
  1036. WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control
  1037. Xitong Fangzhen Xuebao / Journal of System Simulation
  1038. Biological Letters
  1039. Business Economics
  1040. Case Reports in Oncological Medicine
  1041. Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy
  1042. Entomologica Fennica
  1043. Ethics, Medicine and Public Health
  1044. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology
  1045. International Journal of Power Electronics
  1046. Journal of Electrical Systems
  1047. Journal of Iron and Steel Research
  1048. Journal of Military and Veterans' Health
  1049. Journal of Operational Risk
  1050. Journal of Southeast Asian American Education and Advancement
  1051. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B
  1052. Kuei Suan Jen Hsueh Pao/ Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society
  1053. Metallurgia Italiana
  1054. Practical Gastroenterology
  1055. Psykhe
  1056. Public Sector Economics
  1057. Southwestern Naturalist
  1058. Trends in Sport Sciences
  1059. Tribologia: Finnish Journal of Tribology
  1060. Ukrainian Biochemical Journal
  1061. Uludag Aricilik Dergisi
  1062. Veterinarska Stanica
  1063. Avances en Psicologia Latinoamericana
  1064. Bulletin de l'Institut Scientifique, Section Sciences de la Terre
  1065. Computers in Entertainment
  1066. Concrete Operators
  1067. Food Protection Trends
  1068. Gerokomos
  1069. Informatica (Slovenia)
  1070. International Journal for Engineering Modelling
  1071. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics
  1072. Journal of Conchology
  1073. Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing
  1074. Journal of the International Society for Southeast Asian Agricultural Sciences
  1075. Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society
  1076. Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika
  1077. Mondes En Developpement
  1078. Moroccan Journal of Chemistry
  1079. Research and theory for nursing practice
  1080. Revista Iberoamericana de Educacion Superior
  1081. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies
  1082. Advances in Gerontology
  1083. Advances in Organic Synthesis
  1084. Archiwum Medycyny Sadowej i Kryminologii
  1085. Atherosclerosis: X
  1086. Aviakosmicheskaia i ekologicheskaia meditsina = Aerospace and environmental medicine
  1087. Biomedical Engineering - Applications, Basis and Communications
  1088. Chinese Journal of Chromatography (Se Pu)
  1089. Forestry Ideas
  1090. Gorteria: Tijdschrift voor Onderzoek aan de Wilde Flora
  1091. GPS World
  1092. Human Factors and Mechanical Engineering for Defense and Safety
  1093. ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications
  1094. International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications
  1095. International Journal of Microsimulation
  1096. International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems
  1097. Journal of Australian Taxation
  1098. Journal of Orofacial Sciences
  1099. Kurume Medical Journal
  1100. Mass Spectrometry Letters
  1101. Neutron News
  1102. Ochrona Srodowiska i Zasobow Naturalnych
  1103. Pratiques Psychologiques
  1104. Qatar Medical Journal
  1105. Recent patents on food, nutrition & agriculture
  1106. Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications
  1107. Teaching of Mathematics
  1108. Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  1109. Turk hijiyen ve deneysel biyoloji dergisi. Turkish bulletin of hygiene and experimental biology
  1110. UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science
  1111. Vestnik Oftalmologii
  1112. Vestnik Oto-Rino-Laringologii
  1113. Zeitschrift fur Neuropsychologie
  1114. Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series
  1115. Berliner und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift
  1116. Case Reports in Psychiatry
  1117. Corpoica Ciencia y Tecnologia Agropecuaria
  1118. Educational Leadership
  1119. Environmental Claims Journal
  1120. Geometry, Integrability and Quantization
  1121. Great Plains Research
  1122. gulf journal of oncology, The
  1123. Guti Lixue Xuebao/Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica
  1124. International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems
  1125. International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions
  1126. Investigaciones Geograficas
  1127. Journal of Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery
  1128. Journal of Fisheries and Environment
  1129. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
  1130. Magnetic Resonance in Solids
  1131. Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology
  1132. Nursing leadership (Toronto, Ont.)
  1133. Pedagogika
  1134. Physiotherapy Quarterly
  1135. Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology
  1136. Radiologic Technology
  1137. Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia
  1138. Revista Cubana de Enfermeria
  1139. Revue de Medecine Legale
  1140. Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, B
  1141. Vibrations in Physical Systems
  1142. ACS Symposium Series
  1143. Arxius de Miscellania Zoologica
  1144. Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counselling
  1145. Carpathian Journal of Food Science and Technology
  1146. Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin
  1147. Cientifica
  1148. Generations
  1149. Geologie de la France
  1150. Ideggyogyaszati Szemle
  1151. International Journal of Epilepsy
  1152. International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion
  1153. Journal of Agricultural Extension
  1154. Journal of Agricultural Resources and Environment
  1155. Journal of Computing and Information Technology
  1156. Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics
  1157. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods
  1158. Journal of Time Series Econometrics
  1159. Linguistic Variation
  1160. LUMAT
  1161. Mathematical Notes of NEFU
  1162. Oxford Medical Case Reports
  1163. Philippine Agricultural Scientist
  1164. Pneumon
  1165. Revista Brasileira de Orientacao Profissional
  1166. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicopatologia Fundamental
  1167. Rocky Mountain Geology
  1168. South African Statistical Journal
  1169. Turkish Journal of Physics
  1170. Advanced Structured Materials
  1171. Annales de Cardiologie et d'Angeiologie
  1172. Astronomy and Geophysics
  1173. Diagnostic Histopathology
  1174. e-Review of Tourism Research
  1175. Indian Journal of Biotechnology
  1176. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
  1177. Japanese Journal of Hygiene
  1178. Journal of Animal Health and Production
  1179. Journal of Men's Health
  1180. Journal of Risk Model Validation
  1181. Korean Chemical Engineering Research
  1182. Korean Journal of Microbiology
  1183. Masonry International
  1184. Phytopathogenic Mollicutes
  1185. Psyche (New York)
  1186. Revista Espanola de Drogodependencias
  1187. Revista Materia
  1188. Trauma Monthly
  1189. Welding International
  1190. Analitika i Kontrol
  1191. Annales de Biologie Clinique
  1192. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management
  1193. Baghdad Science Journal
  1194. Botanica Lithuanica
  1195. Canadian Biosystems Engineering / Le Genie des biosystems au Canada
  1196. Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine
  1197. Challenges in Sustainability
  1198. Computacion y Sistemas
  1199. European Journal of Comparative Economics
  1200. European Journal of General Dentistry
  1201. Geophysica
  1202. Gulf and Caribbean Research
  1203. International Journal of Environment and Pollution
  1204. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations
  1205. Investigacion Operacional
  1206. Jiegou Huaxue
  1207. Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics
  1208. Journal of Coloproctology
  1209. Journal of Complex Analysis
  1210. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers
  1211. Journal of Orthopaedics, Trauma and Rehabilitation
  1212. Kartographische Nachrichten
  1213. Malaysian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  1214. Nursing Management
  1215. Orbital
  1216. Plant Root
  1217. Przeglad Dermatologiczny
  1218. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation
  1219. WHO Drug Information
  1220. African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
  1221. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus
  1222. Croatian Journal of Education
  1223. Cuadernos de Turismo
  1224. Current Regenerative Medicine
  1225. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology
  1226. Infektsionnye Bolezni
  1227. International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering and Technology
  1228. Journal of Bionanoscience
  1229. Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology
  1230. Journal of South China Agricultural University
  1231. Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India
  1232. Kathmandu University Medical Journal
  1233. Khayyam Journal of Mathematics
  1234. Klinicka Mikrobiologie a Infekcni Lekarstvi
  1235. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum
  1236. Norwegian Journal of Entomology
  1237. Progress in Reaction Kinetics and Mechanism
  1238. Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies
  1239. Research in Agricultural Engineering
  1240. Rwanda Medical Journal
  1241. South African Journal of Physiotherapy
  1242. Translational and Clinical Pharmacology
  1243. West African Journal of Applied Ecology
  1244. World Journal of Dentistry
  1245. Anuario de Psicologia
  1246. Avaliacao Psicologica
  1247. Boletin Medico del Hospital Infantil de Mexico
  1248. Canadian Acoustics - Acoustique Canadienne
  1249. Canadian Journal of Education
  1250. Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity
  1251. Economic and Environmental Geology
  1252. Ethiopian Medical Journal
  1253. European Journal of Mental Health
  1254. Folia Biologica
  1255. Fuzzy Economic Review
  1256. Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal
  1257. International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems
  1258. International Journal of Aquatic Biology
  1259. International Journal of Electronics Letters
  1260. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising
  1261. International Shipbuilding Progress
  1262. Irish Geography
  1263. Knowledge Management
  1264. Revista do Instituto Geologico
  1265. Veterinary Record Case Reports
  1266. Chiang Mai Journal of Science
  1267. Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology
  1268. Dental Hypotheses
  1269. DYNA (Colombia)
  1270. Geographical Bulletin - Gamma Theta Upsilon
  1271. International Cardiovascular Research Journal
  1272. International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research
  1273. International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence
  1274. International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design
  1275. Iranian Journal of Dermatology
  1276. Japanese Journal of Limnology
  1277. Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation, Series A
  1278. Journal of Biophysics
  1279. Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  1280. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences
  1281. Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
  1282. Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases
  1283. Journal of Tropical Meteorology
  1284. Klimik Dergisi
  1285. Kuangwu Yanshi
  1286. Medical Journal of Indonesia
  1287. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology - Asia
  1288. Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C
  1289. RA'E GA - O Espaco Geografico em Analise
  1290. Zdravookhranenie Rossiiskoi Federatsii / Ministerstvo zdravookhraneniia RSFSR
  1291. Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series
  1292. African Journal of Paediatric Surgery
  1293. Biotropia
  1294. British Columbia Medical Journal
  1295. Chinese Journal of Cardiology
  1296. Dongbei Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northeastern University
  1297. Frontiers of Economics in China
  1298. Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria
  1299. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health
  1300. International Journal of Structural Engineering
  1301. Issues in Law and Medicine
  1302. Izvestiya of Saratov University, New Series: Physics
  1303. Journal fur Entwicklungspolitik
  1304. Journal of Experimental Therapeutics and Oncology
  1305. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition)
  1306. Mappemonde
  1307. Maritime Affairs
  1308. Medicina Paliativa
  1309. Mongolian Journal of Chemistry
  1310. Oilfield Chemistry
  1311. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Forensic Engineering
  1312. Revista Cubana de Educacion Medica Superior
  1313. Salud Mental
  1314. Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering
  1315. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service - Resource Bulletin
  1316. Web Intelligence
  1317. Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft
  1318. Akustika
  1319. Alberta Journal of Educational Research
  1320. Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie
  1321. Beijing Gongye Daxue Xuebao / Journal of Beijing University of Technology
  1322. Biologie Aujourd'hui
  1323. Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe
  1324. CT y F - Ciencia, Tecnologia y Futuro
  1325. Dela
  1326. Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
  1327. EEA - Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica
  1328. European Journal of Anatomy
  1329. Finance India
  1330. Geodetski List
  1331. Guofang Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of National University of Defense Technology
  1332. IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems
  1333. Indian Growth and Development Review
  1334. Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development
  1335. Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
  1336. Nanjing Hangkong Hangtian Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  1337. Photochemistry
  1338. Profilakticheskaya Meditsina
  1339. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences
  1340. Shuidonglixue Yanjiu yu Jinzhan/Chinese Journal of Hydrodynamics Ser. A
  1341. Socijalna Ekologija
  1342. Standort
  1343. Tidsskrift for den Norske Laegeforening
  1344. Vegetos
  1345. Vie et Milieu
  1346. Zhurnal Nevrologii i Psikhiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova
  1347. American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology
  1348. Austrobaileya
  1349. BELGEO
  1350. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Pathology
  1351. Cailiao Daobao/Materials Review
  1352. Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural
  1353. E-Informatica Software Engineering Journal
  1354. Fortschritte der Neurologie Psychiatrie
  1355. Fujitsu Scientific and Technical Journal
  1356. Geographical Review of Japan
  1357. Ingenierie des Systemes d'Information
  1358. Instrumentation Mesure Metrologie
  1359. International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining
  1360. International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering
  1361. International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications
  1362. Irish Journal of Earth Sciences
  1363. Israel Journal of Entomology
  1364. Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology
  1365. Journal of Advanced Microscopy Research
  1366. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Anesthesia
  1367. Journal of Computer Science
  1368. Journal of International Logistics and Trade
  1369. Journal of the Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
  1370. Keikinzoku/Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals
  1371. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
  1372. Moshi Shibie yu Rengong Zhineng/Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
  1373. Pestology
  1374. Psicologia Clinica
  1375. Rational Pharmacotherapy in Cardiology
  1376. Scandinavian Psychologist
  1377. Soils and Rocks
  1378. South-Western Journal of Horticulture, Biology and Environment
  1379. Sovremennye Tehnologii v Medicine
  1380. Transactions on Education
  1381. World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics
  1382. Zhongguo ying yong sheng li xue za zhi = Zhongguo yingyong shenglixue zazhi = Chinese journal of applied physiology
  1383. Zhonghua wei chang wai ke za zhi = Chinese journal of gastrointestinal surgery
  1384. Acta Scientiarum - Biological Sciences
  1385. Applied Environmental Research
  1386. Chemija
  1387. Communications in Computer and Information Science
  1388. Current Treatment Options in Pediatrics
  1389. Economists' Voice
  1390. Ekologiya Cheloveka (Human Ecology)
  1391. Fisioterapia
  1392. Giornale Italiano di Endodonzia
  1393. Indonesian Biomedical Journal
  1394. Infectio
  1395. Informatik-Spektrum
  1396. Institutions and Economies
  1397. International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations
  1398. International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation
  1399. International Journal of Global Environmental Issues
  1400. International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach
  1401. International Journal of Mechanics
  1402. Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine
  1403. Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria
  1404. Journal of Healthcare Quality Research
  1405. Journal of the Geographical Institute Jovan Cvijic SASA
  1406. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine
  1407. Mathematics Enthusiast
  1408. Nan fang yi ke da xue xue bao = Journal of Southern Medical University
  1409. Polski Merkuriusz Lekarski
  1410. Problemy Osobo Opasnykh Infektsii
  1411. Proceedings on Applied Botany, Genetics and Breeding
  1412. Revista de la Asociacion Espanola de Especialistas en Medicina del Trabajo
  1413. Revista Facultad de Ingenieria
  1414. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series D: Faculty of Economics and Administration
  1415. Scottish Medical Journal
  1416. South Eastern European Journal of Public Health
  1417. Utilitas Mathematica
  1418. Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel
  1419. Genes and Cells
  1420. Geofisica International
  1421. International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems
  1422. International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace
  1423. International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications
  1424. Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice
  1425. Journal of the Egyptian Women's Dermatologic Society
  1426. Kardiologiya
  1427. Malaysian Journal of Microbiology
  1428. Mechanisms and Machine Science
  1429. Noise and Vibration Worldwide
  1430. Point of Care
  1431. Polish Journal of Natural Sciences
  1432. Pollution Research
  1433. Revista Brasileira de Ciencias do Esporte
  1434. Revista Galega de Economia
  1435. Sante Mentale au Quebec
  1436. Social Medicine
  1437. Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine
  1438. Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine
  1439. USDA Forest Service - Research Note PNW-RN
  1440. Acta Veterinaria Eurasia
  1441. AMHA - Acta Medico-Historica Adriatica
  1442. Annales de Chimie: Science des Materiaux
  1443. Cardiovascular Therapy and Prevention (Russian Federation)
  1444. Chemical Biology Letters
  1445. Chinese Journal of Luminescence
  1446. Clinical Neurology
  1447. Current Pediatric Research
  1448. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy
  1449. Geographia Cassoviensis
  1450. Halteres
  1451. Houille Blanche
  1452. International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education
  1453. International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms
  1454. International Journal of Agricultural Technology
  1455. International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing
  1456. International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems
  1457. International Journal of Business Analytics
  1458. Issues in Environmental Science and Technology
  1459. Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine
  1460. Journal of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering
  1461. Journal of the Geodetic Society of Japan
  1462. Laboratoriums Medizin
  1463. Periodica polytechnica Electrical engineering and computer science
  1464. Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie
  1465. Privredna Kretanja i Ekonomska Politika
  1466. Productions Animales
  1467. Przeglad Epidemiologiczny
  1468. Psiholoska Obzorja
  1469. Review of Network Economics
  1470. Revista Brasileira de Economia
  1471. Revue d'Economie Industrielle
  1472. Roczniki Psychologiczne
  1473. Russian Journal of Forest Science
  1474. Scientia Medica
  1475. Turkish World Mathematical Society Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics
  1476. Ulster Medical Journal
  1477. WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics
  1478. Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University
  1479. Zhurnal Voprosy Neirokhirurgii Imeni N.N. Burdenko
  1480. Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences
  1481. Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics and Gynecology
  1482. Cuadernos de Economia (Spain)
  1483. Current Enzyme Inhibition
  1484. Dalian Haishi Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Dalian Maritime University
  1485. Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry
  1486. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences
  1487. Guangxue Jishu/Optical Technique
  1488. Immunology, Endocrine and Metabolic Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
  1489. Indonesian Journal on Geoscience
  1490. International Journal of Enterprise Network Management
  1491. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning
  1492. Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering
  1493. Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management
  1494. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology
  1495. Journal of Physical Studies
  1496. Medecine/Sciences
  1497. Nevrologiya, Neiropsikhiatriya, Psikhosomatika
  1498. Pediatric Traumatology, Orthopaedics and Reconstructive Surgery
  1499. Professioni infermieristiche
  1500. Reliable Computing
  1501. Revista Cientifica de la Sociedad Espanola de Enfermeria Neurologica
  1502. Revista Cubana de Salud Publica
  1503. Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental
  1504. Seoul Journal of Economics
  1505. South African Journal of Surgery
  1506. Sports Orthopaedics and Traumatology
  1507. Statistika
  1508. Travail Humain
  1509. Tuberkuloz ve Toraks
  1510. WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development
  1511. Zhonghua xue ye xue za zhi = Zhonghua xueyexue zazhi
  1512. Annales de Pathologie
  1513. Antarctic Record
  1514. Applied Mathematical Sciences (Switzerland)
  1515. Arkhiv Patologii
  1516. Bulletin of Educational Research
  1517. Bulletin of Glaciological Research
  1518. Chemical Product and Process Modeling
  1519. Disaster Advances
  1520. Europhysics News
  1521. Gao Xiao Hua Xue Gong Cheng Xue Bao/Journal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities
  1522. Giornale Italiano di Psicologia
  1523. HIV and AIDS Review
  1524. Huazhong Keji Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition)
  1525. International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing
  1526. International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications
  1527. Iranian Heart Journal
  1528. Journal for Vascular Ultrasound
  1529. Journal of Engineering Technology
  1530. Journal of Environmental Science and Management
  1531. Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science
  1532. Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering
  1533. Materials Evaluation
  1534. Monatsschrift fur Kinderheilkunde
  1535. New Review of Information Networking
  1536. Oftalmologija. Vostochnaja Evropa
  1537. Oral Surgery
  1538. Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
  1539. Praktische Metallographie/Practical Metallography
  1540. Sustentabilidade em Debate
  1541. Urologiia
  1542. Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas
  1543. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Biology
  1544. British Journal of Health Care Management
  1545. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
  1546. Coluna/ Columna
  1547. Current Chemical Biology
  1548. Diabetes Mellitus
  1549. Electronic Communications of the EASST
  1550. Energy Engineering: Journal of the Association of Energy Engineers
  1551. Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur
  1552. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
  1553. GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences
  1554. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
  1555. Indian Journal of Rheumatology
  1556. International Advances in Economic Research
  1557. International Journal of Chinese Education
  1558. Issledovanie Zemli iz Kosmosa, (Earth Research from Space)
  1559. Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
  1560. Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics
  1561. Journal of the Chinese Society of Corrosion and Protection
  1562. Lekarsky Obzor
  1563. Neiranji Xuebao/Transactions of CSICE (Chinese Society for Internal Combustion Engines)
  1564. Pakistan Journal of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry
  1565. Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa
  1566. Qiangjiguang Yu Lizishu/High Power Laser and Particle Beams
  1567. Recenti Progressi in Medicina
  1568. Revista Argentina de Cardiologia
  1569. Statistics in Transition
  1570. Urological Science
  1571. Xi'an Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Xidian University
  1572. Zhonghua yi xue za zhi
  1573. Advancements in Life Sciences
  1574. Advances in Health Care Management
  1575. Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae
  1576. Communications in Mathematics
  1577. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research
  1578. Huanan Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of South China University of Technology (Natural Science)
  1579. IJC Metabolic and Endocrine
  1580. International Journal of Manufacturing, Materials, and Mechanical Engineering
  1581. International Journal of Web Portals
  1582. International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing
  1583. Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis
  1584. Journal of Comprehensive Pediatrics
  1585. Journal of Elementary Education
  1586. Journal of Natural Remedies
  1587. Journal of Radiology Case Reports
  1588. Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics
  1589. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology
  1590. Nova Mehanizacija Sumarstva
  1591. Obesity and Metabolism
  1592. Open Ecology Journal
  1593. Pakistan Development Review
  1594. Pferdeheilkunde
  1595. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics
  1596. Psicologia em Estudo
  1597. Springer Series in Materials Science
  1598. Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie
  1599. Translational Research in Anatomy
  1600. Zeitschrift fur Padagogik
  1601. Acta Psychologica Sinica
  1602. Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology
  1603. ASEAN Journal of Chemical Engineering
  1604. Avocetta
  1605. Brazilian Dental Science
  1606. Ceska a Slovenska Neurologie a Neurochirurgie
  1607. Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt
  1608. Egyptian Journal of Histology
  1609. Giornale italiano di nefrologia : organo ufficiale della Società italiana di nefrologia
  1610. International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics
  1611. International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology
  1612. International Journal of Information and Computer Security
  1613. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction
  1614. Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
  1615. Journal of Community Nursing
  1616. Journal of Drug Policy Analysis
  1617. Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences
  1618. Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies
  1619. Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Transactions of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Series C/Chung-Kuo Chi Hsueh Kung Ch'eng Hsuebo Pao
  1620. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
  1621. Korean Journal of Materials Research
  1622. Krankenhauspharmazie
  1623. Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Pao/Journal of Engineering Thermophysics
  1624. Malaysian Applied Biology
  1625. Monografies de la Societat d'Historia Natural de les Balears
  1626. Prague medical report
  1627. Revue des Composites et des Materiaux Avances
  1628. Shengwu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Biotechnology
  1629. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health
  1630. Surgical and Cosmetic Dermatology
  1631. Technology Innovation Management Review
  1632. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine]
  1633. Armenian Journal of Mathematics
  1634. Asian Dyer
  1635. Bangladesh Journal of Botany
  1636. Botanica Complutensis
  1637. British Journal of Medical Practitioners
  1638. Childhood Education
  1639. Clinical Diabetology
  1640. Complex Systems and Complexity Science
  1641. Forest Research
  1642. Frontiers of Nursing
  1643. Granja
  1644. Hydroecologie Appliquee
  1645. Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources
  1646. International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education
  1647. International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation
  1648. International Journal of Cloud Computing
  1649. International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems
  1650. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Organizational Studies
  1651. International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications
  1652. International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology
  1653. International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology
  1654. International Journal of Services, Economics and Management
  1655. International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics
  1656. International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology
  1657. Iraqi Journal of Science
  1658. Journal of Beijing Institute of Clothing Technology (Natural Science Edition)
  1659. Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing
  1660. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration
  1661. Medico-Legal Journal
  1662. Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
  1663. Mineralogia
  1664. Neurological Sciences and Neurophysiology
  1665. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science
  1666. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences
  1667. Pediatrie pro Praxi
  1668. Polymer (Korea)
  1669. Psicooncologia
  1670. Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane
  1671. Rastitel'nost' Rossii
  1672. Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomedicas
  1673. Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse
  1674. Terra Latinoamericana
  1675. Thai Journal of Mathematics
  1676. Yuki Gosei Kagaku Kyokaishi/Journal of Synthetic Organic Chemistry
  1677. Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis
  1678. Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research
  1679. Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems
  1680. Canadian Journal of Dental Hygiene
  1681. Communications in Statistics Case Studies Data Analysis and Applications
  1682. Current Materials Science
  1683. Current Psychiatry
  1684. Defence S and T Technical Bulletin
  1685. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift
  1686. Electrolyte and Blood Pressure
  1687. Enfermeria Global
  1688. Forum Geografic
  1689. Indian Journal of Horticulture
  1690. International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management
  1691. International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications
  1692. International Journal of Nanotechnology
  1693. International Journal of Sustainable Development
  1694. JMV-Journal de Medecine Vasculaire
  1695. Journal of Babol University of Medical Sciences
  1696. Journal of Communicable Diseases
  1697. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design
  1698. Journal of Laboratory Medicine
  1699. Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology
  1700. Journal of Web Engineering
  1701. Linchan Huaxue Yu Gongye/Chemistry and Industry of Forest Products
  1702. Mainzer Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen
  1703. MHSalud
  1704. Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology Series
  1705. Pakistan Journal of Phytopathology
  1706. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: Part B
  1707. SAE International Journal of Aerospace
  1708. Seminars in Spine Surgery
  1709. Ship Building of China
  1710. Topics in Clinical Nutrition
  1711. Voprosy Virusologii
  1712. Advances in peritoneal dialysis. Conference on Peritoneal Dialysis
  1713. Archives of Veterinary Science
  1714. Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente
  1715. Development
  1716. Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis
  1717. Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
  1718. Environmental Science and Engineering
  1719. European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity
  1720. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology
  1721. Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics
  1722. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics
  1723. International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing and its Applications
  1724. International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management
  1725. International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing
  1726. International Journal of Power and Energy Systems
  1727. International Journal of Practice-Based Learning in Health and Social Care
  1728. International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development
  1729. Jisuanji Fuzhu Sheji Yu Tuxingxue Xuebao/Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics
  1730. Journal of Formalized Reasoning
  1731. Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science
  1732. Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Science Edition)
  1733. Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan
  1734. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
  1735. Mentalhigiene es Pszichoszomatika
  1736. Nephro-Urology Monthly
  1737. Nurse Practitioner
  1738. Occupational Ergonomics
  1739. Open Biomedical Engineering Journal
  1740. Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal
  1741. Revista Alergia Mexico
  1742. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte
  1743. Revista Cubana de Pediatria
  1744. Rutgers Business Review
  1745. Rynek Energii
  1746. Scopus: Journal of East African Ornithology
  1747. Sibirskiy Psikhologicheskiy Zhurnal
  1748. Skinmed
  1749. South African Journal of Childhood Education
  1750. Statistica e Applicazioni
  1751. Tuning Journal for Higher Education
  1752. Acta Phlebologica
  1753. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine
  1754. Arab Journal of Plant Protection
  1755. Archivos de Cardiologia de Mexico
  1756. Bulletin of Geography, Physical Geography Series
  1757. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology
  1758. Chimica Oggi
  1759. Ciencia y Enfermeria
  1760. Computing and Informatics
  1761. Ecology, Environment and Conservation
  1762. Indian Journal of Community Health
  1763. Ingeniare
  1764. Integrative Medicine
  1765. Inteligencia Artificial
  1766. International Journal of Biology and Biomedical Engineering
  1767. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications
  1768. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research
  1769. International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology
  1770. IPSJ Transactions on System LSI Design Methodology
  1771. Journal of Agricultural Sciences - Sri Lanka
  1772. Journal of Applied Business Research
  1773. Journal of Morphological Sciences
  1774. Journal of Natural Disasters
  1775. Journal of Peer Learning
  1776. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology
  1777. Kao Teng Hsueh Hsiao Hua Heush Hsueh Pao/ Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities
  1778. Mathematics and Statistics
  1779. Measurement Techniques
  1780. Papers in Physics
  1781. Psychoterapia
  1782. Rivista Italiana della Medicina di Laboratorio
  1783. Shiyou Huagong Gaodeng Xuexiao Xuebao/Journal of Petrochemical Universities
  1784. Technische Mechanik
  1785. Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
  1786. UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series D: Mechanical Engineering
  1787. Zywnosc. Nauka. Technologia. Jakosc/Food. Science Technology. Quality
  1788. Acrocephalus
  1789. Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae
  1790. Advances in Ophthalmology and Optometry
  1791. Agrochimica
  1792. ANAE - Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l'Enfant
  1793. Bulletin of the Iraq Natural History Museum
  1794. Dalian Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Dalian University of Technology
  1795. Ecological Genetics
  1796. Economic Annals
  1797. Electrica
  1798. International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology
  1799. International Journal of Vehicle Performance
  1800. Journal of Economic Theory and Econometrics
  1801. Journal of General Education, The
  1802. Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society
  1803. Pflege
  1804. Revista de gastroenterologia del Peru : organo oficial de la Sociedad de Gastroenterologia del Peru
  1805. Romanian Agricultural Research
  1806. South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases
  1807. TB - Mitteilungen Forschen und Prufen
  1808. Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications
  1809. US Cardiology Review
  1810. Vnitrni Lekarstvi
  1811. Advances in Environmental Accounting and Management
  1812. Advances in Financial Economics
  1813. Biopesticides International
  1814. Chemical Engineering World
  1815. Chinese Journal of Neurology
  1816. Clinical Pulmonary Medicine
  1817. Curriculum Matters
  1818. Didactica Slovenica - Pedagoska Obzorja
  1819. Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin
  1820. Ekoloji
  1821. Future of Food: Journal on Food, Agriculture and Society
  1822. gis.Science - Die Zeitschrift fur Geoinformatik
  1823. Hemijska Industrija
  1824. InterCeram: International Ceramic Review
  1825. International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications
  1826. International Journal of Performability Engineering
  1827. International Journal on Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering
  1828. Journal de Therapie Comportementale et Cognitive
  1829. Journal of Insect Biotechnology and Sericology
  1830. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society
  1831. Kinesitherapie
  1832. Laeknabladid
  1833. Medico-Biological and Socio-Psychological Issues of Safety in Emergency Situations
  1834. Membrane Technology
  1835. Natur und Landschaft
  1836. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde
  1837. New Journal of Botany
  1838. Nursing Practice Today
  1839. Open Computer Science
  1840. Optica Pura y Aplicada
  1841. Postepy Psychiatrii i Neurologii
  1842. Psychiatria
  1843. Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering
  1844. Revista Cubana de Medicina General Integral
  1845. Soins Gerontologie
  1846. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation
  1847. Turkish Journal of Biochemistry
  1848. World's Veterinary Journal
  1849. Aging Medicine and Healthcare
  1850. Composites Theory and Practice
  1851. Computer Science Journal of Moldova
  1852. Energetika
  1853. Equilibrium Research
  1854. European Neurological Review
  1855. German Journal of Agricultural Economics
  1856. Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung
  1857. IAFOR Journal of Education
  1858. International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems
  1859. International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies
  1860. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development
  1861. International Journal of Reliability and Safety
  1862. Investigacoes em Ensino de Ciencias
  1863. Jingangshi yu Moliao Moju Gongcheng/Diamond and Abrasives Engineering
  1864. Journal of Algebra and Applied Mathematics
  1865. Journal of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury
  1866. Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics
  1867. Journal of Low Power Electronics
  1868. Journal of Ultrasonography
  1869. Kesmas
  1870. Klinicheskaya Dermatologiya i Venerologiya
  1871. Medicina Veterinaria (Brazil)
  1872. Medico e Bambino
  1873. Middle East Journal of Digestive Diseases
  1874. Minerva Pneumologica
  1875. Motricidade
  1876. Multiphase Science and Technology
  1877. Organic Farming
  1878. Revista Baiana de Enfermagem
  1879. Revista em Agronegocio e Meio Ambiente
  1880. Revista Lusofona de Educacao
  1881. Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle
  1882. Revue Medicale de Liege
  1883. RSC Green Chemistry
  1884. Scientific Journal of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences
  1885. Shenzhen Daxue Xuebao (Ligong Ban)/Journal of Shenzhen University Science and Engineering
  1886. Technology Review
  1887. Teknik Dergi/Technical Journal of Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers
  1888. Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik
  1889. Veterinarija ir Zootechnika
  1890. Voprosy Detskoi Dietologii
  1891. Waldokologie Online
  1892. Acta Veterinaria Brasilica
  1893. African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies
  1894. Archives of the Balkan Medical Union
  1895. Asian Journal of Chemistry
  1896. Bulletin of the Physical Fitness Research Institute
  1897. Canadian journal of rural medicine : the official journal of the Society of Rural Physicians of Canada = Journal canadien de la médecine rurale : le journal officiel de la Société de médecine rurale du Canada
  1898. Chinese Journal of Engineering Design
  1899. Clinical Lactation
  1900. Cogitare Enfermagem
  1901. Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology
  1902. Computer Science
  1903. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web
  1904. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series
  1905. Epidemiologie, Mikrobiologie, Imunologie
  1906. Eurasip Journal on Embedded Systems
  1907. Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine
  1908. Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice
  1909. International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties
  1910. Journal of Analysis and Applications
  1911. Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations
  1912. Journal of ICT Research and Applications
  1913. Journal of Integrated OMICS
  1914. Journal of Nursing
  1915. Journal of Siberian Federal University: Chemistry
  1916. Journal of the University of Malaya Medical Centre
  1917. Journal of Uncertain Systems
  1918. Latin American Business Review
  1919. Materials China
  1920. Mining Engineering
  1921. Open Dermatology Journal
  1922. Sound and Vibration
  1923. Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology
  1924. Active and Passive Electronic Components
  1925. Adolescencia e Saude
  1926. Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Al I Cuza din Iasi - Matematica
  1927. Applied Chemistry for Engineering
  1928. Bandaoti Guangdian/Semiconductor Optoelectronics
  1929. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences
  1930. British Journal of Cardiology
  1931. Current Allergy and Clinical Immunology
  1932. Ecologia Balkanica
  1933. Emergency Nurse
  1934. Estudios Gerenciales
  1935. Fenmo Yejin Cailiao Kexue yu Gongcheng/Materials Science and Engineering of Powder Metallurgy
  1936. Geomatics and Environmental Engineering
  1937. Giornale Italiano di Medicina del Lavoro ed Ergonomia
  1938. Guangdianzi Jiguang/Journal of Optoelectronics Laser
  1939. Implantologie
  1940. Interamerican Journal of Psychology
  1941. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education
  1942. Journal of Graphic Engineering and Design
  1943. Malaysian Construction Research Journal
  1944. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences
  1945. Muelleria
  1946. Notarzt
  1947. Nursing New Zealand (Wellington, N.Z. : 1995)
  1948. Nursing times
  1949. Practice Nurse
  1950. Psihologia Resurselor Umane
  1951. Quaderni ACP
  1952. Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentaria e Cirurgia Maxilofacial
  1953. Socijalna Psihijatrija
  1954. Tehran University Medical Journal
  1955. Transactions of the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers
  1956. Turk Noroloji Dergisi
  1957. Acta Cybernetica
  1958. Analele Universitatii din Oradea, Fascicula Biologie
  1959. Connexions
  1960. Dianbo Kexue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Radio Science
  1961. Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing
  1962. FTR - Turkiye Fiziksel Tip ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi
  1963. Gaofenzi Cailiao Kexue Yu Gongcheng/Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering
  1964. Human Resource Management International Digest
  1965. Informacion, Cultura y Sociedad
  1966. International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management
  1967. Iranian Journal of Physics Research
  1968. Jordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics
  1969. Journal of Chemical Crystallography
  1970. Journal of Molecular Catalysis
  1971. Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association
  1972. Landschap
  1973. Panamerican Mathematical Journal
  1974. Primary dental journal
  1975. Psicologia USP
  1976. Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift fur Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung
  1977. Seminars in Colon and Rectal Surgery
  1978. Synthesis Lectures on Power Electronics
  1979. Vascular Disease Management
  1980. Waste Forum
  1981. Agraarteadus
  1982. Asian Journal of Management Cases
  1983. Biologie in Unserer Zeit
  1984. Chongqing Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Chongqing University
  1985. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series B: Applications and Algorithms
  1986. Environmental Practice
  1987. Estudos Economicos
  1988. International Agricultural Engineering Journal
  1989. International Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment Studies
  1990. International Journal of Electronic Business
  1991. International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control
  1992. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology
  1993. Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics
  1994. Journal of Applied Statistical Science
  1995. Journal of Cryptologic Research
  1996. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation
  1997. Journal of the Indian Chemical Society
  1998. Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society
  1999. Kardiologicka Revue
  2000. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering
  2001. Magyar Pszichologiai Szemle
  2002. MolBank
  2003. Phytotherapie
  2005. Revista Brasileira de Oftalmologia
  2006. RISTI - Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao
  2007. Soins; la revue de reference infirmiere
  2008. Stilt
  2009. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis
  2010. Turk Psikoloji Dergisi
  2011. Zeitschrift fur Epileptologie
  2012. Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatelnosti Imeni I.P. Pavlova
  2013. Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyiregyhaziensis
  2014. Afinidad
  2015. African Journal of Business and Economic Research
  2016. Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya (Russian Federation)
  2017. Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  2018. Beijing da xue xue bao. Yi xue ban = Journal of Peking University. Health sciences
  2019. British Wildlife
  2020. Bulletin of National Institute of Health Sciences
  2021. Cahiers du Genre
  2022. Chinese Journal of Pathology
  2023. Genij Ortopedii
  2024. Govaresh
  2025. Guocheng Gongcheng Xuebao/The Chinese Journal of Process Engineering
  2026. Hua xi kou qiang yi xue za zhi = Huaxi kouqiang yixue zazhi = West China journal of stomatology
  2027. IIUM Engineering Journal
  2028. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems
  2029. International Journal of Security and Networks
  2030. International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship
  2031. Journal of Brain Science
  2032. Journal of Exercise Physiology Online
  2033. Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery and Electronic Reserve
  2034. Journal of Pharmacy and Nutrition Sciences
  2035. Journal of Stomatology
  2036. Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences
  2037. KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe
  2038. Mathematics Magazine
  2039. New Armenian Medical Journal
  2040. Ochrona Srodowiska
  2041. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Cases
  2042. Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle
  2043. Parliaments, Estates and Representation
  2044. Pediatria Integral
  2045. Perspectives in Education
  2046. Politicka Ekonomie
  2047. Portuguese Journal of Public Health
  2048. Problemi Endokrinnoi Patologii
  2049. Proteomics - Practical Proteomics
  2050. Psychiatric Times
  2051. Revista Chilena de Radiologia
  2052. Revista Facultad de Medicina
  2053. Russian Journal of Cardiology
  2054. Signa Vitae
  2055. Sklifosovsky Journal Emergency Medical Care
  2056. Telecommunications and Radio Engineering (English translation of Elektrosvyaz and Radiotekhnika)
  2057. Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki
  2058. Acute Medicine
  2059. Anales de la Asociacion Fisica Argentina
  2060. Argumenta Oeconomica
  2061. Biochimica Clinica
  2062. Bulletin of Russian State Medical University
  2063. Cesko-Slovenska Pediatrie
  2064. Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics
  2065. Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs
  2066. Ciencia del Suelo
  2067. Current Applied Science and Technology
  2068. Current Trends in Immunology
  2069. Cyprus Review
  2070. Finance and Development
  2071. Food Engineering Progress
  2072. Fuentes el Reventon Energetico
  2073. Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering
  2074. Information Design Journal
  2075. International Journal of Disability Management
  2076. International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes
  2077. Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  2078. JASSA
  2079. Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports
  2080. Journal of Surgical Case Reports
  2081. Mass Spectrometry
  2082. Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences
  2083. Opuholi Golovy i Sei
  2084. Pennsylvania Geographer
  2085. Postepy Rehabilitacji
  2086. Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna
  2087. Quaternary and Environmental Geosciences
  2088. Revija za Sociologiju
  2089. Revista de Investigaciones Agropecuarias
  2090. Sangyo eiseigaku zasshi = Journal of occupational health
  2091. Sigurnost
  2092. Sociologica
  2093. South Asian Journal of Macroeconomics and Public Finance
  2094. Trends in Carbohydrate Research
  2095. UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series C: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  2096. Wasser und Abfall
  2097. Zhejiang da xue xue bao. Yi xue ban = Journal of Zhejiang University. Medical sciences
  2098. Acta Angiologica
  2099. Cirugia y Cirujanos
  2100. Coloproctology
  2101. Dams and Reservoirs
  2102. Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
  2103. Ericsson Review (English Edition)
  2104. Farmaceutski Glasnik
  2105. Hearing Journal
  2106. Indian Concrete Journal
  2107. International Journal of Decision Support System Technology
  2108. International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise
  2109. International Medical Journal Malaysia
  2110. IRBM News
  2111. Iron and Steel Technology
  2112. JCRS Online Case Reports
  2113. Jordan Medical Journal
  2114. Journal of the Institute of Telecommunications Professionals
  2115. Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
  2116. L.O.G.O.S. Interdisziplinair
  2117. Nervno-Myshechnye Bolezni
  2118. Osteologie
  2119. Praxis
  2120. Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications
  2121. Reforma y Democracia
  2122. Renal Society of Australasia Journal
  2123. Revista Brasileira de Geofisica
  2124. Revista Ciencias de la Salud
  2125. Revista Colombiana de Obstetricia y Ginecologia
  2126. Revista Colombiana de Quimica
  2127. Revista Enfermagem
  2128. Revista Espanola de Nutricion Humana y Dietetica
  2129. Rossiyskiy Vestnik Perinatologii i Pediatrii
  2130. Russkii Zhunal Detskoi Nevrologii
  2131. Shinrigaku Kenkyu
  2132. Sociology of Development
  2133. Swiss Bulletin for Applied Geology
  2134. Thailand Statistician
  2135. Ural Mathematical Journal
  2136. Zeitschrift fur Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie
  2137. Andrologia i Genital'naa Hirurgia
  2138. Annals of HPB Surgery
  2139. Ceska a Slovenska Psychiatrie
  2140. Current Bladder Dysfunction Reports
  2141. Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology
  2142. Euroheat and Power/Fernwarme International
  2143. Field Mycology
  2144. Helictite
  2145. Hirurgia Pozvonochnika
  2146. International Journal of Services and Standards
  2147. Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research
  2148. Journal of Applied Measurement
  2149. Journal of Cellular Neuroscience and Oxidative Stress
  2150. Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences
  2151. Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography
  2152. Journal of Doctoral Nursing Practice
  2153. Journal of the Earth and Space Physics
  2154. Lekar a Technika
  2155. Methods and Objects of Chemical Analysis
  2156. Microwave Journal
  2157. Multimedia manual of cardiothoracic surgery : MMCTS / European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
  2158. Neurology Asia
  2159. Onkologe
  2160. Orthodontic Waves
  2161. Problemas del Desarrollo
  2162. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical Series
  2163. Revista Ecuatoriana de Neurologia
  2164. Rorschachiana
  2165. Social and Economic Studies
  2166. Soins Aides - Soignantes
  2167. Suchttherapie
  2168. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences
  2169. Zhongguo shi yan xue ye xue za zhi / Zhongguo bing li sheng li xue hui = Journal of experimental hematology / Chinese Association of Pathophysiology
  2170. Advances in Military Technology
  2171. Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins
  2172. Aquichan
  2173. Asia-Pacific Journal of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
  2174. Berichte uber Landwirtschaft
  2175. Breastfeeding Review
  2176. Bulletin Mensuel de la Societe Linneenne de Lyon
  2177. Bulletin of Japan Association for Fire Science and Engineering
  2178. Ceramic Transactions
  2179. Chemicke Listy
  2180. Clinical Trials and Regulatory Science in Cardiology
  2181. Current Topics in Toxicology
  2182. Estudos em Comunicacao
  2183. Georgian medical news
  2184. Glass Technology: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A
  2185. International Journal of Geoinformatics
  2186. International Journal of Information and Education Technology
  2187. International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems
  2188. Journal of Algebra Combinatorics Discrete Structures and Applications
  2189. Journal of Applied Horticulture
  2190. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems
  2191. Journal of Food Science and Technology (China)
  2192. Journal of Phytology
  2193. Lecturas de Economia
  2194. Malaysian Journal of Chemistry
  2195. Memoir of the Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum
  2196. Motivation Science
  2197. Nauchno-Prakticheskaya Revmatologiya
  2198. Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology
  2199. Nordia Geographical Publications
  2200. Nutrition Clinique et Metabolisme
  2201. Revista Chilena de Neuro-Psiquiatria
  2202. Russian Journal of Infection and Immunity
  2203. Russian Open Medical Journal
  2204. Scientia Agropecuaria
  2205. Squalen Bulletin of Marine and Fisheries Postharvest and Biotechnology
  2206. Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap
  2207. Vestnik Transplantologii i Iskusstvennykh Organov
  2208. Advanced Series in Management
  2209. Aktuelle Urologie
  2210. Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin
  2211. Chinese Education and Society
  2212. Clinical Practice
  2213. Communications in Science and Technology
  2214. Computers in Education Journal
  2215. Curriculum and Teaching
  2216. Dentistry 3000
  2217. Electrical Engineering in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi)
  2218. Halduskultuur
  2219. Hematologia
  2220. Indian Journal of Environmental Protection
  2221. Information and Control
  2222. International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering
  2223. International Journal of Surface Engineering and Interdisciplinary Materials Science
  2224. Istanbul University - Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  2225. Journal of High Speed Networks
  2226. Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia
  2227. Kardiologe
  2228. Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
  2229. Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research
  2230. Lecture Notes in Physics
  2231. Lurralde
  2232. Northwestern Geology
  2233. Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics
  2234. Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research Series A: Physical Sciences
  2235. Patologiya Krovoobrashcheniya i Kardiokhirurgiya
  2236. Pediatria Polska
  2237. Physics Research International
  2238. Poincare Journal of Analysis and Applications
  2239. Politica y Sociedad
  2240. Portuguese Journal of Social Science
  2241. Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  2242. Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico
  2243. Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal
  2244. Revista Luna Azul
  2245. Revue de Geographie Alpine
  2246. Science for Conservation
  2247. Synthesis Lectures on Engineering
  2248. Vestnik Khirurgii Imeni I.I.Grekova
  2249. ASEAN Engineering Journal
  2250. Biomedical Research and Therapy
  2251. Bulletin of Siberian Medicine
  2252. Current Research in Social Psychology
  2253. Current Topics in Pharmacology
  2254. Defence Life Science Journal
  2255. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice
  2256. eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government
  2257. Englera
  2258. Formosan Journal of Surgery
  2259. Gastroenterologie a Hepatologie
  2260. International Journal of Critical Pedagogy
  2261. International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management
  2262. International Journal of Social Sustainability in Economic, Social and Cultural Context
  2263. International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments
  2264. Japanese Journal of Crop Science
  2265. Japan Journal of Food Engineering
  2266. Journal of Chinese Soil and Water Conservation
  2267. Journal of Veterinary Parasitology
  2268. Klinische Neurophysiologie
  2269. Limnological Review
  2270. Managed Care
  2271. Organophosphorus Chemistry
  2272. Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences
  2273. Propagation of Ornamental Plants
  2274. Psychotherapies
  2275. Recent Patents on Engineering
  2276. Revista de Pedagogia
  2277. Revista Habanera de Ciencias Medicas
  2278. Revue Roumaine de Chimie
  2279. SAE International Journal of Transportation Safety
  2280. Socialni Studia
  2281. Springer Series in Optical Sciences
  2282. Srpski Arhiv Za Celokupno Lekarstvo
  2283. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control
  2284. Trauma und Berufskrankheit
  2285. Ubiquitous Learning
  2286. Update in Anaesthesia
  2287. Wulfenia
  2288. Acta Haematologica Polonica
  2289. Acta Periodica Technologica
  2290. African Journal Biomedical Research
  2291. Agora
  2292. Alternative and Complementary Therapies
  2293. Annales de Demographie Historique
  2294. Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism
  2295. Biblios
  2296. Clinical Psychology Forum
  2297. Comunicazione Politica
  2298. Critical Care and Shock
  2299. Current Issues in Pharmacy and Medical Sciences
  2300. Educational Research for Social Change
  2301. Ekonomski Pregled
  2302. Epilepsy and Seizure
  2303. European Journal of Government and Economics
  2304. Flebologiya
  2305. Fundamental and Applied Mathematics
  2306. Graellsia
  2307. Human IT
  2308. Indian Journal of Agricultural Biochemistry
  2309. International Journal of Information and Management Sciences
  2310. Italian Journal of Medicine
  2311. Journal of Chemical Health Risks
  2312. Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development
  2313. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
  2314. Malayan Nature Journal
  2315. MCB Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics
  2316. Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology
  2317. NASN school nurse (Print)
  2318. Norsk Epidemiologi
  2319. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Forum
  2320. Psychological Perspectives
  2321. Research Policy: X
  2322. Revista Gerencia y Politicas de Salud
  2323. Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse
  2324. South Dakota medicine : the journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association
  2325. Topics in Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
  2326. Turkderm Turkish Archives of Dermatology and Venereology
  2327. Universitatis Iagellonicae Acta Mathematica
  2328. Wasserwirtschaft
  2329. Zhonghua shao shang za zhi = Zhonghua shaoshang zazhi = Chinese journal of burns
  2330. Zhurnal Obshchei Biologii
  2331. Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica
  2332. Actualizaciones en Osteologia
  2333. BiD
  2334. Cailiao Kexue yu Gongyi/Material Science and Technology
  2335. Carreteras
  2336. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering
  2337. EARSeL eProceedings
  2338. Geneesmiddelenbulletin
  2339. Geoacta (Argentina)
  2340. Hedongli Gongcheng/Nuclear Power Engineering
  2341. Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section A Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry
  2342. International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking
  2343. International Journal of Drug Delivery Technology
  2344. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology
  2345. International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems
  2346. International Journal of Japanese Sociology
  2347. International Journal of Vehicle Safety
  2348. Journal des Anti-Infectieux
  2349. Journal fur Reproduktionsmedizin und Endokrinologie
  2350. Journal of Camelid Science
  2351. Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications
  2352. Journal of Food Distribution Research
  2353. Journal of Gynecologic Surgery
  2354. Journal of Institutional Research South East Asia
  2355. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University
  2356. Journal of registry management
  2357. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences
  2358. Kekkaku
  2359. Korean Journal of Mycology
  2360. Latin American Journal of Pharmacy
  2361. Medical Immunology (Russia)
  2362. Memoir of the Geological Society of America
  2363. Neuropsychiatria i Neuropsychologia
  2364. Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987)
  2365. Oftalmologiya
  2366. Polish Annals of Medicine
  2367. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland
  2368. Quaderni di Geofisica
  2369. Revista de Osteoporosis y Metabolismo Mineral
  2371. Rivista Di Psicoanalisi
  2372. Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering
  2373. Serie Correlacion Geologica
  2374. SPE Economics and Management
  2375. Sustainable Humanosphere
  2376. Thermology International
  2377. Turk Plastik, Rekonstruktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Dergisi
  2378. Vacunas
  2379. Wiadomosci Lekarskie
  2380. Zhongguo xiu fu chong jian wai ke za zhi = Zhongguo xiufu chongjian waike zazhi = Chinese journal of reparative and reconstructive surgery
  2381. Arab World Geographer
  2382. Bioscene
  2383. Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics
  2384. Chinese Journal of Biologicals
  2385. Comparative Strategy
  2386. Computers and Graphics: X
  2387. Computers in Libraries
  2388. ECTI Transactions on Computer and Information Technology
  2389. eJournal of Tax Research
  2390. ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies
  2391. Evidence Based Midwifery
  2392. Human Pathology: Case Reports
  2393. INFORM - International News on Fats, Oils and Related Materials
  2394. International Conference on Geoinformatics
  2395. International Journal of Development and Conflict
  2396. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences
  2397. International Surgery
  2398. Investigaciones Turisticas
  2399. Journal of Electronic Science and Technology
  2400. Journal of Isfahan Medical School
  2401. Journal of Popular Television
  2402. Journal of reproductive medicine, The
  2403. Jurnal Tribologi
  2404. La Mer
  2405. Malaysian Journal of Soil Science
  2406. Minerva Ortopedica e Traumatologica
  2407. Modern Food Science and Technology
  2408. Neurological Surgery
  2409. Nutrition: X
  2410. Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology
  2411. Practitioner
  2412. Public Health Forum
  2413. Research Journal of Biotechnology
  2414. Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment
  2415. Research Results in Pharmacology
  2416. Revista Fuentes
  2417. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Sociologia
  2418. Studies in Business and Economics
  2419. Acta Medica Mediterranea
  2420. Activitas Nervosa Superior
  2421. Analise Social
  2422. Annales Francaises d'Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-Faciale
  2423. Applications of Management Science
  2424. Australian Journal of Cancer Nursing
  2425. Bioanalytical Reviews
  2426. Biopolymers and Cell
  2427. Brazilian Journal of Analytical Chemistry
  2428. Cryptology and Information Security Series
  2429. Electronics and Communications in Japan
  2430. European Chemical Bulletin
  2431. European Journal of Psychotherapy and Counselling
  2432. Exploratory Animal and Medical Research
  2433. High Technology Letters
  2434. International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems
  2435. International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing
  2436. Journal and Proceedings - Royal Society of New South Wales
  2437. Journal of Comparative Social Work
  2438. Journal of Veterinary Research
  2439. Malaysian Journal of Science
  2440. Mathematica Applicanda
  2441. Medicus
  2442. Nanosistemi, Nanomateriali, Nanotehnologii
  2443. Nuytsia
  2444. Oil Gas European Magazine
  2445. Recent Innovations in Chemical Engineering
  2446. Research in Finance
  2447. Revista Chilena de Obstetricia y Ginecologia
  2448. Revista Veterinaria
  2449. Revue Francaise de Photogrammetrie et de Teledetection
  2450. Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research
  2451. Slovak Raptor Journal
  2452. Spektrum der Augenheilkunde
  2453. Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
  2454. Water and Energy International
  2455. Acta Physica Slovaca
  2456. Aktuelle Ernahrungsmedizin Klinik und Praxis
  2457. Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia
  2458. Beijing Youdian Xueyuan Xuebao/Journal of Beijing University of Posts And Telecommunications
  2459. Bulletin de la Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege
  2460. International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management
  2461. International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems
  2462. International Journal of Services, Technology and Management
  2463. International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning
  2464. Journal fur Asthetische Chirurgie
  2465. Journal fur Kulturpflanzen
  2466. Journal of Economic Geology
  2467. Journal of Information Technology Management
  2468. Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research
  2469. Journal of Nepal Paediatric Society
  2470. Journal of Surface Science and Technology
  2471. Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Student Services Association
  2472. Journal of the Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences
  2473. Journal of University of Science and Technology of China
  2474. Kondensirovannye Sredy Mezhfaznye Granitsy
  2475. Middle East Journal of Anesthesiology
  2476. Opera Medica et Physiologica
  2477. Politologija
  2478. Research on Emotion in Organizations
  2479. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria
  2480. Revista CES Psicologia
  2481. Revista de Enfermagem Referencia
  2482. Revista Portuguesa de Imunoalergologia
  2483. Scientific American
  2484. Shu Ju Cai Ji Yu Chu Li/Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing
  2485. Technical Report Series - World Health Organization, Geneva
  2486. Tsitologiya
  2487. URISA Journal
  2488. USDA Forest Service - Resource Bulletin PNW-RB
  2489. WSQ
  2490. Zhongguo gu shang = China journal of orthopaedics and traumatology
  2491. Acta Pediatrica Espanola
  2492. Actualites Pharmaceutiques
  2493. AgriScientia
  2494. Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung
  2495. Applied and Computational Mechanics
  2496. Betonwerk und Fertigteil-Technik/Concrete Precasting Plant and Technology
  2497. BioProcess International
  2498. Brain and Nerve
  2499. Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment
  2500. Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators
  2501. Ciencia da Informacao
  2502. Environnement, Risques et Sante
  2503. Ernahrungs Umschau
  2504. Frontiers in Diabetes
  2505. Historia da Educacao
  2506. Ingenieria y Universidad
  2507. International Journal of High Dilution Research
  2508. International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture
  2509. International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management
  2510. International Journal of Literacies
  2511. International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making
  2512. Iranian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
  2513. Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists
  2514. Journal of Private Equity
  2515. Journal of the Textile Association
  2516. Journal of Zhejiang University, Science Edition
  2517. Korean Journal of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
  2518. Mathematical Gazette
  2519. Mens en Maatschappij
  2520. Nursing children and young people
  2521. Pediatria de Atencion Primaria
  2522. Pediatric emergency medicine practice
  2523. PISTES
  2524. Polimery w medycynie
  2525. Regional Science Inquiry
  2526. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala
  2527. Revista Espanola de Patologia
  2528. Revista Mexicana de Ingenieria Biomedica
  2529. Revista Mexicana de Oftalmologia
  2530. Revista mexicana de urologia
  2531. Revue Medicale Suisse
  2532. Southern African Journal of Critical Care
  2533. Systemes d'Information et Management
  2534. Texas Journal of Science
  2535. Toxicology International
  2536. U.S. Pharmacist
  2537. 6th International Conference on Research into Design, ICoRD 2017
  2538. Acta Medica Philippina
  2539. Activitas Nervosa Superior Rediviva
  2540. Advanced Materials and Processes
  2541. Advances in Parallel Computing
  2542. Archivaria
  2543. Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis
  2544. Biotecnologia Aplicada
  2545. Cadmo
  2546. Carrefours de l'Education
  2547. Ceska Radiologie
  2548. Chimica Techno Acta
  2549. Corrosion Science and Protection Technology
  2550. Current Cancer Therapy Reviews
  2551. Current Signal Transduction Therapy
  2552. Electronics
  2553. Elektrotehniski Vestnik/Electrotechnical Review
  2554. Geological Research in Moravia and Silesia
  2555. Insecta Matsumurana
  2556. International Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine
  2557. International Journal of Customer Relationship Marketing and Management
  2558. International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism
  2559. Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine
  2560. Irish Studies in International Affairs
  2561. Italus Hortus
  2562. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (English Edition)
  2563. Journal of Tropical Pathology
  2564. Lecture Notes Series, Institute for Mathematical Sciences
  2565. Medeniyet medical journal
  2566. Medicinal Plants - International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related Industries
  2567. NanoWorld Journal
  2568. Revista Colombiana de Reumatologia
  2569. Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical
  2570. Revista Portuguesa de Educacao
  2571. Salute e Societa
  2572. Solid Mechanics and its Applications
  2573. Studies in Symbolic Interaction
  2574. Taiwan Journal of Public Health
  2575. Transactions of the Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science
  2576. Urologia Colombiana
  2577. Vasomed
  2578. World Heart Journal
  2579. X-ray Structure Analysis Online
  2580. Anesteziologie a Intenzivni Medicina
  2581. Baltic Journal of Modern Computing
  2582. Basal Ganglia
  2583. BioPharm International
  2584. Biotekhnologiya
  2585. Chelyabinsk Physical and Mathematical Journal
  2586. Contemporary Education Dialogue
  2587. Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy
  2588. Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications
  2589. Drugs and Therapy Perspectives
  2590. Education et Societes
  2591. Giornale Italiano di Farmacia Clinica
  2592. Herodote
  2593. International Journal of COMADEM
  2594. International Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity
  2595. International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology
  2596. Iranian Journal of Blood and Cancer
  2597. Japanese Journal of Southeast Asian Studies
  2598. Japanese Pharmacology and Therapeutics
  2599. JMS - Journal of Medical Society
  2600. Journal Globalization, Competitiveness and Governability
  2601. Journal of African Media Studies
  2602. Journal of Cutaneous Immunology and Allergy
  2603. Journal of Korean Studies
  2604. Journal of Oral Research
  2605. Journal of the Dermatology Nurses' Association
  2606. Journal of Tianjin Polytechnic University
  2607. Klinik Psikiyatri Dergisi
  2608. Metodoloski Zvezki
  2609. Mundo da Saude
  2610. Organisational and Social Dynamics
  2611. Philippine Political Science Journal
  2612. Polytrauma
  2613. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: Part A
  2614. Revista de Psicologia Clinica con Ninos y Adolescentes
  2615. Revista Internacional de Educacion para la Justicia Social
  2616. Rivista Geographica Italiana
  2617. Seksuologia Polska
  2618. Synthesis Lectures on Biomedical Engineering
  2619. Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society
  2620. Transactional Analysis Journal
  2621. Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research
  2622. Water and Energy International
  2623. Advances in gerontology = Uspekhi gerontologii / Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk, Gerontologicheskoe obshchestvo
  2624. Advances in Neuroimmune Biology
  2625. APA Planning Advisory Service Reports
  2626. Arterial Hypertension (Russian Federation)
  2627. Biochemist
  2628. Bulletin of TICMI
  2629. Bunseki Kagaku
  2630. Cahiers Critiques de Therapie Familiale et de Pratiques de Reseaux
  2631. Caribbean Journal of Science
  2632. Cellular Therapy and Transplantation
  2633. Clinical Pharmacist
  2634. Collegiate Aviation Review
  2635. Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science
  2636. Contemporary Chinese Political Economy and Strategic Relations
  2637. Douleurs
  2638. Food Technology
  2639. Gematologiya i Transfuziologiya
  2640. Ginecologia y Obstetricia de Mexico
  2641. Guncel Pediatri
  2642. Industrie Alimentari
  2643. International Journal of Civic, Political, and Community Studies
  2644. Jordan Journal of Physics
  2645. Journal of Buffalo Science
  2646. Journal of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology
  2647. Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management
  2648. Journal of Education and e-Learning Research
  2649. Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health
  2650. Journal of Pediatric Neurology
  2651. Journal of the Anatomical Society of India
  2652. Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
  2653. Kobunshi Ronbunshu
  2654. Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army
  2655. Pharmacologyonline
  2656. Pulmonologiya
  2657. Punjab University Journal of Zoology
  2658. Recta
  2659. Review of Marketing Research
  2660. Revista Cientifica de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias de la Universidad del Zulia
  2661. Revista Espanola de Cirugia Oral y Maxilofacial
  2662. Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecologia
  2663. Salud Uninorte
  2664. Shengxue Xuebao/Acta Acustica
  2665. Spanish Review of Financial Economics
  2666. Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis Arad, Seria Stiintele Vietii
  2667. Turk Dermatoloji Dergisi
  2668. Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta - Upravlenie, Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika i Informatika
  2669. Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal
  2670. Wiener Tierarztliche Monatsschrift
  2671. Zeitschrift Kunststofftechnik/Journal of Plastics Technology
  2672. 3D Printing in Medicine
  2673. ACM Communications in Computer Algebra
  2674. Acta Scientiarum - Health Sciences
  2675. Adhesion Adhesives and Sealants
  2676. Advanced Composites Bulletin
  2677. Advanced Therapeutics
  2678. Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research
  2679. Advances in E-Business Research Series
  2680. Advances in Educational Administration
  2681. Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth
  2682. Advances in Special Education
  2683. Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Growth
  2684. Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies
  2685. Aktuelle Neurologie
  2686. Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica Dissertationes
  2687. Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis
  2688. Applied Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology
  2689. Arthroskopie
  2690. ASHRAE Standard
  2691. Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives Bulletin
  2692. Australasian Journal of Organisational Psychology
  2693. Boissiera
  2694. Brain and Neuroscience Advances
  2695. Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences
  2696. Brazilian Neurosurgery
  2697. Bruno Pini Mathematical Analysis Seminar
  2698. Case Reports in Immunology
  2699. Central European Journal of Communication
  2700. Cephalalgia Reports
  2701. Chemistry, Didactics, Ecology, Metrology
  2702. Clinical and Translational Medicine
  2703. Clinical Sarcoma Research
  2704. CoatingsTech
  2705. Cogent Medicine
  2706. Comprehensive Series in Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences
  2707. Computational and Experimental Methods in Structures
  2708. Conservation Science Western Australia
  2709. Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly
  2710. COPD Research and Practice
  2711. Cotinga
  2712. Crustaceana Monographs
  2713. Current Research in Earth Sciences
  2714. Cutter business technology journal
  2715. Czasopismo Geographiczne
  2716. Diabetologe
  2717. Digestive Disease Interventions
  2718. Diplomatic Studies
  2719. Energy Harvesting and Systems
  2720. Etudes de Droit International
  2721. European Coatings Journal
  2722. European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine
  2723. Excellence in Ecology
  2724. Fangzhi Gaoxiao Jichukexue Xuebao
  2725. Fauna of Suriname
  2726. FAU Studies Mathematics and Physics
  2727. Fizyoterapi Rehabilitasyon
  2728. Food Chemistry, Function and Analysis
  2729. Fundamental Theories of Physics
  2730. Gas und Wasserfach, Gas, Erdgas
  2731. Geoscience Data Journal
  2732. Geothermal Energy Science
  2733. Global Media Journal, Canadian Edition
  2734. Gongneng Cailiao/Journal of Functional Materials
  2735. Great Lakes TPA Magazine
  2736. Handbook of Statistics
  2737. He-Huaxue yu Fangshe Huaxue/Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemistry
  2738. HIV Nursing
  2739. Huagong Jinzhan/Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress
  2740. Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy in Europe
  2741. Infant
  2742. Intelligent Systems Reference Library
  2743. International Bulk Journal
  2744. International Humanitarian Law Series
  2745. International Journal of Electronic Healthcare
  2746. International Journal of Environment and Health
  2747. International Journal of Information Technology and Management
  2748. International Journal of Management and Business Research
  2749. International Journal of Microwave Science and Technology
  2750. International Journal of Peptide and Protein Research
  2751. International Nano Letters
  2752. International Series in Operations Research and Management Science
  2753. Iranian Journal of War and Public Health
  2754. Issues in Science and Technology
  2755. Italian Journal of Gender-Specific Medicine
  2756. Izvestiya Rossiiskaya Akademii Nauk, Seriya Geograficheskaya
  2757. Japanese Journal of Legal Medicine
  2758. JMM Case Reports
  2759. JOR Spine
  2760. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science
  2761. Journal of Clinical Interventional Radiology ISVIR
  2762. Journal of Corrosion Science and Engineering
  2763. Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery
  2764. Journal of Inborn Errors of Metabolism and Screening
  2765. Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication
  2766. Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems
  2767. Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels
  2768. Journal of Pediatric Surgical Nursing
  2769. Journal of Political and Military Sociology
  2770. Journal of Postgraduate Medical Institute
  2771. Journal of Wrist Surgery
  2772. Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
  2773. Korean Journal of Dermatology
  2774. Lecture Notes of TICMI
  2775. Legal Aspects of Sustainable Development
  2776. Legal History Library
  2777. Leiden Studies on the Frontiers of International Law
  2778. Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja
  2779. Medecine des Maladies Metaboliques
  2780. Medical Photonics
  2781. Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology
  2782. Molekul
  2783. Multiple Sclerosis International
  2784. NAFO Scientific Council Studies
  2785. Narrative inquiry in bioethics
  2786. Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation
  2787. Neurologia Argentina
  2788. Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience
  2789. New Developments in NMR
  2790. Nijhoff International Trade Law Series
  2791. Oncology and Therapy
  2792. Oncology in Clinical Practice
  2793. ONdrugDelivery
  2794. Onkourologiya
  2795. Open Access Surgery
  2796. Open Anesthesiology Journal
  2797. Open Journal of Hematology
  2798. Orbis Scholae
  2799. Palaeontologia Africana
  2800. Pharmaceutical Technology in Hospital Pharmacy
  2801. Physics of Fluids
  2802. Pneumologia
  2803. Primary Health Care
  2804. Radiology Research and Practice
  2805. Rawal Medical Journal
  2806. Recent Advances in Alzheimer Research
  2807. Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation
  2808. Revista Colombiana de Cardiologia
  2809. Revista de la Facultad de Ingenieria
  2810. Revista Lasallista de Investigacion
  2811. Revue de Geriatrie
  2812. Ricerche di Psicologia
  2813. RSC Catalysis Series
  2814. RSC Chromatography Monographs
  2815. RSC Energy and Environment Series
  2816. RSC Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Series
  2817. SAGE Open Medicine
  2818. SAMPE Journal
  2819. Saudi Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
  2820. Science Networks. Historical Studies
  2821. Series on Analysis, Applications and Computation
  2822. Series on Chinese Economics Research
  2823. Series on Concrete and Applicable Mathematics
  2824. Shiprepair and Conversion Technology
  2825. Signals and Communication Technology
  2826. Siriraj Medical Journal
  2827. Space Research Today
  2828. SpringerBriefs in Computer Science
  2829. SpringerPlus
  2830. Springer Tracts in Modern Physics
  2831. State legislatures
  2832. Studies in Intercultural Human Rights
  2833. Studies in Managerial and Financial Accounting
  2834. Studies in Space Law
  2835. Studies in Territorial and Cultural Diversity Governance
  2836. Taiwan Water Conservancy
  2837. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
  2838. World Scientific Series in Finance
  2839. Yi chuan = Hereditas / Zhongguo yi chuan xue hui bian ji
  2840. Zhong yao cai = Zhongyaocai = Journal of Chinese medicinal materials
  2841. Academica Turistica
  2842. Acta Paedagogica Vilnensia
  2843. Advances in Optical Technologies
  2844. Agronomy Mesoamerican
  2845. Alternative Law Journal
  2846. Beijing Huagong Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexueban)/Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology (Natural Science Edition)
  2847. Boletim Centro de Pesquisa de Processamento de Alimentos
  2848. Cattle Practice
  2849. Community Eye Health Journal
  2850. Elelmiszervizsgalati Kozlemenyek
  2851. Global Jurist
  2852. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies
  2853. International Journal of Learning in Higher Education
  2854. International Journal of Space Science and Engineering
  2855. International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology
  2856. International Journal on Disability and Human Development
  2857. Journal of Christian nursing : a quarterly publication of Nurses Christian Fellowship
  2858. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience
  2859. Journal of Regional Security
  2861. Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
  2862. Medical News of North Caucasus
  2863. Melliand International
  2864. Mexican Journal of Biotechnology
  2865. Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproduction
  2866. Ohio Journal of Sciences
  2867. Open Pain Journal
  2868. Ornitologia Colombiana
  2869. Problemy Endokrinologii
  2870. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union
  2871. Proceedings of the International Geometry Center
  2872. Psychotherapy and Politics International
  2873. Quality Progress
  2874. Revista Cubana de Estomatologia
  2875. Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales
  2876. Revue d'Economie du Developpement
  2877. Rozhledy v Chirurgii
  2878. Science, Engineering and Health Studies
  2879. Zeitschrift fur Gefassmedizin
  2880. Adiktologie
  2881. African Review of Physics
  2882. Aide Soignante
  2883. American Political Thought
  2884. Archives of Hydroengineering and Environmental Mechanics
  2885. Ataturk Universitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi
  2886. Casopis pro Pravni Vedu a Praxi
  2887. Chikei
  2888. Cocuk Cerrahisi Dergisi
  2889. Der Gynakologe
  2890. Drug Discovery World
  2891. Eastern Journal of Medicine
  2892. Estudios de Economia Aplicada
  2893. Farbe und Lack
  2894. Fizjoterapia Polska
  2895. Folia Pharmacologica Japonica
  2896. Forstarchiv
  2897. Gesnerus
  2898. International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets
  2899. International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Systems
  2900. International Journal of Men's Health
  2901. International Journal of Nanoparticles
  2902. Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico
  2903. Journal of Endourology Case Reports
  2904. Journal of Engineering Research
  2905. Latin American Applied Research
  2906. Medicine Today
  2907. Middle East Current Psychiatry
  2908. Neuromethods
  2909. Nuncius / Istituto e museo di storia della scienza
  2910. Option/Bio
  2911. Palliative Medicine in Practice
  2912. Physical Oceanography
  2913. Radical Teacher
  2914. Research in Global Strategic Management
  2915. Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios
  2916. Sciences de l'Education pour l'Ere Nouvelle
  2917. Significance
  2918. Stomatologiya
  2919. Taiwan Economic Review
  2920. Techniques - Sciences - Methodes
  2921. Turk Onkoloji Dergisi
  2922. Vakcinologie
  2923. VLSI Design
  2924. VOEB-Mitteilungen
  2925. Vojnosanitetski Pregled
  2926. Waikato Journal of Education
  2927. Yingyong Kexue Xuebao/Journal of Applied Sciences
  2928. Zeitschrift fur Phytotherapie : offizielles Organ der Ges. f. Phytotherapie e.V
  2929. Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering
  2930. Academic Questions
  2931. ACRN Journal of Finance and Risk Perspectives
  2932. Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France
  2933. Ceskoslovenska Patologie
  2934. Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine
  2935. Cirugia Cardiovascular
  2936. Cocuk Enfeksiyon Dergisi
  2937. Communication and Medicine
  2938. Data in Brief
  2939. Emergence: Complexity and Organization
  2940. Epidemiologie et Sante Animale
  2941. European Business Law Review
  2942. Hong Kong Journal of Dermatology and Venereology
  2943. Human Evolution
  2944. Immunologiya
  2945. Indian Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry
  2946. Informacije MIDEM
  2947. Information-Wissenschaft und Praxis
  2948. International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management
  2949. International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics
  2950. Iraqi Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  2951. Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society
  2952. Journal of Landscape Ecology
  2953. Journal of Organisational Transformation & Social Change
  2954. Kleintierpraxis
  2955. L'Annee Sociologique
  2956. Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics
  2957. Library and Information Science
  2958. Lithuanian Annual Strategic Review
  2959. Malaysian Journal of Microscopy
  2960. Naihuo Cailiao/Refractories
  2961. Organizatsionnaya Psikhologiya
  2962. Pakistan Paediatric Journal
  2963. Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering History and Heritage
  2964. Reproducao e Climaterio
  2965. Research in Political Sociology
  2966. Review of Economics and Finance
  2967. Revista de Direito Sanitario
  2968. Revista de Senologia y Patologia Mamaria
  2969. Revue Francaise d'Allergologie
  2970. Schedae Informaticae
  2971. Sud-Ouest Europeen
  2972. Synthesis Lectures on Signal Processing
  2973. Vestnik Rossiiskoi Akademii Meditsinskikh Nauk
  2974. Zhonghua Shiyan Yanke Zazhi/Chinese Journal of Experimental Ophthalmology
  2975. Acta Gastroenterologica Latinoamericana
  2976. Acta Politologica
  2977. Actualite Chimique
  2978. Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology
  2979. Bahrain Medical Bulletin
  2980. CERN Yellow Reports: School Proceedings
  2981. Communications in Mathematical Analysis
  2982. European Food and Feed Law Review
  2983. GMSARN International Journal
  2984. Gulhane Medical Journal
  2985. Indian Drugs
  2986. International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services
  2987. Japanese Journal of Cancer and Chemotherapy
  2988. Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology
  2989. Journal de Pharmacie Clinique
  2990. Journal for Geometry and Graphics
  2991. Journal of Advertising Education
  2992. Journal of China Pharmaceutical University
  2993. Journal of Kerman University of Medical Sciences
  2994. Journal of Medicine (Bangladesh)
  2995. Journal of Pain Management
  2996. Klinika Oczna
  2997. Legal Reference Services Quarterly
  2998. Materials Performance
  2999. Medical Journal of Bakirkoy
  3000. Mediterranean Journal of Infection, Microbes and Antimicrobials
  3001. Meteorologica
  3002. Nursing Critical Care
  3003. Official Publication - EuroSDR
  3004. Productivity Management
  3005. Revista de Economia Aplicada
  3006. Revista Finanzas y Politica Economica
  3007. Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali
  3008. Slovak Journal of Political Sciences
  3009. Suranaree Journal of Science and Technology
  3010. Translational Research in Biomedicine
  3011. Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg
  3012. UHOD - Uluslararasi Hematoloji-Onkoloji Dergisi
  3013. Virologie
  3014. Wuhan Ligong Daxue Xuebao (Jiaotong Kexue Yu Gongcheng Ban)/Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Transportation Science and Engineering)
  3015. Zhongbei Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of North University of China (Natural Science Edition)
  3016. Acta Anatomica Sinica
  3017. Acta Medica Bulgarica
  3018. Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics Research
  3019. Advances in Austrian Economics
  3020. Analytical and Quantitative Cytopathology and Histopathology
  3021. ASM Science Journal
  3022. Australian nursing & midwifery journal
  3023. Bell Labs Technical Journal
  3024. Dental Cadmos
  3025. Denver Law Review
  3026. Euroheat and Power (English Edition)
  3027. European Journal of Oncology
  3028. FOG - Freiberg Online Geoscience
  3029. International Commentary on Evidence
  3030. International Finance Review
  3031. Iranian Journal of Radiology
  3032. Japanese Railway Engineering
  3033. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series)
  3034. Journal of Korean Ophthalmological Society
  3035. Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants
  3036. Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science
  3037. Journal of Medical Sciences (Peshawar)
  3038. Journal of Musculoskeletal Research
  3039. Journal of Parapsychology
  3040. Journal of Pediatrics: X
  3041. Journal of Planning and Environment Law
  3042. Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning
  3043. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing
  3044. Journal of Social Sciences
  3045. Journal of the Japan Epilepsy Society
  3046. Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering
  3047. Journal of Tropical Agriculture
  3048. Klinichescheskaya Laboratornaya Diagnostika
  3049. Magyar Geofizika
  3050. Medijske Studije
  3051. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung
  3052. Open Fuels and Energy Science Journal
  3053. Open Ornithology Journal
  3054. Papeles de Poblacion
  3055. Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine
  3056. Practising Midwife
  3057. Psychiatrie
  3058. Quadernos de Psicologia
  3059. Research in Social Psychology
  3060. Retraite et Societe
  3061. Revista Colombiana de Gastroenterologia
  3062. Revista Critica de Ciencias Sociais
  3063. SCMS Journal of Indian Management
  3064. Voprosy Sovremennoi Pediatrii - Current Pediatrics
  3065. Yosetsu Gakkai Shi/Journal of the Japan Welding Society
  3066. Zeitschrift fur Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie
  3067. Acta Hepatologica Japonica
  3068. Acta Urologica Japonica
  3069. Analytical Science and Technology
  3070. Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits
  3071. Avances en Odontoestomatologia
  3072. Canadian yearbook of international law. Annuaire canadien de droit international, The
  3073. Centro Journal
  3074. CESifo DICE Report
  3075. Chinese Journal of Microbiology and Immunology
  3076. Chiropractic Journal of Australia
  3077. Connecticut Medicine
  3078. Current Topics in Electrochemistry
  3079. Current Topics in Peptide and Protein Research
  3080. Espace-Populations-Societes
  3081. Fossils
  3082. Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy
  3083. International Journal for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement
  3084. International Journal of e-Collaboration
  3085. International Journal of Learning
  3086. Japanese Journal of Neurosurgery
  3087. Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies
  3088. Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology
  3089. Journal of Quality
  3090. Journal of Rural Development
  3091. Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies
  3092. Journal of Structural Engineering (Madras)
  3093. Journal of Veterinary Clinics
  3094. Khirurgiya
  3095. Lakartidningen
  3096. Landbauforschung Volkenrode
  3097. London Journal
  3098. Magyar Onkologia
  3099. Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics
  3100. Nervenheilkunde
  3101. Nigerian Journal of Parasitology
  3102. Revista Cubana de Fisica
  3103. Revista Cubana de Plantas Medicinales
  3104. Scandinavian Journal of Laboratory Animal Science
  3105. Shanghai kou qiang yi xue = Shanghai journal of stomatology
  3106. Spectroscopy Europe
  3107. Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics
  3108. Uniform Law Review
  3109. Uspekhi Fiziologicheskikh Nauk
  3110. Z Zagadnien Nauk Sadowych
  3111. Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University
  3112. Advances in OptoElectronics
  3113. Allergologie
  3114. AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America
  3115. Annals of Clinical and Experimental Neurology
  3116. Antropologia Portuguesa
  3117. Chem-Bio Informatics Journal
  3118. China Nonprofit Review
  3119. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems
  3120. Engineering and Technology
  3121. Gazi Medical Journal
  3122. Geoadria / glasilo Hrvatskog geografskog drustva--ogranak Zadar i Odsjeka za geografiju Filozofskog fakulteta u Zadru
  3123. Hejubian Yu Dengliziti Wuli/Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics
  3124. Ideology and Politics Journal
  3125. International Human Rights Law Review
  3126. International Journal of Business and Management Science
  3127. International Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management
  3128. International Studies in Human Rights
  3129. Journal of Airport Management
  3130. Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)
  3131. Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries
  3132. Journal of Geomatics
  3133. Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology
  3134. Kardiotechnik
  3135. Medecine Nucleaire
  3136. Oncogematologiya
  3137. Otolaryngology Case Reports
  3138. Pharmaceutical Processing
  3139. Pharmaceutical Technology
  3140. Psychopharmakotherapie
  3141. Revista de la Sociedad Espanola del Dolor
  3142. Revista d'Estudis Autonomics i Federals
  3143. Revista Direito GV
  3144. Revue Medicale de Bruxelles
  3145. Rivista Italiana di Medicina Legale e del Diritto in Campo Sanitario
  3146. Science and Innovation
  3147. Showa Igakkai zasshi = The Journal of the Showa Medical Association
  3148. Vniversitas
  3149. West Indian Medical Journal
  3150. Zeitschrift fur Herz-, Thorax- und Gefasschirurgie
  3151. Zhongguo Biaomian Gongcheng/China Surface Engineering
  3152. Acta Academica
  3153. Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics
  3154. Anthropology of Consciousness
  3155. Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional
  3156. Archives of psychiatry research
  3157. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte
  3158. Austrian Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
  3159. Autism and Developmental Language Impairments
  3160. Biochemical and Cellular Archives
  3161. Biologicheskie Membrany
  3162. Boletin Mexicano de Derecho Comparado
  3163. Business Lawyer
  3164. Canadian bulletin of medical history = Bulletin canadien d'histoire de la médecine
  3165. CEPAL Review
  3166. Clinical calcium
  3167. Contributions to Economics
  3168. Diabetologie Metabolismus Endokrinologie Vyziva
  3169. Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics
  3170. European Journal of Palliative Care (discontinued)
  3171. FMC Formacion Medica Continuada en Atencion Primaria
  3172. Fuel Cells Bulletin
  3173. German Yearbook of International Law
  3174. Indian Journal of Gynecologic Oncology
  3175. International Journal of Business Intelligence Research
  3176. International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems
  3177. Journal of Clinical and Translational Endocrinology: Case Reports
  3178. Journal of Health, Safety and Environment
  3179. Journal of Mind and Behavior
  3180. Journal of South India Medicolegal Association
  3181. Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland
  3182. Journal of WSCG
  3183. Konstruktion
  3184. Lin chuang er bi yan hou tou jing wai ke za zhi = Journal of clinical otorhinolaryngology, head, and neck surgery
  3185. Mechanical Engineering
  3186. Medicina Interna de Mexico
  3187. Orient
  3188. Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research Series B: Biological Sciences
  3189. Produccion y Limpia
  3190. Progres en Urologie - FMC
  3191. Przeglad Pediatryczny
  3192. Psychiatria Hungarica
  3193. Resource: Engineering and Technology for Sustainable World
  3194. Revista Chilena de Anestesia
  3195. Revista de la Facultad de Agronomia
  3196. Revista Espanola de Antropologia Americana
  3197. Revista Latinoamericana de Quimica
  3198. Russian Education and Society
  3199. Thai Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  3200. Toraibarojisuto/Journal of Japanese Society of Tribologists
  3201. Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
  3202. Transplantation Reports
  3203. Trends in Biomaterials and Artificial Organs
  3204. Acta Botanica Venezuelica
  3205. Acta Microscopica
  3206. Algebraic Structures and their Applications
  3207. Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten
  3208. Angiologiia i sosudistaia khirurgiia = Angiology and vascular surgery
  3209. Archives of Neuroscience
  3210. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutricion
  3211. Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research
  3212. Avances en Quimica
  3213. British Journal of American Legal Studies
  3214. Chinese Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology
  3215. Chinese Journal of Ship Research
  3216. Corrosion and Protection
  3217. Cuadernos del Cendes
  3218. Economia Aplicada
  3219. EDPACS
  3220. European Oncology and Haematology
  3221. Hornero
  3222. Huaxue Gongcheng/Chemical Engineering
  3223. Hydrocarbon Processing
  3224. Index de Enfermeria
  3225. International Journal of Difference Equations
  3226. International Sugar Journal
  3227. Investigacion Clinica
  3228. ITNOW
  3229. Japanese Journal of Allergology
  3230. Journal of Child Science
  3231. Journal of Computational Technologies
  3232. Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences
  3233. Klinicheskaya Onkogematologiya/Clinical Oncohematology
  3234. Kuwait Medical Journal
  3235. Law in Eastern Europe
  3236. Logistics Journal
  3237. Media and Jornalismo
  3238. Medicina Fluminensis
  3239. Mikrobiolohichnyi zhurnal (Kiev, Ukraine : 1993)
  3240. Nanjing Youdian Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications (Natural Science)
  3241. Peace and Conflict Studies
  3242. Photonics Spectra
  3243. Przeglad Geofizyczny
  3244. Revista Criminalidad
  3245. Revista del Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social
  3246. Revista Mexicana de Analisis de la Conducta
  3247. Russian Journal of Human Reproduction
  3248. Russian Politics and Law
  3249. Tezhong Zhuzao Ji Youse Hejin/Special Casting and Nonferrous Alloys
  3250. Therapeutische Umschau. Revue therapeutique
  3251. Tierarztliche Umschau
  3252. University of Toronto Medical Journal
  3253. US Endocrinology
  3254. Victorian Naturalist
  3255. Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica
  3256. Annales - Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sectio B
  3257. Annual review of nursing research
  3258. Asian Biotechnology and Development Review
  3259. Balkan Social Science Review
  3260. BSGLg
  3261. Bulletin of Educational Psychology
  3262. Cardiology Letters
  3263. Derecho PUCP
  3264. Drugs of the Future
  3265. European Pharmaceutical Review
  3266. Federal Law Review
  3267. Florida Geographer
  3268. Gedrag en Organisatie
  3269. GeoScape
  3270. Gerontologie et Societe
  3271. Hawai'i journal of health & social welfare
  3272. Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics
  3273. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  3274. Information Psychiatrique
  3275. International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation
  3276. International Journal of Systematic Innovation
  3277. Iranian Journal of Nutrition Sciences and Food Technology
  3278. Jiefangjun Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition)
  3279. Journal of Accounting Review
  3280. Journal of business continuity & emergency planning
  3281. Journal of Dynamics and Control
  3282. Journal of Globalization Studies
  3283. Journal of Human Ecology
  3284. Journal of Oral Medicine and Oral Surgery
  3285. Journal of Pipeline Engineering,The
  3286. Journal of Research Administration
  3287. Journal of the Zhejiang University - Agriculture and Life Science
  3288. Mindanao Journal of Science and Technology
  3289. Neurologie und Rehabilitation
  3290. Nowotwory
  3291. Pharmeuropa bio & scientific notes
  3292. Protetyka stomatologiczna
  3293. Rehabilitacion
  3294. Rengong Jingti Xuebao/Journal of Synthetic Crystals
  3295. Revista Espanola de Cardiologia Suplementos
  3296. Sea Technology
  3297. Siberian Journal of Oncology
  3298. Southeastern Geology
  3299. Strategic Direction
  3300. Sur
  3301. Tijdschrift voor Urologie
  3302. Travaux du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle Grigore Antipa
  3303. Turkish Journal of Immunology
  3304. Vytapeni, Vetrani, Instalace
  3305. World of Mining - Surface and Underground
  3306. Alternativas
  3307. Annals of African Surgery
  3308. Applied Radiology
  3309. Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research
  3310. Arbeitsmedizin Sozialmedizin Umweltmedizin
  3311. Archives of Hellenic Medicine
  3312. Archiv fur Lebensmittelhygiene
  3313. Asian Journal of WTO and International Health Law and Policy
  3314. Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions
  3315. Bibliotecas, Anales de Investigacion
  3316. Boletin de Malariologia y Salud Ambiental
  3317. Brunei International Medical Journal
  3318. Bulletin of the International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering
  3319. Bulletin of the Plankton Society of Japan
  3320. Casopis Lekaru Ceskych
  3321. Chemical and Engineering News
  3322. Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology
  3323. Cirugia pediatrica : organo oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de Cirugia Pediatrica
  3324. CONCAWE Reports
  3325. Control and Cybernetics
  3326. Dermatologia Revista Mexicana
  3327. Education et Didactique
  3328. ERCOFTAC Series
  3329. Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche
  3330. Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News
  3331. Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
  3332. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance
  3333. International Journal of Technologies in Learning
  3334. Journal of Contextual Economics-Schmollers Jahrbuch
  3335. Journal of East Asia and International Law
  3336. Journal of Environmental Studies
  3337. Journal of Gang Research
  3338. Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine
  3339. Journal of Social Development in Africa
  3340. Medizinische Monatsschrift fur Pharmazeuten
  3341. Paediatria Croatica
  3342. Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences
  3343. Phytomorphology: An International Journal of Plant Morphology
  3344. Potato Journal
  3345. Praktische Tierarzt
  3346. Psiquiatria Biologica
  3347. REC: CardioClinics
  3348. Revista Argentina de Radiologia
  3349. Revue d'Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest
  3350. Revue du Rhumatisme Monographies
  3351. Ricerca e Pratica
  3352. Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics
  3353. Specialusis Ugdymas
  3354. Sprache Stimme Gehor
  3355. Statute Law Review
  3356. Surgery, Gastroenterology and Oncology
  3357. Therapeutic Research
  3358. Travail et Emploi
  3359. Tumor
  3360. Wool Textile Journal
  3361. World Chinese Journal of Digestology
  3362. World Customs Journal
  3363. Zbornik Instituta za Pedagoska Istrazivanja
  3364. Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering
  3365. Anestezi Dergisi
  3366. Australian Educational Computing
  3367. Azerbaijan Pharmaceutical and Pharmacotherapy Journal
  3368. Bulletin de l'Academie Nationale de Medecine
  3369. Cancer and Chemotherapy Reviews
  3370. Chinese Journal of Forensic Medicine
  3371. Clinical Medicine Insights: Geriatrics
  3372. Cognition, Brain, Behavior
  3373. Dentistry Today
  3374. Gaceta Medica de Caracas
  3375. Haseki Tip Bulteni
  3376. Huadong Ligong Daxue Xuebao /Journal of East China University of Science and Technology
  3377. International Journal of Low Radiation
  3378. International Polymer Science and Technology
  3379. Japanese Journal of Gastroenterology
  3380. Japanese Journal of Leprosy
  3381. Journal of Advances in Medical and Biomedical Research
  3382. Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science
  3383. Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association
  3384. Journal of Numerical Analysis, Industrial and Applied Mathematics
  3385. Keikinzoku Yosetsu/Journal of Light Metal Welding and Construction
  3386. Klinikarzt
  3387. McGill Journal of Law and Health
  3388. Metas de Enfermeria
  3389. Nachrichten aus der Chemie
  3390. Nihon Enerugi Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy
  3391. Novosti Khirurgii
  3392. Pharmacoeconomics - Spanish Research Articles
  3393. Polish Sociological Review
  3394. Politix
  3395. Quinnipiac Law Review
  3396. Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change
  3397. Retina Today
  3398. Revista de Bioetica y Derecho
  3399. Revista de Humanidades
  3400. Revista Espanola de Nutricion Comunitaria
  3401. Revista Republicana
  3402. Sociologia y Tecnociencia
  3403. Steel Times International
  3404. Studies in Qualitative Methodology
  3405. ACG Case Reports Journal
  3406. Advances in Industrial Control
  3407. Aesthetic Medicine
  3408. Akademik Acil Tip Olgu Sunumlari Dergisi
  3409. American University law review, The
  3410. Amme Idaresi Dergisi
  3411. Annals of Biology
  3412. Antibiotiki i Khimioterapiya
  3413. Antibodies
  3414. Arterial Hypertension
  3415. BioCycle
  3416. BTRA Scan
  3417. China's Refractories
  3418. Chinese Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy
  3419. Clinical Lipidology and Metabolic Disorders
  3420. Clinical privilege white paper
  3421. Clinical Skin Cancer
  3422. Comunicacoes Geologicas
  3423. Corrosion and Materials
  3424. Dokkyo Journal of Medical Sciences
  3425. Eksperimental'naya i Klinicheskaya Farmakologiya
  3426. Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia
  3427. Epilepsy and Paroxysmal Conditions
  3428. Estudos Internacionais
  3429. Fleischwirtschaft
  3430. Foundry Trade Journal International
  3431. Galvanotechnik
  3432. Geologie und Palaeontologie in Westfalen
  3433. Hiroshima Journal of Medical Sciences
  3434. Hong Kong Law Journal
  3435. Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics
  3436. Indonesian Aquaculture Journal
  3437. International Criminal Law Series
  3438. International Journal of Clinical Dentistry
  3439. International Journal of Current Research and Review
  3440. International Journal of Nano and Biomaterials
  3441. International Straits of the World
  3442. International Water and Irrigation
  3443. Issue brief (Commonwealth Fund)
  3444. Janus.net
  3445. Japanese Journal of Chemotherapy
  3446. Journal of Acute Care Physical Therapy
  3447. Journal of Health Sciences
  3448. Journal of Medical Licensure and Discipline
  3449. Journal of Thermodynamics
  3450. Kardiovaskulare Medizin
  3451. Legal Aspects of International Organization
  3452. Marmara Medical Journal
  3453. Medizinhistorisches Journal
  3454. Mercian Geologist
  3455. Military Engineer
  3456. NanoScience and Technology
  3457. NEC Technical Journal
  3458. Open Hypertension Journal
  3459. Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Eksperimentalnaya Terapiya
  3460. Pediatriya - Zhurnal im G.N. Speranskogo
  3461. Philosophia Scientiae
  3462. Psychology and Education
  3463. Psychoterapie
  3464. Publications on Ocean Development
  3465. Queen Mary Studies in International Law
  3466. Recherche en soins infirmiers
  3467. Resource Recovery and Reuse
  3468. Revista Chilena de Cirugia
  3469. Revista de Antropologia Social
  3470. Revista de la Federacion Argentina de Cardiologia
  3471. Revue de Chirurgie Orthopedique et Traumatologique
  3472. Scripta Botanica Belgica
  3473. Series on Number Theory and Its Applications
  3474. Spirale
  3475. Springer Climate
  3476. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing
  3477. Tethys
  3478. Textile World
  3479. Tidsskriftet FoU i Praksis
  3480. Transfuze a Hematologie Dnes
  3481. Uluslararasi Iliskiler
  3482. Understanding Complex Systems
  3483. USDA Forest Service - Research Papers RMRS
  3484. Zeitschrift fur Evaluation
  3485. Zhonghua er bi yan hou tou jing wai ke za zhi = Chinese journal of otorhinolaryngology head and neck surgery
  3486. Zhonghua lao dong wei sheng zhi ye bing za zhi = Zhonghua laodong weisheng zhiyebing zazhi = Chinese journal of industrial hygiene and occupational diseases
  3487. Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics
  3488. Alergia Astma Immunologia
  3489. Angiologia
  3490. Annals of Long-Term Care
  3491. Asian Journal of Ophthalmology
  3492. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery
  3493. Caribbean Geography
  3494. Central European Journal of Paediatrics
  3495. CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation
  3496. Chemist
  3497. Chinese Journal of New Drugs
  3498. Competition Law Journal
  3499. CrossTalk
  3500. Cuestiones Constitucionales
  3501. Current Gynecologic Oncology
  3502. Earth Evolution Sciences
  3503. Filtration and Separation
  3504. Fourrages
  3505. General Anthropology
  3506. General Medicine
  3507. Historisk Tidsskrift
  3508. Homme et la Societe
  3509. International Lawyer
  3510. Journal fur Urologie und Urogynakologie
  3511. Journal of Tourism and Development
  3512. Law Library Journal
  3513. Library
  3514. Milli Egitim
  3515. Motricite Cerebrale
  3516. Observatory
  3517. Paliva
  3518. Perseitas
  3519. Plaridel
  3520. Quaker Studies
  3521. Recherches en Didactiques des Sciences et des Technologies
  3522. Revista de Gestao Ambiental e Sustentabilidade
  3523. Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Social
  3524. Revista Odonto Ciencia
  3525. Revue Archeologique de Picardie
  3526. Rinsan Shikenj Oha/Journal of the Hokkaido Forest Products Research Institute
  3527. Romanian Journal of Neurology/ Revista Romana de Neurologie
  3528. SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology
  3529. Springer Geography
  3530. Sun Yat-sen Journal of Humanities
  3531. Suvremena Psihologija
  3532. Tamkang Journal of International Affairs
  3533. Turkish Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
  3534. Ugeskrift for Laeger
  3535. Voprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii, i lechebnoi fizicheskoi kultury
  3536. Xiandai Huagong/Modern Chemical Industry
  3537. Yerbilimleri/ Earth Sciences
  3538. Zdravstveni Vestnik
  3539. Academia (Greece)
  3540. Adolescent Medicine: State of the Art Reviews
  3541. Aktuelle Dermatologie
  3542. Annals of Cancer Research and Therapy
  3543. Arhiv za Farmaciju
  3544. Cahiers de Psychologie Clinique
  3545. China Journal of Accounting Studies
  3546. Chinese Journal of Contemporary Neurology and Neurosurgery
  3547. Clinical and Experimental Surgery
  3548. Cogito
  3549. College Mathematics Journal
  3550. Communication Booknotes Quarterly
  3551. Computer Science Research Notes
  3552. Concrete Construction - World of Concrete
  3553. Cuadernos de bioetica : revista oficial de la Asociacion Espanola de Bioetica y Etica Medica
  3554. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
  3555. International Perspectives on Inclusive Education
  3556. Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology
  3557. Journal of Food Science and Biotechnology
  3558. Journal of Legal Education
  3559. Journal of Neonatology
  3560. Journal of the Japan Diabetes Society
  3561. Manchester Journal of International Economic Law
  3562. Matronas Profesion
  3563. Medical Forum Monthly
  3564. Medicine and Law
  3565. Medijska Istrazivanja
  3566. Neuro-Ophthalmology Japan
  3567. Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing
  3568. Organizational Cultures
  3569. Padiatrische Praxis
  3570. Physician Assistant Clinics
  3571. Psychologia
  3572. Psychologist
  3573. Punjab Geographer
  3574. Retina-Vitreus
  3575. Review of High Pressure Science and Technology/Koatsuryoku No Kagaku To Gijutsu
  3576. Reviews in Vascular Medicine
  3577. Revista Bionatura
  3578. Revista de Informatica Teorica e Aplicada
  3579. Revista de Nefrologia, Dialisis y Trasplante
  3580. Revista de Obstetricia y Ginecologia de Venezuela
  3581. Revue Europeenne d' Economie et Management des Services
  3582. Revue Forestiere Francaise
  3583. Solnecno-Zemnaa Fizika
  3584. Studia Politica
  3585. Studies in Microeconomics
  3586. Swiss Sports and Exercise Medicine
  3587. Vascular Access
  3588. Zhuzao/Foundry
  3589. Acta Informatica Pragensia
  3590. American Review of Canadian Studies
  3591. Bank i Kredyt
  3592. China Business Review
  3593. Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Development
  3594. Cuadernos de Administracion
  3595. Current Biotechnology
  3596. Geographie Economie Societe
  3597. Geophysical Research
  3598. Geotechnical News
  3599. Hedianzixue Yu Tance Jishu/Nuclear Electronics and Detection Technology
  3600. Imago Mundi
  3601. Indian Journal of Nematology
  3602. Infant Observation
  3603. International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies
  3604. International Journal of Assessment and Evaluation
  3605. International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications
  3606. International Journal of Electronic Finance
  3607. International Journal of Geospatial and Environmental Research
  3608. International Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum
  3609. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Extra
  3610. International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing
  3611. International orthodontics / Collège européen d'orthodontie
  3612. Iranian Journal of Information Processing Management
  3613. Japan Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics
  3614. JK Science
  3615. Journal of Leukemia and Lymphoma
  3616. Journal of Otolaryngology of Japan
  3617. Journal of Stem Cells
  3618. Kyobu geka. The Japanese journal of thoracic surgery
  3619. Mathematics Student
  3620. Medycyna Paliatywna w Praktyce
  3621. Middle East Quarterly
  3622. Military Balance, The
  3623. Military Operations Research
  3624. National Interest
  3625. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security
  3626. OT Practice
  3627. Papers and Proceedings - Royal Society of Tasmania
  3628. Plastics Engineering
  3629. Psychoanalytic Social Work
  3630. Public Roads
  3631. Recent Patents on Endocrine, Metabolic and Immune Drug Discovery
  3632. Revue du Praticien
  3633. Risk and Decision Analysis
  3634. Sapporo Medical Journal
  3635. Sealing Technology
  3636. Sri Lanka journal of social sciences
  3637. Surgical Practice
  3638. Synthesiology
  3639. Turkish Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation Journal
  3640. Turkiye Klinikleri Dermatoloji
  3641. Veterinaria
  3642. World health & population
  3643. Zhenkong Kexue yu Jishu Xuebao/Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology
  3644. Acta Pediatrica de Mexico
  3645. Advances in Alzheimer's Disease
  3646. Aktuelle Rheumatologie
  3647. Archives of Histology and Cytology
  3648. Asian Case Research Journal
  3649. BioSpektrum
  3650. Boletin de Estadistica e Investigacion Operativa
  3651. Brill's Arab and Islamic Laws Series
  3652. Catalytic Science Series
  3653. Change Management
  3654. Crescent Journal of Medical and Biological Sciences
  3655. Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung
  3656. Droit et Societe
  3657. EEAG Report on the European Economy
  3658. Egyptian Journal of Ear, Nose, Throat and Allied Sciences
  3659. E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies
  3660. Electronics World
  3661. Emergency Medicine
  3662. Encyclopaideia
  3663. Endoscopy International Open
  3664. Food Science and Technology
  3665. Gaojishu Tongxin/High Technology Letters
  3666. Hospital Medicine Clinics
  3667. Iatreia
  3668. Immunology and Immunogenetics Insights
  3669. Independent Review
  3670. International Eye Science
  3671. International Journal of Body, Mind and Culture
  3672. International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics
  3673. International Journal of Technology and Globalisation
  3674. JFE Technical Report
  3675. Journal de Traumatologie du Sport
  3676. Journal of Applied Cosmetology
  3677. Journal of Aridland Agriculture
  3678. Journal of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness
  3679. Journal of Cognitive Science
  3680. Journal of Econometric Methods
  3681. Journal of Enterprise Transformation
  3682. Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences
  3683. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery Open Reports
  3684. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Research
  3685. Journal of Medical Marketing
  3686. Journal of SAFOG
  3687. Journal of Taiwan Agricultural Engineering
  3688. Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics
  3689. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education
  3690. Klinicka Farmakologie a Farmacie
  3691. Korean Journal of Medical History
  3692. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering
  3693. Medecine Therapeutique Medecine de la Reproduction, Gynecologie et Endocrinologie
  3694. Medical Journal of Wuhan University
  3695. National Toxicology Program technical report series
  3696. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Dermatologie en Venereologie
  3697. New York University Journal of Law and Liberty
  3698. Nijhoff Studies in European Union Law
  3699. Occupational Therapy Now
  3700. Ophthalmology in China
  3701. Ortho Magazine
  3702. Pediatria i Medycyna Rodzinna
  3703. Pediatric Hematology/Oncology and Immunopathology
  3704. Pharmaceutical Journal
  3705. Piel
  3706. Psikiyatride Guncel Yaklasimlar
  3707. Psycho-Oncologie
  3708. Public Finance Quarterly
  3709. Rehabilitacja Medyczna
  3710. Revista Cubana de Hematologia, Inmunologia y Hemoterapia
  3711. Revista del Jardin Botanico Nacional
  3712. Revista Espanola de Educacion Comparada
  3713. Revista Geografica Venezolana
  3714. Revista Mexicana de Cardiologia
  3715. RSC Polymer Chemistry Series
  3716. SA Pharmaceutical Journal
  3717. Shanghai Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
  3718. Side Effects of Drugs Annual
  3719. Sinica Leidensia
  3720. Sistema
  3721. Slavic and East European Information Resources
  3722. Sunbird
  3723. Terrain
  3724. Turkish Journal of Nephrology
  3725. Turk Osteoporoz Dergisi
  3726. Voprosy Onkologii
  3727. Water Wheel
  3728. Wire Journal International
  3729. World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
  3730. World Scientific Handbook in Financial Economics Series
  3731. AATCC Review
  3732. Acta Geographica Lodziensia
  3733. Acta Microbiologica Hellenica
  3734. Acta Stomatologica Naissi
  3735. Advances in Environmental Technology
  3736. Advances in Taxation
  3737. African Journal of Legal Studies
  3738. ASHA Leader
  3739. Atelie Geografico
  3740. Bulletin de la Societe Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles
  3741. Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering
  3742. Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research
  3743. Civil Engineering
  3744. Communications Law
  3745. Estudos de Psicologia
  3746. European Journal of Pediatric Dermatology
  3747. Gastroenterological Endoscopy
  3748. Gynakologische Endokrinologie
  3749. Industrial Archaeology Review
  3750. International Journal of Academic Medicine
  3751. International Journal of Clinical Skills
  3752. International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design
  3753. International Journal of Computers and their Applications
  3754. International Ocean Systems
  3755. Japanese Journal of Geriatrics
  3756. Japanese Journal of Urology
  3757. Journal of Applied Hematology
  3758. Journal of Commercial Biotechnology
  3759. Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation
  3760. Journal of RNAi and Gene Silencing
  3761. Journal of Technology
  3762. Journal of the American Health Information Management Association
  3763. Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan
  3764. Kardiologija v Belarusi
  3765. Kunststoffe International
  3766. Nephrologe
  3767. Nephrology and Dialysis
  3768. Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation
  3769. Obrana a Strategie
  3770. Otorhinolaryngology Clinics
  3771. Pakistan Textile Journal
  3772. Pharmaceuticals Policy and Law
  3773. Pharma Times
  3774. Physics World
  3775. Pielegniarstwo XXI Wieku
  3776. Plant Engineer
  3777. Research in Competence-Based Management
  3778. Revija za Kriminalistiko in Kriminologijo
  3779. Revista Electronica de Veterinaria
  3780. Revista Venezolana de Oncologia
  3781. Revue de Psychotherapie Psychanalytique de Groupe
  3782. Synergies Algerie
  3783. Theoretical Biology Forum
  3784. Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition
  3785. Tropical Agriculture
  3786. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences
  3787. USDA Forest Service - General Technical Report PNW
  3788. World Pumps
  3789. Zeitschrift fur Arznei- und Gewurzpflanzen
  3790. Zeitschrift fur Rechtssoziologie
  3791. Advances in Power Electronics
  3792. Ambulatory Surgery
  3793. Annales Francaises de Medecine d'Urgence
  3794. Arquiteturarevista
  3795. Baltic Linguistics
  3796. Biologist
  3797. Biomedicine
  3798. Biotechnology Law Report
  3799. Body, Space and Technology
  3800. Case Reports in Cardiology
  3801. Central Europe
  3802. Central European Journal of International and Security Studies
  3803. CFI, Ceramic Forum International/Berichte der DKG (Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft)
  3804. Chinese Journal of Cancer Biotherapy
  3805. Chinese Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases
  3806. Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology
  3807. Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
  3808. Cleveland state law review
  3809. Cliniques Mediterraneennes
  3810. Communitas
  3811. Conservacion Colombiana
  3812. Contemporary Mathematics
  3813. Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
  3814. Douleur et Analgesie
  3815. Drug Delivery System
  3816. Economie et Prevision
  3817. Electronic Device Failure Analysis
  3818. Explosion
  3819. Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Anti Allergy Agents
  3820. Gaceta Mexicana de Oncologia
  3821. Great Plains Quarterly
  3822. Hacettepe University Journal of the Faculty of Pharmacy
  3823. Higher Education for the Future
  3824. Hrvatske Vode
  3825. International Journal of Adult, Community and Professional Learning
  3826. International Journal of Biotechnology
  3827. International Journal of Humanities Education
  3828. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Studies
  3829. International Journal of Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Applications
  3830. Istanbul Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi
  3831. Journal fur Mineralstoffwechsel
  3832. Journal of Algebra and Related Topics
  3833. Journal of Dentistry: X
  3834. Journal of King Abdulaziz University, Marine Science
  3835. Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics
  3836. Journal of Plantation Crops
  3837. Journal of Plant Resources and Environment
  3838. Journal of Punjab Academy of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  3839. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Medical Science)
  3840. Journal of Sustainable Real Estate
  3841. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University (Medical Sciences)
  3842. Kardiologiya i Serdechno-Sosudistaya Khirurgiya
  3843. Kodikas/ Code
  3844. Laser Focus World
  3845. Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice, American Society of Civil Engineers
  3846. Mass Communication Research
  3847. Medical Science Technology
  3848. MMW Fortschritte der Medizin
  3849. NII Technical Reports
  3850. Open Urology and Nephrology Journal
  3851. Peremennye Zvezdy
  3852. Phillippine Journal of Internal Medicine
  3853. Planet Earth
  3854. Pneumologe
  3855. Progress in Tumor Research
  3856. Reanimation
  3857. Reproductive Endocrinology
  3858. Research in Political Economy
  3859. Revista Clinica de Ortodontia Dental Press
  3860. Revista de Economia del Rosario
  3861. Revista UNISCI
  3862. Revue de Laryngologie Otologie Rhinologie
  3863. Rhetorica
  3864. Shi You Lian Zhi Yu Hua Gong/Petroleum Processing and Petrochemicals
  3865. Silva Gabreta
  3866. Sintagma
  3867. Speciality Petrochemicals
  3868. Special Report - National Research Council, Transportation Research Board
  3869. Standardization News
  3870. Taiwanese Political Science Review
  3871. Teaching Artist Journal
  3872. Tumor Diagnostik und Therapie
  3873. Tutkimusraportti - Geologian Tutkimuskeskus
  3874. University of Pittsburgh Law Review
  3875. Vascular Cell
  3876. Virtual Creativity
  3877. Yeni Symposium
  3878. Zaranda de Ideas
  3879. Acta Medica Saliniana
  3880. Acta Turistica
  3881. Advances in Modelling and Analysis B
  3882. Agroalimentaria
  3883. American Journal of Forensic Psychology
  3884. Archaeologia Maritima Mediterranea
  3885. Arzneimitteltherapie
  3886. Australian Veterinary Practitioner
  3887. Biophotonics International
  3888. Boletim Paranaense de Geosciencias
  3889. Bulletin des Bibliotheques de France
  3890. Bulletin of the Kyushu Institute of Technology - Pure and Applied Mathematics
  3891. Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport
  3892. Cesko-Slovenska Dermatologie
  3893. Chinese Journal of Emergency Medicine
  3894. Clinica e Investigacion en Ginecologia y Obstetricia
  3895. Clinical Kinesiology
  3896. Derrida Today
  3897. Devenir
  3898. Dialogue Studies
  3899. Enfances, Familles, Generations
  3900. English Scholarship Beyond Borders
  3901. Espaco Plural
  3902. European Journal of Oncology Pharmacy
  3903. ExELL
  3904. Fatigue of Aircraft Structures
  3905. Gastroenterologe
  3906. Geopolitics of Energy
  3907. Harvard International Review
  3908. Huaxue Fanying Gongcheng Yu Gongyi/Chemical Reaction Engineering and Technology
  3909. Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Studies
  3910. Infektoloski Glasnik
  3911. Interacao em Psicologia
  3912. Internasjonal Politikk
  3913. International Atomic Energy Agency bulletin
  3914. International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Science
  3915. International Journal of Energy, Environment and Economics
  3916. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
  3917. International Journal of Language Testing
  3918. International Journal of Private Law
  3919. International Journal of Sociology of the Family
  3920. International Journal of the Society of Materials Engineering for Resources
  3921. Japanese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
  3922. Jeoloji Muhendisligi Dergisi
  3923. Journal fur Gynakologische Endokrinologie
  3924. Journal Medical Libanais
  3925. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research
  3926. Journal of Jilin University Medicine Edition
  3927. Journal of Problem Solving
  3928. Journal of Public and International Affairs
  3929. Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology
  3930. Journal of Wildlife Rehabilitation
  3931. Kartografija i Geoinformacije
  3932. Kettenwirk-Praxis
  3933. Machine Graphics and Vision
  3934. Medecine Intensive Reanimation
  3935. Nanotechnology Perceptions
  3936. New Medicine
  3937. Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies
  3938. Otorhinolaryngologist
  3939. Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics
  3940. Philologica Canariensia
  3941. PIDE Working Papers
  3942. Praticien en Anesthesie Reanimation
  3943. PSN
  3944. Research in Economic History
  3945. Revista Brasileira de Gestao e Desenvolvimento Regional
  3946. Revista Latinoamericana de Metalurgia y Materiales
  3947. Revista Mexicana de Enfermeria Cardiologica
  3948. Revista Proyecto, Progreso, Arquitectura
  3949. Revue Archeologique
  3950. Revue du Rhumatisme (Edition Francaise)
  3951. Roczniki Naukowe Zootechniki
  3952. RSC Drug Discovery Series
  3953. Schweizer Zeitschrift fur Onkologie
  3954. SEAISI Quarterly (South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute)
  3955. Singapore Journal of Legal Studies
  3956. Soins Pediatrie/Puericulture
  3957. Soudni Lekarstvi
  3958. Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics
  3959. Szociologiai Szemle
  3960. Taiwanese Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Food Science
  3961. Territoire en Mouvement
  3962. Texas Medicine
  3963. Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon, Supplement
  3964. Tilburg Law Review
  3965. Tort trial & insurance practice law journal
  3966. Welding and Cutting
  3967. Working Paper - Chr. Michelson Institute
  3968. World Dredging, Mining and Constructions
  3969. Wutan Huatan Jisuan Jishu
  3970. Academe
  3971. Acoustics Bulletin
  3972. Advances in Public Interest Accounting
  3973. American Bee Journal
  3974. American Laboratory
  3975. Annals of Agri Bio Research
  3976. Archaeology
  3977. Archive of Oncology
  3978. Asian Affairs
  3979. Banking and Finance Review
  3980. Best Practice Onkologie
  3981. Cahiers des Ameriques Latines
  3982. Cement International
  3983. Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
  3984. Chirurgia (Turin)
  3985. Coal Age
  3986. Collected Courses of the Xiamen Academy of International Law
  3987. Colon and Rectum
  3988. Contention
  3989. Converter
  3990. Cuestiones de Fisioterapia
  3991. Current Biomarkers
  3992. Danske Talesprog
  3993. Droit, Deontologie et Soin
  3994. Ecologia Mediterranea
  3995. Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology
  3996. Egyptian Liver Journal
  3997. Embroidery
  3998. Engineering and Mining Journal
  3999. European Journal of Oriental Medicine
  4000. European Journal of Parenteral and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  4001. Finnisch-Ugrische Forschungen
  4002. Food Australia
  4003. Foreign Policy
  4004. Frontiers of Philosophy in China
  4005. Fudan University Journal of Medical Sciences
  4006. Furukawa Review
  4007. Gender Studies
  4008. Geografski Obzornik
  4009. Gineco.eu
  4010. Giornale Italiano di Ostetricia e Ginecologia
  4011. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah
  4012. Graziadio Business Report
  4013. Haser
  4014. History of Education and Children's Literature
  4015. Hong Kong Journal of Radiology
  4016. Hotel Management
  4017. Imagerie de la Femme
  4018. Intellectual Discourse
  4019. International Dyer and Finisher
  4020. International Journal of Environmental Sustainability
  4021. International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management
  4022. International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education
  4023. Internistische Praxis
  4024. Iranian Journal of Geophysics
  4025. Journal de Pediatrie et de Puericulture
  4026. Journal of Advanced Zoology
  4027. Journal of Clinical Dermatology
  4028. Journal of Critical and Intensive Care
  4029. Journal of Fiber Science and Technology
  4030. Journal of ICT Standardization
  4031. Journal of Information Systems Security
  4032. Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Power Generation Technology
  4033. Journal of Social Research and Policy
  4034. Journal of Wind Engineering
  4035. Kriminologisches Journal
  4036. Lingue e Linguaggio
  4037. Lizi Jiaohuan Yu Xifu/Ion Exchange and Adsorption
  4038. Manusya
  4039. Medicina
  4040. Medicine
  4041. Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
  4042. M et T2
  4043. Multitudes
  4044. New Scientist
  4045. No To Hattatsu
  4046. Ochrona Przed Korozja
  4047. Onkopediatria
  4048. Ornis Svecica
  4049. Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal
  4050. Perspectives on Political Science
  4051. Power
  4052. Power Engineering
  4053. Pratique Neurologique - FMC
  4054. Progresos en Obstetricia y Ginecologia
  4055. Recherche - Transports - Securite
  4056. Renewable Resources Journal
  4057. Research Reports on Information Science and Electrical Engineering of Kyushu University
  4058. Review of Korean Studies
  4059. Revista Argentina de Dermatologia
  4060. Revue Archeologique de l'Est
  4061. RSC Detection Science
  4062. Russian Neurological Journal
  4063. Schweizerisches Archiv fur Volkskunde
  4064. SCIAMVS
  4065. Scientific Journal of King Faisal University
  4066. Shiyou Huagong/Petrochemical Technology
  4067. South African Gastroenterology Review
  4068. South Australian Ornithologist
  4069. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus
  4070. Studies in Critical Social Sciences
  4071. Synergies Chili
  4072. Taiwan International ESP Journal
  4073. Topique
  4074. Trauma (Spain)
  4075. Tribunes de la Sante
  4076. Turkiye Klinikleri Cardiovascular Sciences
  4077. Turkiye Klinikleri Pediatri
  4078. University of Toronto Quarterly
  4079. USDA Forest Service - Research Note RMRS-RN
  4080. Wuhan Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Wuhan University of Technology
  4081. Acta Philosophica
  4082. Adelaide Law Review
  4083. Advances in Sustainability and Environmental Justice
  4084. Advancing Microelectronics
  4085. Agricultural Commodities
  4086. Applicationes Mathematicae
  4087. AusIMM Bulletin
  4088. Australian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis
  4089. Australian Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis
  4090. Business, Peace and Sustainable Development
  4091. Cancer Drug Discovery and Development
  4092. Chinese Journal of Clinical Nutrition
  4093. Counselling Psychology Review
  4094. Critical Studies of the Asia-Pacific
  4095. Cronache Ercolanesi
  4096. Cuadernos Electronicos de Filosofia del Derecho
  4097. Diabetes Aktuell
  4098. DLR Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. - Forschungsberichte
  4099. Education Therapeutique du Patient
  4100. EM: Air and Waste Management Association's Magazine for Environmental Managers
  4101. Energia Elettrica
  4102. Ethnologia Fennica
  4103. Etudes sur la Mort
  4104. European Journal of Lymphology and Related Problems
  4105. European State Aid Law Quarterly
  4106. Family Law Quarterly
  4107. Fortune
  4108. Frontiers in Anti-infective Drug Discovery
  4109. Frontiers in Nanobiomedical Research
  4110. Groupwork
  4111. Handelingen van de Koninklijke Commissie voor Toponymie
  4112. Hepato-Gastro et Oncologie Digestive
  4113. Honeyguide
  4114. Hospitals and Health Networks
  4115. Hume Studies
  4116. International Journal of China Studies
  4117. International Journal of Computer Science and Applications
  4118. International Journal of Educational Organization and Leadership
  4119. International Journal of Electrical Engineering
  4120. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
  4121. International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation
  4122. International Journal of Postharvest Technology and Innovation
  4123. International Journal of the Humanities
  4124. International Review of Modern Sociology
  4125. International Sports Studies
  4126. IPSJ Transactions on Bioinformatics
  4127. Jahr
  4128. Japanese Journal of Lung Cancer
  4129. Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines
  4130. Journal for the History of Astronomy
  4131. Journalism history
  4132. Journal of China and International Relations
  4133. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine (Turkey)
  4134. Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics
  4135. Journal of Global Drug Policy and Practice
  4136. Journal of Information Technology Education: Discussion Cases
  4137. Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders
  4138. Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research
  4139. Journal of Juristic Papyrology
  4140. Journal of Land and Development
  4141. Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies
  4142. Journal of Practical Oncology
  4143. Journal of Protective Coatings and Linings
  4144. Journal of RNA and Genomics
  4145. Journal of Science and Technology in the Tropics
  4146. Journal of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
  4147. Korean Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
  4148. Kuste
  4149. La Revue du MAUSS
  4150. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives
  4151. Lebenswelt
  4152. Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems
  4153. Leibniz Review
  4154. lnternational Journal of Differential Equations and Applications
  4155. Lymphologie in Forschung und Praxis
  4156. Mathematical Scientist
  4157. Mathematische Semesterberichte
  4158. Medecine Buccale Chirurgie Buccale
  4159. Medecine Therapeutique
  4160. Medecine Therapeutique Pediatrie
  4161. Medicina Cutanea Ibero-Latino-Americana
  4162. Mextesol Journal
  4163. Middle Kingdom Studies
  4164. Millennium DIPr
  4165. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts Abteilung Istanbul
  4166. Nation
  4167. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics
  4168. New Mexico Geology
  4169. Nursing History Review
  4170. Offshore
  4171. Papers on Global Change IGBP
  4172. Parergon
  4173. Pesticide Research Journal
  4174. Philobiblon
  4175. Policy and Practice
  4176. Prakseologia
  4177. Pravara Medical Review
  4178. Problema
  4179. Przestrzen Spoleczna
  4180. Revista Cubana de Ortopedia y Traumatologia
  4181. Revista de Analisis Economico
  4182. Revista del Hospital Psiquiatrico de la Habana
  4183. Revista Espanola de Antropologia Fisica
  4184. Revista Mad
  4185. Revue Internationale de Philosophie
  4186. Revue Juridique de l'USEK
  4187. Rubber World
  4188. Salud (i) Ciencia
  4189. Scripta Mediaevalia
  4190. Security and Human Rights
  4191. Social Sciences
  4192. Sociological Theory and Methods
  4193. Stahl und Eisen
  4194. S.T.P. Pharma Pratiques
  4195. Studi Culturali
  4196. Suvremena Lingvistika
  4197. Synergies Pays Germanophones
  4198. Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics and Statistics
  4199. Taiwan Review
  4200. Tempo Psicanalitico
  4201. Terra
  4202. Tichodroma
  4203. Transactions of the Institute of Indian Geographers
  4204. Transgender Studies Quarterly
  4205. UNISCI Discussion Papers
  4206. Urogynaecologia International Journal
  4207. Water, Sewage and Effluent
  4208. Windows in time
  4209. World Review of Political Economy
  4210. Ymer
  4211. Youth Voice Journal
  4212. Zeitschrift fur Padagogik (Beiheft)
  4213. Zhonghua fang she xue za zhi Chinese journal of radiology
  4214. Zhonghua yi shi za zhi (Beijing, China : 1980)
  4215. Acta Medica Croatica
  4216. Advances in Business Related Scientific Research Journal
  4217. Advances in Global Leadership
  4218. African Journal of International and Comparative Law
  4219. Air Force Magazine
  4220. Alternatives Journal
  4221. Ambitos
  4222. Analecta Hibernica
  4223. Analele Universitatii din Bucuresti, Seria Stiinte Politice
  4224. Analele Universitatii din Craiova, Seria Filozofie
  4225. Anil Aggrawal's Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  4226. Annales Academiae Medicae Gedanensis
  4227. Annales Universitates Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia
  4228. Appita TIME Magazine
  4229. Archeologie Medievale
  4230. Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases Supplements
  4231. Archivos de Neurociencias
  4232. Asia Pacific Issues
  4233. Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law
  4234. Assembly
  4235. ATA Journal of Legal Tax Research
  4236. Atemwegs- und Lungenkrankheiten
  4237. Atti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia: Serie III, Rendiconti
  4238. Aurora
  4239. Azafea
  4240. Balkan Studies Library
  4241. Batalleria
  4242. Bealoideas
  4243. Biblos
  4244. Bioarchaeology of the Near East
  4245. Bogazici Journal
  4246. Bollettino di Archeologia
  4247. Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche
  4248. British Plastics and Rubber
  4249. Bulk Solids Handling
  4250. Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  4251. Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquee
  4252. Byzantinoslavica
  4253. Cadernos de Estudos Africanos
  4254. Canadian Journal of Native Studies
  4255. Cancer Research and Clinic
  4256. Casopis Matice moravske (1968)
  4257. Cercles
  4258. Chemical Fibers International
  4259. Chiba Medical Journal
  4260. Citta e Storia
  4261. Communication and Management
  4262. Comparative American Studies
  4263. Comparative Law Review
  4264. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences
  4265. Computer Graphics World
  4266. Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research
  4267. Control
  4268. Convivium
  4269. Corrosion Management
  4270. Culture and History of the Ancient Near East
  4271. DNA Reporter
  4272. Doxa. Cuadernos de Filosofia del Derecho
  4273. Drug Development and Delivery
  4274. Dubrovnik Annals
  4275. Dynamic Relationships Management Journal
  4276. East African Medical Journal
  4277. East European Jewish Affairs
  4278. EContent
  4279. Education and Culture
  4280. EE: Evaluation Engineering
  4281. Eidos
  4282. Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift
  4283. Emakeele Seltsi Aastaraamat
  4284. Encounters in Theory and History of Education
  4285. Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos
  4286. Etudes Rurales
  4287. Evidence-Based Practice
  4288. Fachsprache
  4289. Forma y Funcion
  4290. Forum of Clinical Oncology
  4291. Frontiers of History in China
  4292. Gaceta Medica de Bilbao
  4293. Gastroenterology Insights
  4294. Genocide Studies International
  4295. Geo-Regards
  4296. Geotermia
  4297. Greek Review of Social Research
  4298. Gynakologische Praxis
  4299. Heart and Metabolism
  4300. Hecheng Shuzhi Ji Suliao/China Synthetic Resin and Plastics
  4301. Histoire des Alpes - Storia delle Alpi - Geschichte der Alpen
  4302. Historia, Instituciones, Documentos
  4303. Historian
  4304. History of Retailing and Consumption
  4305. History Today
  4306. Integrative Medicine Alert
  4307. InterEULawEast
  4308. International Journal of Infertility and Fetal Medicine
  4309. International Pest Control
  4310. Interni Medicina pro Praxi
  4311. Interventional Cardiology
  4312. IPPTA: Quarterly Journal of Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association
  4313. Iranian Journal of Breast Diseases
  4314. Islamic History and Civilization
  4315. Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics
  4316. Jahrbuch fur Regionalgeschichte
  4317. Japanese Journal of Anesthesiology
  4318. Japanese Journal of Gastroenterological Surgery
  4319. Japanese Journal of Head and Neck Cancer
  4320. Japanese Journal of Human Geography
  4321. Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
  4322. Journal for the Liberal Arts and Sciences
  4323. Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine
  4324. Journal of Acute Medicine
  4325. Journal of Architecture and Planning
  4326. Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship
  4327. Journal of Internal Medicine of Taiwan
  4328. Journal of Interventional Radiology
  4329. Journal of Investment Strategies
  4330. Journal of Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging
  4331. Journal of Language Relationship
  4332. Journal of New Zealand Studies
  4333. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine
  4334. Journal of Plastination
  4335. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching
  4336. Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society
  4337. Journal of the National Academy of Forensic Engineers
  4338. Journal of Tokyo Medical University
  4339. Journal of Transnational American Studies
  4340. Journal of Vietnamese Studies
  4341. Journal of Water Law
  4342. Jusletter IT
  4343. Kaku igaku. The Japanese journal of nuclear medicine
  4344. Kasmera
  4345. Kriterion
  4346. Labour, Capital and Society
  4347. Leuvense Bijdragen
  4348. Linguistique Balkanique
  4349. Literary Journalism Studies
  4350. LUNDQUA Thesis - Lund University, Department of Quarternary Geology
  4351. Malta Medical Journal
  4352. Materials and Energy
  4353. Mathematical Engineering
  4354. Medicinski Casopis
  4355. Microbiology Today
  4356. Militargeschichtliche Zeitschrift
  4357. Mining History
  4358. Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte
  4359. Muslim World Journal of Human Rights
  4360. Natur und Recht
  4361. Neurologia-Neurocirugia Psiquiatria
  4362. Northeast African Studies
  4363. Northern Mariner
  4364. Nursing Care and Research
  4365. Nurture
  4366. Obstetrica si Ginecologie
  4367. Oceanus
  4368. OECD observer. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, The
  4369. Offshore Engineering
  4370. Oncologie
  4371. Open Access Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
  4372. Oralprophylaxe und Kinderzahnheilkunde
  4373. Oral Therapeutics and Pharmacology
  4374. Ordines Militares
  4375. Oslo Law Review
  4376. Osteopathic Family Physician
  4377. Petroleum Refinery Engineering
  4378. Pharmaceutical Engineering
  4379. Pharmaceutical Technology Europe
  4380. PharmacoVigilance Review
  4381. Pharmazeutische Industrie
  4382. Philosophical Inquiries
  4383. Philosophie
  4384. Planning
  4385. Planning Advisory Service Memo
  4386. Podravina
  4387. Pratiques en Nutrition
  4388. Problemy sotsial'noi gigieny i istoriia meditsiny / NII sotsial'noi gigieny, ekonomiki i upravleniia zdravookhraneniem im. N.A. Semashko RAMN, AO 'Assotsiatsiia 'Meditsinskaia literatura'
  4389. Przeglad Wlokienniczy
  4390. Public Transport International
  4391. Research in the Sociology of Sport
  4392. Research in Urbanism Series
  4393. Res Militaris
  4394. RevCEDOUA
  4395. Review of Marketing Science
  4396. Revista Brasileira de Neurologia e Psiquiatria
  4397. Revista de Filosofia (Venzuela)
  4398. Revista de Humanidades de Valparaiso
  4399. Revista Iberoamericana de Fertilidad y Reproduccion Humana
  4400. Revista Mexicana de Anestesiologia
  4401. Revue des Maladies Respiratoires Actualites
  4402. Revue d'Oncologie Hematologie Pediatrique
  4403. Rigakuryoho Kagaku
  4404. RIG Kulturhistorisk Tidskrift
  4405. Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica
  4406. Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology
  4407. Rostaniha
  4408. Scientific Mining Journal
  4409. Scottish Archaeological Journal
  4410. Seikagaku. The Journal of Japanese Biochemical Society
  4411. Singapore Academy of Law Journal
  4412. Sociedade e Cultura
  4413. Southeast Asian Journal of Economics
  4414. Southwestern Historical Quarterly
  4415. Spermova
  4416. Spool
  4417. Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie
  4418. Strategic Comments
  4419. Studia Leibnitiana
  4420. Studi e Saggi Linguistici
  4421. Studies in Law Politics and Society
  4422. Studi Medievali
  4423. Surgical Chronicles
  4424. Surgical Products
  4425. Synergies France
  4426. Synergies Italie
  4427. Tabularia
  4428. Tagliche Praxis
  4429. T'ang Studies
  4430. Textile Outlook International
  4431. Topoi Orient Occident
  4432. Trans/Form/Acao
  4433. TUBA-AR
  4434. Turkiye Klinikleri Jinekoloji Obstetrik
  4435. University of Cincinnati Law Review
  4436. West Bohemian Historical Review
  4437. World Agriculture
  4438. World Journal of Endocrine Surgery
  4439. Zeitgeschichte
  4440. Zeitschrift fur Slavische Philologie
  4441. Zeitschrift fur Zahnarztliche Implantologie
  4442. Zhonghua nan ke xue = National journal of andrology
  4443. Zoologische Garten
  4444. AAO Journal
  4445. ACDI Anuario Colombiano de Derecho Internacional
  4446. A Contrario
  4447. Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis
  4448. Acta ad Archaeologiam et Artium Historiam Pertinentia
  4449. Acta Poloniae Historica
  4450. Actuel Marx
  4451. Adamantius
  4452. Adhaesion Kleben und Dichten
  4453. Advances in Library Administration and Organization
  4454. Advances in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery
  4455. Adverse Drug Reaction Bulletin
  4456. Aerospace America
  4457. African Historical Review
  4458. Age of Human Rights Journal
  4459. Ajatus
  4460. Akkadica
  4461. Akropolis
  4462. American and British Studies Annual
  4463. American City and County
  4464. American History
  4465. American Nineteenth Century History
  4466. American Studies in Scandinavia
  4467. Amerikastudien
  4468. Anais de história de além-mar / Centro de história de além-mar, Faculdade de ciências sociais e humanas, Universidade nova de Lisboa
  4469. Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Esteticas
  4470. Anastasis
  4471. Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity
  4472. Anesthesia and Resuscitation
  4473. Anglo-Saxon England
  4474. Animal Technology and Welfare
  4475. Annales de Bretagne et des pays de l'Ouest
  4476. Annales d'Universite 'Valahia' Targoviste, Section d'Archeologie et d'Histoire
  4477. Annales Historiques de la Revolution Francaise
  4478. Annali di Storia delle Universita Italiane
  4479. Annals of Arid Zone
  4480. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology
  4481. Annual Conference Report - International Textile Manufacturers Federation
  4482. Antichthon
  4483. Antiquaries Journal
  4484. Archives of American Art Journal
  4485. Archives of Asian Art
  4486. Archives of Perinatal Medicine
  4487. Archiv fur Kulturgeschichte
  4488. Archiv fur Religionsgeschichte
  4489. Archiv fur Volkerkunde
  4490. Archivium Hibernicum
  4491. Arenal
  4492. Arheologia Moldovei
  4493. Ars Aeterna
  4494. Artforum International
  4495. Asia Maior
  4496. Asian Textile Journal
  4497. Asia Pacific Journal of Educators and Education
  4498. Atencion Primaria Practica
  4499. Augustiniana
  4500. Aussiger Beitrage
  4501. Australian Journal of Pharmacy
  4502. Australian Mining
  4503. Austrian Studies
  4504. Avances del Cesor
  4505. Balkanistica
  4506. Baptist quarterly, The
  4507. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft
  4508. Beitrage zur Mittelalterarchaologie in Osterreich
  4509. Berichte. Geographie und Landeskunde
  4510. Biblical Annals
  4511. Biblical Interpretation Series
  4512. Biuletynu Polskiej Misji Historycznej
  4513. Bollettino d'Arte
  4514. Bollettino dell'Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo
  4515. Bollettino Filosofico
  4516. Brill's Studies in Intellectual History
  4517. British Birds
  4518. British Catholic History
  4519. Bulletin de l'Academie Veterinaire de France
  4520. Bulletin de liaison des membres de la Societe de geographie
  4521. Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale
  4522. Bulletin of the John Rylands Library
  4523. BWK - Energie-Fachmagazin
  4524. Byron Journal
  4525. Byzantion: Revue Internationale des Etudes Byzantines
  4526. Cadernos CEDES
  4527. Cahiers de Civilisation Medievale
  4528. Cahiers de Geographie de Quebec
  4529. Cahiers d'Etudes Levinassiennes
  4530. Calvin Theological Journal
  4531. Canadian Journal of Film Studies
  4532. Canadian Mining Journal
  4533. Caracol
  4534. Caracteres
  4535. Carthaginensia
  4536. CASE Journal
  4537. Celulosa Y Papel
  4538. Chateau Gaillard
  4539. Chemical Engineer
  4540. Chemistry and Industry (London)
  4541. Chemistry World
  4542. Chinese Journal of Interventional Imaging and Therapy
  4543. Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology
  4544. Chinese Journal of Urology
  4545. Chiron
  4546. Chirurgia Polska
  4547. Christian Journal for Global Health
  4548. Ciencia and Engenharia/ Science and Engineering Journal
  4549. CIM Magazine
  4550. Citeaux
  4551. Classica et Christiana
  4552. Clean Air and Containment Review
  4553. Clinical Osteology
  4554. CME
  4555. Coal International
  4556. Cocuk Sagligi ve Hastaliklari Dergisi
  4557. Colloquia Humanistica
  4558. Colloquia Maruliana
  4559. Commonwealth Law Bulletin
  4560. Communiquer
  4561. Community Practitioner
  4562. Comparative Drama
  4563. Comprendre
  4564. Computer Software
  4565. Comunicacao Midia e Consumo
  4566. CONCAWE Review
  4567. Concurrent Systems Engineering Series
  4568. Confrontation
  4569. Connections
  4570. Consultant
  4571. Consulting-Specifying Engineer
  4572. Contemporary French Civilization
  4573. Contemporary Ob/Gyn
  4574. Control Engineering
  4575. Converting Today
  4576. Correspondances en MHND
  4577. Costume
  4578. Court Historian
  4579. Critica-Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofia
  4580. Croatian and Comparative Public Administration
  4581. Cromohs
  4582. Cuadernos de filologia clasica: estudios griegos e indoeuropeos
  4583. Cuadernos de Medicina Forense
  4584. Cuadernos Dieciochistas
  4585. Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofia
  4586. Current Clinical Neurology
  4587. Dacoromania
  4588. Dance Research
  4589. Danish Yearbook of Philosophy
  4590. Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift
  4591. Decyzje
  4592. De Musica Disserenda
  4593. Die Medizinische Welt
  4594. Digital Humanities Quarterly
  4595. Digital Textile
  4596. Digital TV Europe
  4597. Dionysius
  4598. Diritto Pubblico
  4599. Discipline Filosofiche
  4600. Documenti Geografici
  4601. Document Numerique
  4602. DOLOR
  4603. Drug Topics
  4604. Duzce Medical Journal
  4605. Early Modern Women
  4606. Early Music History
  4607. Early Popular Visual Culture
  4608. East Asian Publishing and Society
  4609. Ecclesial Practices
  4610. Echa Przeszlosci
  4611. Ecology and Civil Engineering
  4612. Eighteenth-Century Ireland
  4613. Ekphrasis
  4614. Electrum
  4615. Elektrowaerme International
  4616. Empan
  4617. Endoscopic Forum for Digestive Disease
  4618. EngineerIT
  4619. ENR (Engineering News-Record)
  4620. Entangled Religions
  4621. Environmental Law and Management
  4622. Erciyes Tip Dergisi
  4623. Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, Serie VII: Historia del Arte
  4624. Estudios de Linguistica Inglesa Aplicada (ELIA)
  4625. Estudos de Linguistica Galega
  4626. Ethische Perspectieven
  4627. European Journal of Korean Studies
  4628. European Procurement and Public Private Partnership Law Review
  4629. European Space Agency Bulletin
  4630. European Yearbook of the History of Psychology
  4631. Exartisis
  4632. Existentia
  4633. Expository Times
  4634. Family and Community History
  4635. Feministische Studien
  4636. FF Communications
  4637. Fichte-Studien
  4638. Film International
  4639. Fire Risk Management
  4640. Folia Japonica de Ophthalmologica Clinica
  4641. Folk Life
  4642. Fonetica si Dialectologie
  4643. Forum for Nordic Dermato-Venerology
  4644. Forum Historiae
  4645. Franciscan Studies
  4646. Freiburger Zeitschrift fur Philosophie und Theologie
  4647. Fruhmittelalterliche Studien
  4648. Galilaeana
  4649. Gastric and Breast Cancer
  4650. Gas Waerme International
  4651. GED - Gastrenterologia Endoscopia Digestiva
  4652. German Historical Institute London Bulletin
  4653. Ginekologia i Poloznictwo
  4654. GIS-Business
  4655. Gladius
  4656. Glass International
  4657. GMP Review
  4658. Govor
  4659. Graziadio Business Review
  4660. Guti Dianzixue Yanjiu Yu Jinzhan/Research and Progress of Solid State Electronics
  4661. Gynaecologia et Perinatologia
  4662. Hagiographica
  4663. Hamdard Islamicus
  4664. Hansische Geschichtsblatter
  4665. Hematology (Bulgaria)
  4666. Hiperboreea
  4667. Hirosaki Medical Journal
  4668. Hispania Antiqua
  4669. Histoire de l'Education
  4670. Histoire et Mesure
  4671. Historia scientiarum : international journal of the History of Science Society of Japan
  4672. Historia Urbana
  4673. Historical Materialism Book Series
  4674. History Australia
  4675. History of Religions
  4676. Hokkaido Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
  4677. Home Textiles Today
  4678. Hong Kong journal of Social Sciences
  4679. Hong Kong Practitioner
  4680. Horizons in Biblical Theology
  4681. HPAC Heating, Piping, AirConditioning Engineering
  4682. Humanitas
  4683. Human Rights
  4684. Humans and Nature
  4685. Huntington Library Quarterly
  4686. Hydro International
  4687. Hygiene + Medizin
  4688. IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans / World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer
  4689. Iberoamericana. America Latina - Espana - Portugal
  4690. Iconographica
  4691. IEEE Women in Engineering Magazine
  4692. Illes i Imperis
  4693. Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de las Religiones
  4694. Imagen Diagnostica
  4695. Imago Temporis - Medium Aevum
  4696. Impact of Empire
  4697. Indexer
  4698. Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics
  4699. Indian Journal of Sericulture
  4700. Industry Week
  4701. In Esse: English Studies in Albania
  4702. INFORM
  4703. Insuficiencia Cardiaca
  4704. InTech
  4705. Interactive Entertainment Law Review
  4706. International and Comparative Law Review
  4707. Internationale Politik
  4708. International Journal for the History of Engineering and Technology
  4709. International Journal for the Study of New Religions
  4710. International Journal of Applied Philosophy
  4711. International Journal of Asian Studies
  4712. International Journal of Cancer Research and Prevention
  4713. International Journal of Critical Cultural Studies
  4714. International Journal of Design in Society
  4715. International Journal of Diverse Identities
  4716. International Journal of Early Childhood Learning
  4717. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Civic and Political Studies
  4718. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Global Studies
  4719. International Journal of Islamic Thought
  4720. International Journal of Literary Humanities
  4721. International Journal of Platonic Tradition
  4722. International Journal of Regional and Local History
  4723. International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education and History Culture
  4724. International Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Learning
  4725. International Journal of Sino-Western Studies
  4726. International Journal of the Inclusive Museum
  4727. International Paperworld IPW
  4728. International Review of Medical Practice
  4729. International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music
  4730. International Water Power and Dam Construction
  4731. Interpretation (United States)
  4732. Iride
  4733. Irish Sword
  4734. Irish Theological Quarterly
  4735. Israel Economic Review
  4736. Italienisch
  4737. Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology
  4738. Japanese Journal of Ecology
  4739. Japanese Journal of Nephrology
  4740. Japanese Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
  4741. Japanese Magazine of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences
  4742. Jazz Perspectives
  4743. Jazz Research Journal
  4744. JK Practitioner
  4745. Journal de Medecine Legale Droit Medical
  4746. Journal for the History of Modern Theology
  4747. Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus
  4748. Journal fuer Gastroenterologische und Hepatologische Erkrankungen
  4749. Journal fur Neurologie, Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie
  4750. Journal International de Bioethique
  4751. Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology
  4752. Journal of Anglican Studies
  4753. Journal of Austrian studies
  4754. Journal of Bamboo and Rattan
  4755. Journal of Beckett Studies
  4756. Journal of Contemporary Iraq and the Arab World
  4757. Journal of Curatorial Studies
  4758. Journal of Health Care Finance
  4759. Journal of Historical Research in Music Education
  4760. Journal of Holocaust Research
  4761. Journal of Home Economics Research
  4762. Journal of Horticultural Sciences
  4763. Journal of International and Comparative Law
  4764. Journal of International Peacekeeping
  4765. Journal of Jewish Studies
  4766. Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures
  4767. Journal of Modern Chinese History
  4768. Journal of Moravian History
  4769. Journal of Nara Medical Association
  4770. Journal of New England Water Environment Association
  4771. Journal of Religion and Popular Culture
  4772. Journal of Religion in Japan
  4773. Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies
  4774. Journal of Spacecraft Technology
  4775. Journal of Taiwan Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
  4776. Journal of Taxation
  4777. Journal of the Australasian Tax Teachers Association
  4778. Journal of the Australian Early Medieval Association
  4779. Journal of the IEST
  4780. Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan (Shomei Gakkai Shi)
  4781. Journal of the Japan Research Association for Textile End-Uses
  4782. Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society
  4783. Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association
  4784. Journal of the New England Water Works Association
  4785. Journal of Thermoelectricity
  4786. Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology
  4787. Journal on European History of Law
  4788. Judaica Bohemiae
  4789. Keats-Shelley Review
  4790. Klinicka Imunologia a Alergologia
  4791. Korean Journal of Medical Mycology
  4792. Kranion
  4793. Krankenhaushygiene und Infektionsverhutung
  4794. Kulturne Dejiny
  4795. KulturPoetik
  4796. Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi
  4797. Landscapes
  4798. Law and Economics Yearly Review
  4799. Law and Literature
  4800. Le Mali médical
  4801. Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook
  4802. Letteratura e Letterature
  4803. LIA Today
  4804. Library and Information History
  4805. Lied und Populare Kultur
  4806. Lijecnicki Vjesnik
  4807. Lingvisticae Investigationes
  4808. Lino
  4809. Lithuanian historical studies / Lithuanian Institute of History
  4810. London Business School Review
  4811. Lusitania Sacra
  4812. Machine Design
  4813. Magazine Antiques
  4814. Manufacturing Engineering
  4815. Manuscripta Orientalia
  4816. Mapping and Image Science
  4817. Massachusetts Review
  4818. Matematica, Cultura e Societa
  4819. Mathematics Teaching-Research Journal
  4820. Mediaevalia Historica Bohemica
  4821. Mediaeval Studies
  4822. Medica Jadertina
  4823. Medical radiology
  4824. Medicina Clinica Practica
  4825. Mediterranean Chronicle
  4826. Mediterranean Historical Review
  4827. Mediterranee
  4828. Medizinrecht
  4829. Metacritic Journal for Comparative Studies and Theory
  4830. Methexis
  4831. Metodo
  4832. Metropolitan Museum Journal
  4833. Michigan historical review, The
  4834. Microwaves and RF
  4835. Middle Eastern Literatures
  4836. Midwest Quarterly, The
  4837. Military Law Review
  4838. Milton Quarterly
  4839. Ming studies
  4840. Mitteilungen - Verbandes der Deutschen Hohlen- Und Karstforscher
  4841. Moenia
  4842. Moreana
  4843. Mouseion
  4844. Moyen Francais
  4845. Museum History Journal
  4846. Musical Quarterly
  4847. Musicology Australia
  4848. Musikforschung
  4849. MusikTheorie
  4850. Muveszettorteneti Ertesito
  4851. Muzealnictwo
  4852. Narodopisny vestnik
  4853. Nederlandse Letterkunde
  4854. Neonatal intensive care : the journal of perinatology-neonatology
  4855. Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik
  4856. Neurophysiologie-Labor
  4857. New Cinemas
  4858. News and Tech
  4859. New Zealand Journal of History
  4860. Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences
  4861. Nijhoff Law Specials
  4862. Nineteenth Century Prose
  4863. Nobel Medicus
  4864. Nonwovens Industry
  4865. North and West London Journal of General Practice
  4866. Northern History
  4867. Nosileftiki
  4868. NTUT Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Management
  4869. Nuclear Future
  4870. Nuclear Plant Journal
  4871. Oase
  4872. Onkologia i Radioterapia
  4873. Onkologie (Czech Republic)
  4874. Ons Geestelijk Erf
  4875. Osteologicky Bulletin
  4876. Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Volkskunde
  4877. Oud Holland
  4878. Overland
  4879. Pacific Northwest Quarterly
  4880. Paint and Coatings Industry
  4881. Palaeobulgarica
  4882. Paper Asia
  4883. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America
  4884. Paremia
  4885. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography
  4886. PentecoStudies
  4887. Perspective infirmière : revue officielle de l'Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec
  4888. Pharmakeftiki
  4889. Pharma-Kritik
  4890. Philippine Statistician
  4891. Philosophische Rundschau
  4892. Physicist
  4893. Pipeline and Gas Journal
  4894. Plainsong and Medieval Music
  4895. Plastics Technology
  4896. Poetry Review
  4897. Poetry Wales
  4898. Policlinico - Sezione Medica
  4899. Pomegranate
  4900. Portuguese Studies
  4901. Professional Papermaking
  4902. Progress in Respiratory Research
  4903. Prologue
  4904. Prometeica
  4905. Przeglad Archiwalny Instytutu Pamieci Narodowej
  4906. Przeglad Nauk Historycznych
  4907. Psychiatrie
  4908. Publications of the English Goethe Society
  4909. Pulp and Paper Canada
  4910. Quaderns
  4911. Quebec Studies
  4912. Questions Liturgiques
  4913. Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History
  4914. Radovi Zavoda za Znanstvenoistrazivacki i Umjetnicki Rad u Bjelovaru
  4915. Radwaste Solutions
  4916. R and D: Research and Development Kobe Steel Engineering Reports
  4917. Rassegna Storica del Risorgimento
  4918. Real Estate Taxation
  4919. Reflets et Perspectives de la Vie Economique
  4920. Reflexe
  4921. Reformation and Renaissance Review
  4922. Reinardus
  4923. Relation
  4924. Religion and Literature
  4925. Religious Inquiries
  4926. Reports on Mathematical Logic
  4927. Res Musica
  4928. Res Rhetorica
  4929. Review of Economic Analysis
  4930. Review of Rabbinic Judaism
  4931. Revista Arheologica
  4932. Revista Conhecimento Online
  4933. Revista de Ciencias Farmaceuticas Basica e Aplicada
  4934. Revista de Estudios Colombianos
  4935. Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos
  4936. Revista de Estudios Orteguianos
  4937. Revista de Estudos Criminais
  4938. Revista de Etnografie si Folclor
  4939. Revista de Etnologie si Culturologie
  4940. Revista de Filologia Alemana
  4941. Revista de Fitoterapia
  4942. Revista de Hispanismo Filosofico
  4943. Revista de Literatura Medieval
  4944. Revista de Musicologia
  4945. Revista de Obras Publicas
  4946. Revista de Psicologia de la Salud
  4947. Revista de Quimica e Industria Textil
  4948. Revista Espanola de Filosofia Medieval
  4949. Revista Espanola de Pediatria
  4950. Revista Medica de Rosario
  4951. Revista Mexicana de Angiologia
  4952. Revista Notas Historicas y Geograficas
  4953. Revista Portuguesa de Historia
  4954. Revue de Linguistique Romane
  4955. Revue de Philosophie Ancienne
  4956. Revue des Etudes Byzantines
  4957. Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Theologiques
  4958. Revue de synthese / Centre international de synthese
  4959. Revue de Theologie et de Philosophie
  4960. Revue d Etudes Augustiniennes et Patristiques
  4961. Revue d'Histoire de l'Amerique Francaise
  4962. Revue Historique
  4963. Revue Internationale de Droit Economique
  4964. Ricerca Folklorica
  4965. Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica
  4966. Ricerche di Storia Politica
  4967. RIHA Journal
  4968. Rijksmuseum Bulletin
  4969. Rivista Italiana di Medicina dell'Adolescenza
  4970. Rivista Storica Italiana
  4971. Romanische Forschungen
  4972. Romantische Zeitschrift fur Literaturgeschichte - Cahiers de Histoire des Litteratures Romanes
  4973. Russell - Journal of the Bertrand Russell Studies
  4974. Russian Studies in Literature
  4975. Sacris Erudiri
  4976. Saeculum
  4977. Sales and Marketing Management
  4978. Salus
  4979. SARE
  4980. Scandinavica
  4981. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur GanzheitsMedizin
  4982. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Religions- und Kulturgeschichte
  4983. SCRIPTA
  4984. Scripta Classica Israelica
  4985. Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia
  4986. Scriptorium
  4987. Series on Contemporary China
  4988. Series on Knots and Everything
  4989. Shakespeare Quarterly
  4990. Shakespeare Studies
  4991. SHAW
  4992. Signos Filosoficos
  4993. Signos Historicos
  4994. Silicon Semiconductor
  4995. Simiolus
  4996. Sinapse
  4997. Sino-Christian Studies
  4998. Situations
  4999. Slovansky prehled
  5000. Smithsonian
  5001. Sobornost Incorporating Eastern Churches Review
  5002. Sociedad Espanola de Estudios Renacentistas Ingleses
  5003. Societate si Politica
  5004. Societes
  5005. Sokendai Review of Cultural and Social Studies
  5006. Solid State Technology
  5007. Southern Humanities Review
  5008. Specijalna Edukacija i Rehabilitacija
  5009. Spenser Studies
  5010. Spiegel der Letteren
  5011. Stadsgeschiedenis
  5012. Stand
  5013. Strategic Survey
  5014. Studia Historica, Historia Antigua
  5015. Studia Historica, Historia Medieval
  5016. Studia Monastica
  5017. Studia Mythologica Slavica
  5018. Studia Neoaristotelica
  5019. Studia Norwidiana
  5020. Studia Orientalia Slovaca
  5021. Studia Pneumologica et Phthiseologica
  5022. Studia Poliana
  5023. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica
  5024. Studi Danteschi
  5025. Studi di Estetica
  5026. Studi e Problemi di Critica Testuale
  5027. Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization
  5028. Studies in Latin American Popular Culture
  5029. Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions
  5030. Studies in Regional Science
  5031. Studies in Theology and Religion
  5032. Studies in World Christianity
  5033. Studi Etruschi
  5034. Studii de Istoria si Teoria Arhitecturii
  5035. Studii si cercetari lingvistice
  5036. Studi sulla Questione Criminale
  5037. Sulzer Technical Review
  5038. Suo
  5039. Svet Literatury
  5040. Sylvia
  5041. Synergies Espagne
  5042. Synergies Turquie
  5043. Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies
  5044. Tamsui Oxford Journal of Information and Mathematical Sciences
  5045. T and D
  5046. Taurus
  5047. Technische Textilien
  5048. Temas Medievales
  5049. Teorie Vedy/ Theory of Science
  5050. Terrae Incognitae
  5051. Texas Transportation Researcher
  5052. Textile Magazine
  5053. Textiles South East Asia
  5054. Textiles Trends
  5055. Textile View2 Magazine
  5056. Theatre History Studies
  5057. Theatre Research in Canada-Recherches Theatrales au Canada
  5058. Theologische Literaturzeitung
  5059. Theologische Quartalschrift
  5060. Theologische Rundschau
  5061. Tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis
  5062. Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde
  5063. Timber Bulletin
  5064. Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal
  5065. Topicos
  5066. Traditio
  5067. Transactions Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire
  5068. Turkic Languages
  5069. Unitex
  5070. Urban History Review/Revue d'Histoire Urbaine
  5071. Urology Times
  5072. VDE Fachberichte
  5073. VDI Zeitschrift
  5074. Vergentis
  5075. Verifiche
  5076. Versus
  5077. Vetera Christianorum
  5078. Victorian Historical Journal
  5079. Victoriographies
  5080. Wochenblatt fuer Papierfabrikation
  5081. Word and Text
  5082. Word of Mouth
  5083. Working Paper of the Helen Kellogg Institute for International Studies
  5084. World Scientific Studies in International Economics
  5085. World Sports Activewear
  5086. Yale French Studies
  5087. Yokohama Medical Journal
  5088. Yorkshire Archaeological Journal
  5089. Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce
  5090. Zeitschrift fur Deutsche Philologie
  5091. Zeitschrift fur Katholische Theologie
  5092. Zgodovina za Vse
  5093. Zutot
  5094. Zwingliana
  5095. ABA Journal
  5096. ABU Technical Review
  5097. Acta Literaria
  5098. Acta Orientalia
  5099. Acta Poetica
  5100. Ada User Journal
  5101. AIMS Journal
  5102. Airline Business
  5103. Aisthesis
  5104. Akzente
  5105. Alea
  5106. Allgemeine Zeitschrift fur Philosophie
  5107. American, British and Canadian Studies
  5108. American Forests
  5109. American Literary Realism
  5110. American Literary Scholarship
  5111. American Poetry Review
  5112. Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care
  5113. Analele Universitatii Ovidius Constanta, Seria Filologie
  5114. Anales de la Literatura Espanola Contemporanea
  5115. Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana
  5116. Anclajes
  5117. Annales de Bourgogne
  5118. Annals of the Naprstek Museum
  5119. Annee Balzacienne
  5120. Antik Tanulmanyok
  5121. Antioch Review, The
  5122. Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia
  5123. Apollo
  5124. Appalachian Journal
  5125. Apparel
  5126. Appropriate Technology
  5127. Arcadia
  5128. Architect
  5129. Architectural Digest
  5130. Architectural Record
  5131. Architecture d'Aujourd Hui
  5132. Archives de Philosophie
  5133. Archives des Maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseaux - Pratique
  5134. Archives Juives
  5135. Archiv fur Reformationsgeschichte
  5136. Archivio di Filosofia
  5137. Archivio di Storia della Cultura
  5138. Archivio Storico Italiano
  5139. Arion - Journal of Humanities and the Classics
  5140. Arizona Quarterly
  5141. Art History
  5142. Arti Musices
  5143. Art in America
  5144. ARTnews
  5145. Arts of Asia
  5146. A + U-Architecture and Urbanism
  5147. Automotive Industries AI
  5148. Avant Scene Opera
  5149. Aviation Week and Space Technology
  5150. Axon
  5151. Ballet Review
  5152. Banking Law Journal
  5153. Behavioral Healthcare
  5154. Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Nieuwste Geschiedenis/ Revue Belge de Histoire Contemporaine
  5155. Bibel und Kirche
  5156. Biblische Zeitschrift
  5157. Biofutur
  5158. Boletin de Arte
  5159. Bollettino Storico - Bibliografico Subalpino
  5160. Bruniana e Campanelliana
  5161. Building Engineer
  5162. Bulgarian Historical Review
  5163. Bulletin de Litterature Ecclesiastique
  5164. BYU Studies Quarterly
  5165. Byzantion Nea Hellas
  5166. Cadernos de Linguagem e Sociedade
  5167. Cadernos de Traducao
  5168. Cahiers de Lexicologie
  5169. Cahiers de l'Institut de Linguistique de Louvain
  5170. Cahiers du Musee National d'Art Moderne
  5171. Cahiers Elisabethains
  5172. Canadian-American Slavic Studies
  5173. Canadian Packaging
  5174. Caravelle
  5175. Carte e la Storia
  5176. Catholica
  5177. Catholic Historical Review
  5178. Chasqui
  5179. Chemical Processing
  5180. China Textile and Apparel
  5181. Chinese Journal of Laboratory Medicine
  5182. Chinese Law and Government
  5183. Chinese Studies in History
  5184. Chirurgische Praxis
  5185. Chronique d'Egypte
  5186. Cincinnati Romance Review
  5187. Cineforum
  5188. Circular Farmaceutica
  5189. Civil-Comp Proceedings
  5190. Civilistica.com
  5191. Clavier Companion
  5192. Cleanroom Technology
  5193. Coating International
  5194. Coloquio-Letras
  5195. Communio Viatorum
  5196. Comparative Critical Studies
  5197. Concurrences
  5198. Confluencia
  5199. Connaissance des Arts
  5200. Contemporary Chinese Thought
  5201. Contract Pharma
  5202. Contrastes
  5203. Convivium (Czech Republic)
  5204. Corps and Psychisme
  5205. Cristianesimo nella Storia
  5206. Critical Survey
  5207. Critique (France)
  5208. Cuadernos de Literatura
  5209. Cutting Tool Engineering
  5210. Czas Kultury
  5211. Dairy Industries International
  5212. Dalhousie Review
  5213. Dance Magazine
  5214. Dancing Times
  5215. Daphnis
  5216. Degres
  5217. Dental Press Endodontics
  5218. Design Engineering (Toronto)
  5219. Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift fur Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte
  5220. Dialogue and Universalism
  5221. Dialogues d'Histoire Ancienne
  5222. Dialogues in Cardiovascular Medicine
  5223. Discusiones Filosoficas
  5224. Divadelni Revue
  5225. Dix-Huitieme Siecle
  5226. Dix-Septieme Siecle
  5227. Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale
  5228. Drapers
  5229. Du: Zeitschrift Der Kultur
  5230. Early Medieval Europe
  5231. Earth
  5232. Eau, l'INDUSTRIE, les Nuisances
  5233. eb - Elektrische Bahnen
  5234. EBR - European Biopharmaceutical Review
  5235. EC and M: Electrical Construction and Maintenance
  5236. Ecclesiology
  5237. ECN Electronic Component News
  5238. Economic Outlook
  5239. Economist
  5240. Education in Chemistry
  5241. Eighteenth-Century Life
  5242. Electronic Design
  5243. Electronic Products
  5244. Engineer
  5245. Engineered Systems
  5246. Engineering
  5247. English
  5248. English Studies in Africa
  5249. Environmental Engineering
  5250. Environmental Forum
  5251. Ephemerides Liturgicae
  5252. Epigraphica
  5253. EPRI Journal
  5254. Erga-Logoi
  5255. Ergotherapie und Rehabilitation
  5256. Ernahrung
  5257. Erosion Control
  5258. ESQ - Journal of the American Renaissance
  5259. Estudios de Teoria Literaria
  5260. Estudios Irlandeses
  5261. Estudis Romanics
  5262. Ethnographia
  5263. Etudes Anglaises
  5264. Etudes Classiques
  5265. Etudes Francaises
  5266. Etudes Theologiques et Religieuses
  5267. Eugene O'Neill Review
  5268. Euphorion - Zeitschrift fur Literaturgeschichte
  5269. Europe
  5270. Evangelische Theologie
  5271. Existenzanalyse
  5272. Eye - International Review of Graphic Design
  5273. Ezikov Svyat
  5274. Fabula
  5275. Festival dell'Architettura Magazine
  5276. Figures de la Psychanalyse
  5277. Filologija
  5278. Filozofska Istrazivanja
  5279. Fire Rescue Magazine
  5280. Flexo
  5281. Folia Linguistica et Litteraria
  5282. Food Manufacture
  5283. Forum Italicum
  5284. Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction
  5285. French Forum
  5286. Fruit Growing Research
  5287. Fuels and Lubes International
  5288. Gas Wasserfach Wasser Abwasser
  5289. Gazette des Archives
  5290. GEO: connexion
  5291. Geodezia es Kartografia
  5292. Geografija v Soli
  5293. Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift
  5294. German Life and Letters
  5295. German Studies Review
  5296. Gestalt
  5297. Giornale di Storia Costituzionale
  5298. Giornale Italiano di Endoscopia Digestiva
  5299. Giornale Storico della Letteratura Italiana
  5300. Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence
  5301. Glossae
  5302. Goethe Jahrbuch
  5303. Goya
  5304. Gradiva
  5305. Graphic Arts Monthly
  5306. Guerres Mondiales et Conflicts Contemporains
  5307. Hali
  5308. H and V News
  5309. Hart's E and P
  5310. Harvard Design Magazine
  5311. Haut
  5312. Hegel-Jahrbuch
  5313. Henoch
  5314. Highways
  5315. Hispanofila
  5316. Histoire Medievale et Archeologie
  5317. Historia (France)
  5318. Historicka Sociologie
  5319. Homme (Germany)
  5320. Hospital Infection Control and Prevention
  5321. Hungarian Studies
  5322. IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
  5323. Ikon
  5324. Images (Poland)
  5325. Imaginaire et Inconscient
  5326. Indian Historical Review
  5327. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology
  5328. Indian Silk
  5329. Infini
  5330. Information Grammaticale
  5331. Ink World
  5332. Innovations in Pharmaceutical Technology
  5333. Inter Bloc
  5334. Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift
  5335. Internationales Archiv fuer Sozialgeschichte der Deutschen Literatur
  5336. International Journal of Francophone Studies
  5337. International Paper Board Industry
  5338. International Review of African American Art
  5339. International Review of Allergology and Clinical Immunology in Family Medicine
  5340. Intersezioni
  5341. Intervencni a Akutni Kardiologie
  5342. IoTex
  5343. IRYO - Japanese Journal of National Medical Services
  5344. Islamic Quarterly
  5345. Italianistica
  5346. ITU News
  5347. James Joyce Quarterly
  5348. Japanese Journal of Clinical Chemistry
  5349. Japanese Journal of Clinical Urology
  5350. Japanese Journal of Plastic Surgery
  5351. JEC Composites Magazine
  5352. Jewish Culture and History
  5353. Jewish History
  5354. Joint Commission: The Source
  5355. JOT, Journal fuer Oberflaechentechnik
  5356. Journal Africain d'Hepato-Gastroenterologie
  5357. Journal des Professionnels de l'Enfance
  5358. Journal du Textile
  5359. Journal Europeen des Urgences et de Reanimation
  5360. Journal for Weavers, Spinners and Dyers
  5361. Journal fur Anasthesie und Intensivbehandlung
  5362. Journal fur Pharmakologie und Therapie
  5363. Journal International Medical Sciences Academy
  5364. Journal of Chinese Medicine
  5365. Journal of Chinese Philosophy
  5366. Journal of Coptic Studies
  5367. Journal of Japanese Dental Society of Anesthesiology
  5368. Journal of Jesuit Studies
  5369. Journal of Lusophone Studies
  5370. Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies
  5371. Journal of Modern Turkish History
  5372. Journal of Musicological Research
  5373. Journal of Philosophy ARHE
  5374. Journal of Rare Cardiovascular Diseases
  5375. Journal of Romance Studies
  5376. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering
  5377. Journal of the Indian Medical Association
  5378. Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan
  5379. Journal of the Medical Society of Toho University
  5380. Journal of the West
  5381. Kairos
  5382. Kenyon Review
  5383. Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte
  5384. Knitting International
  5385. Knjizevna Smotra
  5386. Kobunshi
  5387. Konsthistorisk Tidskrift
  5388. Konteksty
  5389. Kritika i Semiotika
  5390. Kyokai Joho Imeji Zasshi/Journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers
  5391. La Linguistique
  5392. Landfall
  5393. Langage et l'Homme
  5394. Latomus
  5395. Laval Theologique et Philosophique
  5396. Lectora
  5397. Legacy
  5398. Lege Artis Medicinae
  5399. Letonica
  5400. Lettres Romanes
  5401. Lexia
  5402. Liberte
  5403. Lighting Design and Application: LD and A
  5404. Lingua Nostra
  5405. Linguistica
  5406. Literary Imagination
  5407. Literatur und Kritik
  5408. Litterature
  5409. Logos and Pneuma - Chinese Journal of Theology
  5410. Lotus International
  5411. Louvain Medical
  5412. Louvain Studies
  5413. Lud
  5414. Luso-Brazilian Review
  5415. Machado de Assis em Linha
  5416. Machinery and Production Engineering
  5417. Maghreb - Machrek
  5418. Magyar Filozofiai Szemle
  5419. MAIA-Rivista di Letterature Classiche
  5420. Manufacturing Chemist
  5421. Marine Technology
  5422. Maritime by Holland
  5423. Materiali e Discussioni per l'Analisi dei Testi Classici
  5424. Medecins - Le Magazine Ordre National Des Medecins
  5425. Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry
  5426. Medievales
  5427. Medizintechnik
  5428. Memorias
  5429. Metal Casting Design and Purchasing
  5430. Metiers de la Petite Enfance
  5431. Metszet
  5432. Milton Studies
  5433. Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz
  5434. Modernist Cultures
  5435. Modern Philology
  5436. Montana : the magazine of western history
  5437. Motor Ship
  5438. Moving Image, The
  5439. MPT Metallurgical Plant and Technology International
  5440. MSW Management
  5441. Museum
  5442. Museum Helveticum
  5443. Musik und Kirche
  5444. Nau Literaria
  5445. Naval Architect
  5446. Neue Rundschau
  5447. Neuphilologische Mitteilungen
  5448. New Design
  5449. New Electronics
  5450. New England Quarterly-A Historical Review of New England Life and Letters
  5451. New Mexico Historical Review
  5452. Nishinihon Journal of Dermatology
  5453. Nishinihon Journal of Urology
  5454. North American Review
  5455. Northern Logger and Timber Processor
  5456. Nottingham French Studies
  5457. Nouvelle Revue Francaise
  5458. Nuclear Engineering International
  5459. Numen Book Series
  5460. Oeil
  5461. Olhydraulik und Penumatik
  5462. Online (Wilton, Connecticut)
  5463. Opera
  5464. Opuscula Historiae Artium
  5465. Oriente Moderno
  5466. Orillas
  5467. Osmanli Arastirmalari - Journal of Ottoman Studies
  5468. Osservatorio del Diritto Civile e Commerciale
  5469. Osterreichisches Archiv fur Recht und Religion
  5470. Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (Tokyo)
  5471. Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Tokyo
  5472. Oxford Literary Review
  5473. Pacific Coast Philology
  5474. Package Printing
  5475. Packaging News
  5476. Paediatria Croatica, Supplement
  5477. PAJ - Journal of Performance and Art
  5478. Pamietnik Literacki
  5479. Paper360
  5480. Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature
  5481. Parabola
  5482. Paris Review
  5483. Parole de l'Orient
  5484. Pediatriya
  5485. Pensee
  5486. Pensee Plurielle
  5487. Performance Apparel Markets
  5488. Perfusion (Germany)
  5489. Perinatology
  5490. Perspective (France)
  5491. Petroleum Economist
  5492. Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Packing Sourcer
  5493. Pharmaceutical Outsourcing
  5494. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad
  5495. Pharmacy Times
  5496. Pharmazeutische Zeitung
  5497. Philippine Journal of Nursing
  5498. Philological Quarterly
  5499. Philosophia Christi
  5500. Philosophical Readings
  5501. Plant Engineering
  5502. Poetry
  5503. Point Veterinaire
  5504. Polymers Paint Colour Journal
  5505. Porownania
  5506. Positif
  5507. Poznanskie Studia Polonistyczne, Seria Literacka
  5508. Practica Otologica
  5509. Practica Otologica, Supplement
  5510. Preservation
  5511. Print and Promo
  5512. Printed Circuit Design and Fab
  5513. Printing Impressions
  5514. Print Quarterly
  5515. Printwear
  5516. Project Baikal
  5517. Prospettiva
  5518. Przeglad Filozoficzno-Literacki
  5519. Przekladaniec
  5520. Przestrzenie Teorii
  5521. PZ Prisma
  5522. Quaderni Storici
  5523. Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica
  5524. Quebec Journal of International Law
  5525. Queens Quarterly
  5526. Quintana
  5527. Quinzaine Litteraire
  5528. Quiroga
  5529. Radix
  5530. Raisons Politiques
  5531. RA Revista de Arquitectura
  5532. Recherche et Formation
  5533. Recherche et Pratiques Pedagogiques en Langues de Specialite - Cahiers de l'APLIUT
  5534. Recherches de Science Religieuse
  5535. Religion and the Arts
  5536. Religious Studies Review
  5537. Renaissance and Reformation
  5538. Rentgenologiya i Radiologiya
  5539. Res: Anthropology and Aesthetics
  5540. Research and Development (Barrington, Illinois)
  5541. Resource Recycling
  5542. Restaurant Business
  5543. Review - Literature and Arts of the Americas
  5544. Revisiones en Cancer
  5545. Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispanicos
  5546. Revista de Direito Civil Contemporaneo
  5547. Revista de Filosofia: Aurora
  5548. Revista de Letras
  5549. Revista del Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias
  5550. Revista de Patologia Respiratoria
  5551. Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciencia da Informacao
  5552. Revista Iberoamericana
  5553. Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
  5554. Revmatologiia (Bulgaria)
  5555. Revue Benedictine
  5556. Revue de l'Art
  5557. Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale
  5558. Revue des Etudes Juives
  5559. Revue des Langues Romanes
  5560. Revue des Sciences Humaines
  5561. Revue d'Histoire du Theatre
  5562. Revue d'Histoire Ecclesiastique
  5563. Revue du Podologue
  5564. Revue Philosophique de la France et de La Etranger
  5565. Revue Philosophique de Louvain
  5566. Revue Roumaine de Philosophie
  5567. Revue Theologique de Louvain
  5568. Revue Thomiste
  5569. Rinascimento
  5570. Rivista degli Studi Orientali
  5571. Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale
  5572. Rivista di Letterature Moderne e Comparate
  5573. Rivista di Storia del Christianesino
  5574. Rivista di storia della chiesa in Italia
  5575. Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa
  5576. Rivista Italiana della Saldatura
  5577. RLC - Revue de Litterature Comparee
  5578. Romanica Cracoviensia
  5579. Romanic Review
  5580. Ruch Filozoficzny
  5581. Salmagundi
  5582. Sang Thrombose Vaisseaux
  5583. Savoirs et Clinique
  5584. Schweizer Zeitschrift fur Gynakologie
  5585. Scottish Literary Review
  5586. Screen Printing
  5587. Sculpture Journal
  5588. Sculpture Review
  5589. Seibutsu-kogaku Kaishi
  5590. Selvedge
  5591. Shagi/ Steps
  5592. Short Film Studies
  5593. Sinn und Form
  5594. Sixteenth Century Journal
  5595. Skin Research
  5596. Slavic and East European Journal
  5597. Slovenska Literatura
  5598. SMT Surface Mount Technology Magazine
  5599. Sociologia
  5600. Source
  5601. Spolia
  5602. Spore
  5603. Sportswear International
  5604. Stasis
  5605. Street Art and Urban Creativity
  5606. Strumenti Critici
  5607. Studia Gilsoniana
  5608. Studia Historiae Scientiarum
  5609. Studia Judaica
  5610. Studia Litterarum
  5611. Studia Musicologica
  5612. Studia Philosophica
  5613. Studies in Canadian Literature - Etudes en Litterature Canadienne
  5614. Studies in Chinese Religions
  5615. Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century
  5616. Studi Francesi
  5617. Studii si Cercetari Fliologice, Seria Limbi Romanice
  5618. Studi Piemontesi
  5619. SWE Magazine
  5620. Taller de Letras
  5621. Tanz
  5622. Technical Textiles International
  5623. Technische Sicherheit
  5624. Technoetic Arts
  5625. Teikyo Medical Journal
  5626. Tekst, Kniga, Knigoizdaniye
  5627. Teksty Drugie
  5628. Teologinen Aikakauskirja
  5629. Textile Network
  5630. Textile Rental
  5631. Textiles Panamericanos
  5632. Textile View Magazine
  5633. Textil-Revue
  5634. TextilWirtschaft
  5635. Text und Kritik
  5636. Theaterheute
  5637. Theatralia
  5638. Theologica Xaveriana
  5639. Theologische Beitrage
  5640. ThyssenKrupp techforum
  5641. Tijdschrift voor Filosofie
  5642. Tijdschrift Voor Geschiedenis
  5643. Tijdschrift voor Theologie
  5644. TLS - The Times Literary Supplement
  5645. Tonos Digital
  5646. Torres de Lucca
  5647. Trabajo y Derecho
  5648. Translation Review
  5649. Transsylvania Nostra
  5650. Travaux de Litterature
  5651. Triquarterly
  5652. Tuna
  5653. Tunnels and Tunnelling International
  5654. Turkbilig
  5655. Twist
  5656. Tzintzun
  5657. Umeni
  5658. VDI-Z Integrierte Produktion
  5659. Verhaltenstherapie und Verhaltensmedizin
  5660. Vertiflite
  5661. Verwaltung
  5662. Victorian Poetry
  5663. Virginia Quarterly Review
  5664. Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine
  5665. Voprosy Literatury
  5666. Wasafiri
  5667. Water and Wastes Digest
  5668. Wenshan Review of Literature and Culture
  5669. Western Humanities Review
  5670. Whitehall Papers
  5671. Wordsworth Circle
  5672. World Oil
  5673. Yale Review
  5674. Year's Work in English Studies
  5675. Zeichen
  5676. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft
  5677. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte, Germanistische Abteilung
  5678. Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte
  5679. Zeitschrift fur Religions- und Geistesgeschichte
  5680. Zivot Umjetnosti